"Dani, Dani. Wake Up."

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The purpose of our lives is to be happy. - Dalai Lama

I found comfort in the cave and that was where I hibernated for the rest of the night.

The next morning I immediately woke up on the crack of dawn.  

Every minute is worth something and every minute counts.

I was now in my swimming suit and I let me tell you, not brushing your teeth feels really icky. I was also hungry, but I didn't want to waste my food just yet, just when I really need it. I dived into the cold water or what I thought was warm. I wished I had googles because it's quite hard to see when sand is going up your eyes...and butt.

I swam up for air and I see I've swam for quite a long time underwater, I was now far from shore. "DAD?! Mike? Katherine? Anyone?" My throat croaked. I was thirsty for water, but I can't drink this. It's gross. I know it because when I was little dad took me to this beach for the very first time and I peed in this water. But it's not like you never did it.

I went underwater again. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. I sang in my head. When life gets you down, just keep swimming. Like Dory said. Swim.

It's just like Finding Nemo!!!!!!

It doesn't make sense, Where is Ariel? The sea. She fell? No shit sherlock. What do I do? I rose up into the surface. I let myself think for awhile while floating like a starfish. I looked to my right and my left. Littering. A piece of plastic. I reached for it and it had something written in it.

Can't findher? Think deeper.

So it's a girl, either Katherine, Lisa or Dani and deeper.

How deep? Where deep.

Fine, deeper, you got deeper. I crushed the bottle and gasped for air and went down. Deep as I can go and wide as my eyes can go.  

I saw hair flowing from behind a coral reef. It could be anything, but anything could be my sister. I swam as fast as I can, but apparently my air wanted to leave out my nose forcing me to go up for air. I quickly gulped for air and went back down.

I saw Dani tied up in ropes and her eyes were closed. Come on, don't die on me. She had a small air tank, but that could only last her so long and when I was sleeping it was for 7 hours. The air in that little case could only probably last 2 hours.

Using all my strength I pulled her weight along with mine to the surface.  

"Dani?" I shaked her face, but her face remain motionless. I checked for a pulse and breathing, but I could only find a tiny pulse.  

Swimming as fast as I can to the shore, I keep looking back at Dani. Hoping a miracle would happen and I wouldn't have to do CPR on my very own sister, cause that would be majorly awkward.

The shore came to sight and I swam faster, when I couldn't paddle anymore because the water was shallow, I walked with Dani in my hands. I layed her on the sand and shook her.

"Dani, Dani. Wake up." I consulted on whether I should slap her or not. I then agreed on one slap, only one.

I powered up my hand and slapped her. All it did was leave a red mark on her cheek.

My hands touched her chest as I pumped her chest like when someone pushes your chest so you can spit the water out?

I did that like 20 times until she spitted out water, straight in my face.

"DANI!" I yell.

She didn't reply, but I guess she needs a moment to regain memory.

"lauren." she whispers.

Wherever I Might Be *Cimorelli Story* UM...HIATUSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat