Chapter 5: Who You Love

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Jeric and I together with the Tengs flew to Davao for Jeric’s game. And his family and I are all here to support him.

These past few games Jeric’s game has been declining and he feels that his position in the team is on the line. Though his teammates and the team managers believe and think that this is just a phase in his career. Jeric, on the other hand, is pressuring himself too much. So now, he feels like he has something to prove.

But I, not only me but also his family, keep on reminding him that he’ll be fine. And we always tell him that we will always and always support him no matter what.

So now, we’re in Davao for an out-of-Manila PBA game. And it’s the Tengs hometown. We arrived at the hotel and freshened up. Jeric and the other Elasto Painters went to the game venue right after they have freshened up for practice.

Tita Susan and Tito Alvin went to the latter’s parent house. They said that we will all go there after Jeric’s game. Jeron stayed in the hotel to take a nap.

Ate Alyssa and Almira toured me around the city since it’s my first time here. We went to different historic places here in Davao. They also made me eat durian. And yes, it’s all true. It does smell like poop but it tastes perfect. We also went shopping. Girls. Hehehe.

Jeric met up with us after his practice.

“You’re supposed to be resting, Jec,” I told him.

“My day won’t be complete without you.” He said and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Ahia, we won’t let anything happen to Anna naman,” Ate Alyssa said.

“Alam mo ang damot mo Ahia!” Almira butted in.

“She’s my girlfriend Shobe, not yours.” Jeric said. Almira stuck her tongue out to her older brother.

“Jeric, tama naman kasi si Mira at si Ate Alyssa. And you need to focus on your game.” I said to him.

“Anna, why don’t you start calling us Achi and Shobe na lang. You’re already part of the family.” Ate Alyssa said.

“Yeah! We’re like sisters na! You’re my Dichi na rin. Call me shobe!” Almira cheerfully added.

I looked at Jeric and he smiled at me. “You’ll be a Teng soon.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Excuse me, Mr. Teng, you have to ask me first then I’ll think about it,” I retorted and it’s my turn to smirk at him.

“Burn Ahia!” Almira commented on the side.

Jeric’s face is evident of shock. He took what I said seriously. “You wouldn’t want to be my wife?” I tinge of pain in his eyes.

I smiled at him and held up my hand to touch his face. “I didn’t say anything like that. I’d be very happy if it’s meant for us.” I said to him lovingly.

“Ayan naman pala eh. So you’re my Dichi na and I’m your Shobe. Masasanay ka rin,” Almira said and winked.

“Okay Shobe,” I said which made us all giggle.

We were on our way to the venue and Jeric is fidgeting all over everything.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked him. We are seated at the middle of the van that Tito Alvin rented for all of us.

“Nothing. I feel so uneasy today. Maybe just nervous for the game,” and he smiled but that smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“Baby, you’re overthinking again. You’ll be great, don’t worry. You know basketball at the back of your hand. It’s a part of you. Just enjoy the game and play your heart out.” I said to pump him up.

A Story of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon