"What Sells Suns?!"

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Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death. - Jean-Jacques Rosseau

We were all gearing up to finally go on with our quest at Rodeo Drive. I know that we shouldn't have spent the whole morning goofing off, but I just miss it when we didn't have a care in the world, where we can just have fun without having to pay for it. 

Somehow my life became a messed up shit story. It's kinda crazy how you think 3 weeks ago, you were living a semi-normal life and then boom, every bad thing that can possibly happen, happened. 

"So today we are going to Rodeo Drive." Mike annouces. We all packed our backpacks, (Mike went shopping for us when we were sleeping last night) and we were off to find whoever we'll find. 

We exited the hotel and we were walked our way to Rodeo Drive. Of course Rodeo Drive was a long way from where we were, but we had pretty much spent a lot of our money on the hotel and when Mike went shopping. We needed to cut down our spendings. 

Awhile of walking later, (To be honest it felt like 500 years) we finally got to Rodeo Drive with Dani on Mike's back and me practically holding Alex for support. My legs felt like they were about to explode. My legs were on fire and so where my stomach. I needed to sit. When I found a bench, I left Alex and went to sit on the bench. I lifted my legs up to take up the whole bench. I relaxed a minute or so before getting up. 

That minute really made a difference. My legs still felt like they were on fire, but I had more courage to continue walking. 

We were at Rodeo Drive, but what do we do next? We can't just search this whole street for one piece of tiny paper!

Then a bird flew out of nowhere and landed on my shoulder. I looked at the direction from where I thought the bird flew from and saw and man dressed in blakc walking on a roof. Him. 

I looked away and looked at the bird on my shoulder. Dani had gotten off of Mike's back and they had surrounded me look at the bird and I. I gently get the bird off my should and into my finger and the bird indeed had a note attached to him or her's body. I carefully slip the note off slowly to not get the birds attention and set the bird on the group. 

I open the note and it read:

For some little fun, go to a store that "sells" suns. 

"What sells suns?!" I say a little sassy. 

"Something on the sun?" Dani said taking a guess. 

"PacSun?" Alex said irrelevantly, pointing to the store across the street. 

"Worth a shot." Mike said looking both ways of the street before hooking hands with me and Dani. 

"Hold hands kids." Mike said looking at me and Alex.

I sighed and grabbed Alex's arm. we were all teens, we didnt need to be held when crossing the street. 

When we crossed the busy street, we walked in the store. 

Loud mainstream songs bursted into our ears. 

"And we'll never be Royals, 

It don't run in our blood,

That kind of lux just ain't for us. 

We crave a different kind to buzz."

We looked around the unfamiliar store and grazed each inch of the store to search for a note. 

"I found it!" I said and pointed to a note stuck to a cardigan. 

"Hi, can I help you?" This random lady pops out of nowhere and say. I assume she works here. 

"Um..We're good here. I was just looking at his cardigan." I say hiding the truth, snatching the note before the lady can see. 

"That's a really cute cardigan if I say so myself. The cotton material is just so rich it makes you want to fall asleep right there on the floor. It makes every position uncomfortable to comfortable." The lady says smiling as she wishes she had enough money to buy that for her own. It makes me want to buy one myself, but we don't have enough money to buy it currently. 

Through out what she was saying all that I was stand there smiling. I didn't want to look rude and what she said really made me want to buy the cardigan. Although PacSun's products are just so expensive to purchase. 

She smiled and turned away. We all bundled up into a circle and I opened up the envelope. 

Somewhere in this room, contains your sister in a costume. After you find her, you must re-alive her. To do so, to unlock the "spell", wake your sister up like the time Dani fell. 

I took a second or so to soak all of that information in and started to talk. "So what did we do when Dani fell 2 summers ago?" I say thinking with my hand on my chin stroking my invisible beard. 

"We went to the doctors.." Alex said. 

"I don't think we'd go to the doctor for this stupid, "spell"." Mike emphasized. 

"You guys sang to me." Dani pointed out. 

"Singing? Like in Tangled when Rapunzel sings and her hair glows and heals?" I say. 

"Exactly, but let's go find our sister first." Mike said not jumping to conclusions. 

I decided that I would go to each changing room and look for any hidden things and stuff. I grabbed some clothing and that cardigan and went into one of the changing rooms. 

I threw all of the stuff into the giving chair thingy and touched the walls for any pushy entrance way. 

Nothing. I went into another one 5 minutes later so I'm not that suspicious with other clothing and did the same thing over and over again until I went over the 6 changing stalls given. 

Still Nothing. 

I later met up with Mike, Alex, and Dani and the results were nothing. 

"I'm gonna go the bathroom, Dani you coming?" I say.

"Yeah, why not." She said following me to the store's bathroom. 

I took the largest stall, the one for handicaps, the toilet was all the way against the wall. I peed and when my elbow hit the wall, I first yelped and then the wall made a turn. 

"DANI!" I yelled, we were the only ones in the bathroom. 

"What?!" Dani rushed to pound on my stall. I opened my stall and let her in. I lock my stall and she examined the wall. 

"Katherine." Was  all Dani breathed out. 

A/N: Sometimes I wish Wattpad would give more font choices, but I know people would make such bad choices on choosing (me). I also don't get how you highlight something on here? Like legit highlight using a highlight marker or something?...Like WTF? 

Anyways, hope you like this chapter, more hopefully will be coming. BTW, the reason I'm publishing on a Monday night is because I don't have school tomorrow because of low tempurture. Like -15. 

Anywho again, vote, comment, and be awesome! ~:P 

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