13. I Like It Pt. 2

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yah, your smirk!" I exclaimed, loud enough for only the two of us to hear. 

"What about it?" he asked, tilting his head to one side. 

"How the hell did you- you couldn't smirk before! What is this?!" I questioned. 

"The real me," he said and smirked again. This time he failed (once again, play along. We all know that's a smile 😂)


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"Ani. Your smirk just went back to that pedo one from before. Ew," I commented. He playfully punched my arm. "Yah, oppa! I will chop your hand off if you do that again," I threatened. He simply chuckled.

time skip

​​​"Opppaaaaa," I whined. He turned to face me. 

"Ne?" he spoke.

"We've been on this bus forever (WE ARE YOUNG~)," I complained.

"Yah, stop complaining. We're nearly there," he responded. The bus suddenly came to a halt. 

"This is our stop. Come on," he said, grabbing my left hand and dragging me off the bus. I winced in pain as my wrist stung, from the cuts I had made on it, and looked down to see that my arm was exposed; I was wearing a short sleeved shirt and somehow, I forgot to wear a cardigan over it. Wait. Wasn't I wearing this when I was with Hoseok oppa earlier? Did he notice?! I mean, it didn't look like he did... I really hope he didn't. But now, Jimin oppa is here. How am I supposed to conceal it from him? 

"YAH!" Jimin oppa yelled in my face; I jumped a little at how loud he was. 

"Huh? Ne?" I responded, startled. 

"You okay? You zoned out for a minute there" he questioned. I nodded my head in response. I noticed that he wasn't holding my arm anymore so I took this as an opportunity to hide the bandage. 

"Yeah. I'm fine," I spoke, hiding my left arm behind my back successfully.

"Come on, then. Gaja (let's go)!" he said, leading the way. I followed him to a large meadow and stared in awe at the beautiful landscape. Not long afterwards, I spotted a small picnic mat on the floor under a tree, a basket placed on top of it; Jimin oppa took a seat and patted his hand on the grass, motioning me to sit next to him. As soon as I did, I felt the cool shade of the tree bring a sense of peace and calmness to me. 


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