"What the Hell Am I Doing?!"

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Religion is for people who are scare to go to hell, Spirituality is for people who have already been there. -Bonnie Raitt

The polices escorted me back home and I was scared.

I had prayed in the car hoping that they were back home and all of this were just my imagination.




When I got home, the polices consulted to mom about what happened.

Mom acted all caring and even tried to hug me, but I gave her a look of "What the hell are you doing look?" and pushed her away. What the hell is she doing?

I left them alone and I went upstairs. I sat down on my bed and thought hard. What can I do now? It's not like I can just run away and be like "I'm going to save my family who are captured by robbers!" Totally.


I heard the door slam and that was probably the cop done talking to mom.

I then heard mom shout my name. "LAUREN!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET DOWN HERE!" great.

"What?" I walked downstairs to mom.

"See this is the problem." She pointed at me.

I didn't speak.

"Your father's gone and now we have no money! Kids go upstairs! Me and Lauren are going to have a little talk." Everyone scooched their butt upstairs and my remaining siblings, well they glared at me like I was bait.

"Lauren, Lauren, Lauren." Mom chanted my name. "Are you ever useful?" She wasn't even worried or sad about that dad and my was gone. "See you're just a piece of shit waiting to be kicked out of a dog's ass." She sneered.

"I can say the same to you." I smiled and cross my arms.

"Respect your mother. Why don't we start out with punishments. Let's go with cleaning all our rooms. Go ahead now. Go." I walked upstairs to my room. I sighed and looked at the mess. It was crazy. I', going have to clean all of this.

I cleaned my room the best that I can, but I didn't put my stuff away. I plan on bringing my family back and I will do that. I'll get revenge on mom too.

I went and cleaned the other rooms as quick and nice as possible and I retrieved back to my room. I took a shower and rested my back.

I made a list of everything I probably need. I packed everything into a suitcase.

My list ranged:





hair ties







I needed more things like a companion, transportation, a plan. I just don't know what to do. It's crazy.

I hid my suitcase in my bathroom shower. No one wants me so why would they go in the bathroom?

I setted my iPod timer for 5:00 in the morning. So I can make sure eveyrthing is set and ready.

I slept at 8:30 p.m. because I just didn't want to face them. 7 hours and 30 minutes came by in a whoosh! I woke up at 5:00 in the morning just in time. I turned my timer off and brushed my teeth. I made sure to shower and stuff.

Wherever I Might Be *Cimorelli Story* UM...HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now