Chapter 15

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Hakyeon slammed the door shut behind him as we entered my apartment. I had never seen him look so irritated before. He was usually the kind of guy to let just about anything roll off his shoulders. It was unusual for anything to really piss him off. He stood in front of the door, staring at me with raised eyebrows, waiting for my explanation.

“Well… You see there was trouble with Yun Hee and Yoongi and we needed to help them. She thought he cheated but he didn’t, Jimin egged her on of course. Then we decided we needed to prove that Taehyung never cheated on her so Yun Hee would stop believing Jimin. Then-” I scrambled my words out quickly but Hakyeon cut me off.

“And how is that any of your business?” He spoke curtly, shooting me a glare and crossing his arms over his chest.

“I… Well…” Of course he would think it wasn’t my business or any else’s. He didn’t understand our friendship and the dynamic we had. To him it seemed immature, to us it was just another day. “She’s my friend, they’re all my friends. I just want everyone to be okay. I want to help.”

He scoffed at me. “Are you a teenager? Why is it your job to run around and fix other people’s mistakes? You have your own life to live, maybe you should stop meddling in theirs.”

I was bewildered at his sudden attitude. He would normally laugh at me for being nosey and go about whatever else he was doing. “Why are you being like this right now? This is so unlike you Hakyeon. Is it because I was hanging out with Hoseok?”

He sighed and rolled his eyes, moving to sit down on the couch. “It’s not that you hung out with him… It’s how you interacted with him. I saw the whole thing in the hallway, remember? I need to ask you something and I need you to give me 100% honesty, Su Jin.”

I gulped and took a seat next to him. My stomach was churning in nervousness, I had a dreadful feeling in my gut about what he was going to ask me. I nodded in agreement and he took a deep breath, gathering his courage to ask.

He looked up at me with a sad expression, causing my chest to tighten. “Do you still love Hoseok?”

I was absolutely frozen by his question. I couldn’t even blink as I just stared back at him. If I had anything in my stomach in that moment I would have surely puked all over the place from the feeling of being punched in the stomach. A few minutes passed of silence, Hakyeon looking at me, with his hopeful eyes losing their glint with every minute. Speak, Su Jin! Tell him you don’t still love Hoseok. Crap but do I still love him? I don’t know, I feel so confused. After being around him again I know I still feel something towards him. Maybe just close friendship?

Hakyeon closed his eyes and looked away from me, unsatisfied with my silence. “I think we need to take a break to think about our feelings. You’re clearly confused and I don’t want to continue this if you’re still in love with someone else.”

I choked out a short reply. “I don’t want to break up.”

He looked back at me for a minute and tried to force a small smile. “I didn’t say break up yet. I think you need to figure out who you want to be with.”

“I thought you said you wouldn’t let him have me.” I asked, remembering Hakyeon joking at dinner.

He chuckled a little at that. “I wouldn’t let him have you, but It’s out of my control if you never stopped loving him. What should I do? Hold you captive? I won’t do that. I can’t change your feelings, as much as I want to.”

He pat me on the head as he stood up and gave me a short smile before leaving me alone in my apartment. Just when things seem to be looking up, everything comes crashing down. Maybe he’s right though, it’s only fair I figure out how I’m feeling. I trudged to my bedroom and collapsed onto my squishy bed. I crawled under the covers and turned on one of my favorite movies, trying to just clear my head and get some rest.

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