"Thanks.", I blush, "Stop crying, you're gonna mess up your makeup."

"Oh, shit.", says Leia, looking up to prevent the tears from falling down her face.

"Well, we have everything?", I ask, looking around.

"Yup. Its time, Jyn.", she says with a smile as she goes over to the crib and scoops up Ben.

Cassian's POV

"How do I look?", I say to K2, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I smooth down my official Captain's uniform which is only used for special ceremonies and occasions. I can't even remember the last time I wore this.

"I don't understand why humans are so attached to their physical appearance.", says K2.

"Neither do I.", I say truthfully.

Well I do look quite nice, if I do say so myself.

My tan suit is a button down with a tight collar. It is ornate with my many medals of achievements. In military talk, you could say I am quite "decorated" for my age. That's what happens when you've been in the Resistance for as long as I have.

My hair is slicked back in a way I never wear it and it actually looks really good. I don't know why I never do it like this. Well...I never actually "do" my hair. I don't have time!

"Hey, Captain Sexypants, it's time to get hitched

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"Hey, Captain Sexypants, it's time to get hitched.", says Han, poking his head into the room.

"Ok, um...", I say, looking around for anything I need.

Chewbacca then sends me a loud roar, telling me to stop worrying and go.

"I know, I know. I'm just a little nervous.", I say, tapping my leg.

"You'll be fine! Do you love her?", asks Han.

I nod.

"Then what are you worried about?!", he yells throwing his hands in the air, "Now c'mon, we've gotta get there before Jyn!"

We all shuffle out of the my room and I let Han's words swirl around in my brain.

I'm ready for this step forward.
Jyn's POV

As we approach the plaque outside of the base, I get smiles and congratulations from many rebels.

Everyone here shows a kindness I have never experienced in my life before the Rebellion. It is so refreshing.

My nerves make me nauseous as we get closer and closer to the memorial plaque. That is, until I see all my friends and finally, Cassian.

My knees feel weak just at the sight of him.

All of a sudden, my nerves are forgotten as I enter the pathway and stand under the arch built in front of the plaque for Cassian and I to stand under. The beautiful arch is decorated with white ribbon and cloth.

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