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Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. -Hermann Hesse

2 days later...

I'm back. I went into my room, but there was no room, it was wrapped by police I guess. I don't know,but I didn't really think this event was really important, but I didn't bother asking.

Today, I slept downstairs on the couch, Dani slept in page living room couch and Lisa slept in the extra mattress downstairs in the basement with me.

It was now 10:43 pm, but I can't sleep at all, I plugged my airbus into my iPod, I put on Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia.

You shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium!

I thought quietly to myself, I wonder what would happen 10 years from now. I would be 25 by then.

I then fell asleep...


"I just can't, guys. I'm moving. To my own place, where I can live without crazy parties happening while I'm sick!" I yelled to my roommates or well, ex-roommates.

"But, Lauren! We already had this party planned weeks ago!" Sara, one of my roommates had said.

"It's nice to know that you guys care!" I stormed off into the door from our apartment. I stomped into the elevator and pressed "lobby" and I went down.

"Rick, heres the keys. I'm moving out. See ya!" I said to the doorman or whatever he worked.

I already had a place I could live in, but it needed some...remodeling.

I took a taxi to the place, it was a fair house with two stories and all mine. I had no idea who my neighbors was or how I was going to remodel the house, but I knew I wanted to do this.

The taxi took me to where I wanted to go.

8923 Parkview Ave.

I thanked the guy and paid him. I went through the door and looked at the mess. Ugly walls, empty rooms. Jesus Christ, this is going to cost a lot of money.

I had five cans of paint in the corner. Black, light pink, blue, lime green, and lavender. My room will be black, the living room will be lavender, the bathrooms will all be like green, the hallway will be white as it is, the basement will be blue, and last the kitchen will be light pink. I got to work going to my lavender shade, I rolled the paint onto the white of the kitchen walls...


"Lauren, Laurrrreeennn!" Dani was shaking me awake. I knew my dream wasn't over yet.

"Yeah?" I looked at the clock, 5:00 am.

"I can't sleep."

At that point, I wasn't sleepy anymore. "So whatcha want to do?"

"Let's go online!"

"Of course." Practically all of is were technology prone. We can't be away from wifi for less than a day. Which is sad.

We ran upstairs into this special office or whatever, it had the fastest computer in the house, I don't really get technology, I just use it.

"Log in." I ushered Dani.

Password: ••••••••••••

"What, is your password i<3bunniesss?" I laughed stretching out the S.

"No..." Dani mumbled.

"Anyways, let's go on a gossip hunt." I loved doing this. Just getting up on celebrities' lives. So fun.

"Woah, Perrie and Zayn broke up?!" I whisper shout. I love Zayn and Perrie together, I ship Zerrie.

"finally!" Dani said.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"They were a horrible couple."

"They were perfect! Watch dat mouth!" I was getting sassy.

"Puh-lease. I ship him and me together!"

"Puh-lease." I mocked her. "Like it's going to happen."

Dani didn't reply, she rolled her eyes though. We continue searching through some celebrities like we saw Niall and Barbara dating, hell no.

"I think it's time to sleep." I was too sleepy to even nod, I left the room leaving Dani behind and went straight to my couch and fell asleep.


"Can somebody wake Lauren up?" I heard Christina or probably Christina say.

I slowly flutter my eyes open and sat up.


"Well..." Then Christina looked at dad as if to say, "it's all yours."

"Um...we're moving?" He didn't look sure himself. "So start packing. No questions."

"How did I wake up to this?" I whispered to myself.

When everybody was gone, I stretched my arms out and went on, I went into the bathroom to brush, pee, change etc. When I got to my room, there was a envelope in my bunk.

I opened it up and read it firmly in my head.

Dear Ms.Lauren Cimorelli,

We would like to inform you on somethings or changes. I hope you have heard it by now that you are moving, if you would like to know the reason, read on.

The reason your father and your older siblings had decided to move is because of you really. Now don't feel all guilty for nothing, we have discussed what is best for you: Rehab. That might sound really scary. Or not, but after your deep cutting we would like for you to check into California State Rehab Center, it's the best one to offer.

I hope you take into great consideration for this important problem, if you choose to go, please call us, Dr. Reynolds and his assistant, Ms.Matthews for more information at this number: 1-800-521-3486. Thank You.

-St.Jude's Hospital

Rehab? No thank you.

I crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in the garbage can. Then I started packing.

"No rehab."

A/N: happy spring break or whatever, I hope you like this chapter and all the crap, but um...Dated 1968 will not be updated today, maybe tomorrow. IDK.

Vote,comment, and Stay ducking Flawless!

P.s. #flawless

Wherever I Might Be *Cimorelli Story* UM...HIATUSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon