Chapter 2

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After school I met my friends by the front, they were arguing about where we should hang out when I realized I forgot my bag inside.

"Oh I'll be right back, try to have a place picked out by then, please?" I ran and left my friends as I made my way back into the school. I quickly turned the corner to my locker and ran straight into another student.

I stumbled backwards, regaining my balance before falling. "I'm sorry! I was just in a hurry!" I was trying to apologize when I locked eyes with the boy from lunch again. "Oh, it's you."

"What? Oh it's you? You mean you don't recognize me?" He shook his head and pouted at me. "How can you not recognize your dear friend?"

I stared at him briefly, studying his familiar features. "Are you by any chance... Kim Namjoon?"

My statement caused a grin to spread on his face. He threw his arms around me in a hug. "I knew you wouldn't forget me! It's only been a few years!"

Kim Namjoon was my old neighbor and friend. We were close friends when we were younger until he moved away about 4 years ago. He had to transfer schools as well, I never found out where he went because we lost touch. He was my closest friend until I met Hyo Rin. They never really got along well so I had to split my time between them. I met Yun Hee after he had moved in my first year of high school.

We talked for a few minutes before I remembered why I came barreling around the corner in the first place. I explained to him that I was supposed to be meeting my friends, who were arguing over a place to hangout at. He suggested that we join him and his friends to a coffee shop.

"Well, I will ask them. You remember how Hyo Rin can be, hopefully she doesn't hate you anymore." I laughed awkwardly, it was great to see him again but also weird after so much time. I didn't know who any of his friends were either, making me nervous.

He understood and offered to invite my friends personally.

Hyo Rin was hesitant at first, but she eventually agreed. Yun Hee was practically jumping up and down, I think it was the hormones making her excited to be surrounded by his good looking friends. I shook my head at her and laughed as she dragged Hyo Rin and I along after Namjoon.

We walked with him to the coffee shop where all his friends were already waiting, they gave him strange looks for walking in with us.

"Guys, this is my old friend Su Jin, we used to be neighbors." He pointed at me and I smiled at the boys, waving.

"I'm Su Jin, it's nice to meet you. These are my friends, Hyo Rin and Yun Hee." I motioned towards my friends. Hyo Rin was holding Yun Hee by the arm clearly stopping her trying to go flirt with one the boys.

Namjoon introduced each of his friends to us, Jin, Jungkook, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin. The last person he introduced us to was Hoseok.

"You can call me Hobi." he chimed and flashed a radiant smile. Oh... His smile is really nice. I felt my stomach twist a little. Agh why am I getting so nervous?! It's not like i've never seen a cute guy before. Calm down Su Jin, inhale and exhale.


The next day at lunch, Namjoon and his friends joined our table at lunch. They hadn't made any other friends yet and we all got along pretty well. Namjoon sat down beside me, getting in between Hyo Rin and myself. I was shocked to see her excitedly chatting with Jin instead of lecturing Namjoon for practically pushing her aside. Hoseok sat down on my other side, once again showing off his bright smile causing my cheeks to flush. Not again! Get yourself together Su Jin!

"Hey Su Jin! How are--" Hoseok started but was interrupted by Yun Hee laughing loudly at Taehyung, who had chopsticks in his mouth and was clapping his hands together like a zoo animal.

He is my Hope. [BTS Jhope] ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt