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16. M I R A

      My eyes open and all I see is a wall of grey, and my first thought is, I'm imprisoned in the void again

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My eyes open and all I see is a wall of grey, and my first thought is, I'm imprisoned in the void again.

But the muffled sobbing of a woman tells me I'm wrong. I roll on my back with a groan, and I feel as if I've been repeatedly hit with a concrete hammer.

Suddenly, it all comes rushing back to me, my home was invaded and demolished. By a band of human hunters led by Octavius, and his fowl eye. My legs still ache with burns from the whipping Leila gave me. And Horace's weak voice suggesting I be sent to a labour camp, plagues me.

I close my eyes, it's all so much. I can still feel the heat emanating from the fire that desecrated the church. The memories haunt me, the smell of burning wood lingers on my body while ash stains me. The sound of glass exploding pierces my mind. Although the island was sinking, it seems wrong that the land was so brutally abused beforehand. Just like that, my home is gone. Only two reminders of the island remain, Thorn and I.


I bolt up and unfortunately my forehead slams into a pipeline that runs from floor to ceiling. A hum of pain escapes from me.

"Careful now," a woman calls to me.

My eyes shut from whiplash as I let the ringing in my head subside. I'll definitely be sporting knots and bruises tomorrow, if I live. As of now my fate doesn't look so hopeful.

I look around to see I've been hauled into a small room with six other people, two women, and four men. A fluorescent lightbulb is dangling from the ceiling, revealing a basic holding area. Like me, the others have wiring binding their hands. Some are sporting injuries of their own, and a few are looking at me with hate.

Across from me is a woman who seems to be in her late thirties. She has kind brown eyes, and a soft round face.

"Did you do that to ole cyclops?" She asks me. Her lips turn at the corners.

It takes me a few seconds to understand she's referring to Octavius, and the injury I gave him. I nod mutely, unable to find my voice. Maybe it's from the shock of what's happened, or maybe it's from the disappointment of life. I think of my daydreams, of pining after finding others like me, a society. I had imagined a perfect world, a peaceful world. Instead, I was met with violence and greed. My wish has come true, in the form of a twisted nightmare.

"Can't you talk?" She asks me.

My eyes flicker around the room again, she's the only one who isn't looking at me with fear or hate. The men are glaring at me resentfully. Which confuses me, how can these people who don't know me, hate me? And why would they fear me?

"Yeah," my voice is raspy as I drag out the words. "I did that." I won't ignore the only person who wants to talk to me.

She laughs, and a genuine smile lights up her face. "How'd you do it?"

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