Ch 6- Vergessene Kinder (Forgotten Children)

Start from the beginning

​Entering the kitchen, Mrs. DePice looked up, "I was baking this for your birthday, but since you're here-" She glanced around for a knife to cut the steaming pie.

​The apples gushed out from the holes within the top of the perfectly golden crust. Powder sugar sprinkled over the top, melted into the apple filling, leaving a decoration of lightly dusted white to cover the crust. A sliver reflection from the knife hit the wall as the light struck at an angle. Though, it slowly faded as the sharpened edge crunched through the crust to allow the steam of the fruit to escape.

​At that moment, I could think of nothing that smelled as delicious as the pie lying on the table. For one my mind had been cleared of any thought but the desert.

​Placing myself at the table, a plate slid towards me, and as soon as a fork became grasped in my hands, I scarfed down the pie from heaven. It burned my throat, as it smoothly glided across my tongue. As always, there, in front of me, sat a full glass of milk, which I then gulped down as well. Another slice of pie appeared upon my plate, but I looked down toward the floor, my thoughts finally piling back into my head.

​Mrs. DePice immediately saw the hesitation in enjoying the second piece. I'd usually never have a second thought about eating anything she cooked.

​"Is everything ok Sephora?" she asked.

​"Sure," I replied even though I knew I just needed to bite the bullet and ask. Never, had I ever, found it hard to speak to Adileigh's mom. But today, I felt as if the question would bring up some kind of judgment.

​I placed my hand on the front pocket of my jeans and felt immediate comfort as I stroked the folded picture, still hidden. There was no use in dragging the moment out any longer; however, Adileigh cut the news before I could spit out a word.

​"Mom, Gretchen-"

​"Gretchen? Use your manners," cut in Mrs. DePice.

​"She doesn't care," I replied. Mum enjoyed having a looser relationship with people. She felt no need for formality especially since Adileigh always found herself over at my house.

​"Gretchen," Adileigh said firmly, "broke some news to us a couple days ago about Sephora's father."

​"She told me never to bring it up," Mrs. DePice stated. "I won't go against her will."

​Though, with a nod from Adileigh, I removed the half crumpled picture from my pocket. This morning I would've never thought of bring up my family as a topic with even the closet people I call family, but I rubbed the crease against the table to flatten the picture.

​Slowly flipping the photo side up, I handed it to the person who dared not talk while I revealed a snapshot from the past.

​A gasp broke the silence. Her face unreadable, as she opened her mouth, then soon closed it as at a loss for words. Minutes passed as she analyzed the photo.

​Finally she spoke, "This was taken in ninety-two, by me."

​I waited for more to come, but she talked no more.

​"That means you know who he is." I stated the obvious.

​"Mom," Adileigh asked, carefully trying to avoid a spurt of anger to explode, "who is he?"

​"I'd never thought I'd see this picture again. It was the day before he left you." Her fingers brushed each face in the picture, recalling the memory. "He left everything behind."

​Another silence held in the room, allowing an eerie feeling to crawl on my skin. I stared into the space wanting to know more, yet afraid. My fear of fear twisted in my gut.

​"Jörg Kaulitz."

​A shared glance passed between Adileigh's eyes and mine. Her lips kept moving, but life became a blur.

​Low blow to the gut caused my air to disparate. I'd know that name anywhere. I denied the fact, the itch in the back of my head, was right. I put it off, ignored it. But to finally hear the words spoken aloud was just too much.


Not to much of a cliff hanger today. I'm beyond tried and now heading off to bed. My eyes are burning from lack of sleep. So this will probably be uploaded in the morning.

Hope you enjoyed. I feel like I leave you hanging every chapter. Sorry. It just has to be. The boys will definitely be in the following chapters. These chapters just had to introduce everything. Soon I hope I'll be able to upload again.

But until next time-

Midnightriter <3

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