"Fine I Guess?"

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Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. -David Ogden Stiers

Back to Lauren's POV

I shifted uncomfortably, what's happening?

"Hu..." I made this weird noise, my throat felt dry and I was in need for some water.

"Lauren!" I didn't bothering looking up, I knew it was Dani. "Christina! Lauren woke up."

I didn't like Dani yelling, my head was pounding and throbbing.

Then I had remembered what had happened, I gave up. I gave up on life.

A few moments later of soft whispers, someone came through the door, I move my eyes down, I was at an angle where I could blurry see that it was a doctor.

"Oh, I see. Lauren has woken up." The doctor's voice was deep with kind of a serious voice, I knew where this was going.

My eyes were still trying to get use to the bright lights compared to the darkness that I had experience. I lifted my head up a bit, I looked through the window and saw everyone. Dad, Mike, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Alex, Christian, Nick, Joey, and Christina and Dani were next to me.

My head went back down to the pillow. The room was white walls, white floors, white window, white door, white curtains, and white blankets, pillows, and gowns. I need some color here. Next to me was a side table, it had my iPod that Dani probably brought for me. The case was a bright aqua blue. I loved it. I reached my hand out to grab it. Just something to do.

"Don't move Lauren, please." The doctor ordered. Before I even got to the iPod, I was told to not move.

I laid there looking at the ceiling while dad was talking to a doctor I never even met. Gosh, I wish they could've just left me to bleed to death. Seems like a good solution. I pulled my head under my covers, I just had enough light to see my cuts, some still open, but stopped bleeding. Some so deep, I saw what looked like stitches. Others, most definitely scars. Reminders of my failure. My failure to life and my failure to kill myself.

My head went back out of the cover for air, I started humming Skyfall by Adele. Don't you just wish sometimes the sky should just fall so you don't have to live in this hell we call the world? I do. All the time.

I don't know how long it has been (what felt like forever) but the doctor finally went over to me and sat in the chair next to my bed. I looked at him with my brown eyes, I didn't speak.

"Lauren, you were admitted here by your siblings that you cut yourself for suicide." The doctor, I estimate would be about 6 ft 2, I didn't know what to say I just stared at the tall doctor.

"For what reason did you want to die for?" Well, that was...out there.

Yet, I didn't answer him, for some reason, I would think, he doesn't have enough trust for me to tell him. Of course, he might be a doctor, but I just don't feel, feel like I'm in the mood to talk about my problems right now.

"I get you don't want to speak right now, but can you at least tell me are you in pain right now?" The doctor took it slow and easy which I thought was weird. My chances with communicating with a doctor were unlikely.

I shook my head saying no, my arms didn't really hurt, but my heart did, but they could never fix that.


The doctor went our leaving me in my own company, I sat up and my hand went straight for my iPod, I hope they have Wifi because I live for the internet. The internet is my baby.

I guess Lisa must have saw my on my iPod because she sent me a message through Kik.

LisaPizza: You OK?

KoalaBearLauren: I guess...

LisaPizza: what happened? 1 minute I was at the park n the next thing, I was here.

KoalaBearLauren: um...

LisaPizza: -_-

KoalaBearLauren: I cut...my wrists.

LisaPizza: why? ಥ_ಥ

KoalaBearLauren: cause.

LisaPizza: -_-

KoalaBearLauren: things just got too much. I gave up.

LisaPizza: but we sang We Won't Give Up. :(

KoalaBearLauren: dat was bout love... XD

LisaPizza: the love of our family, duh!

KoalaBearLauren: mom?

LisaPizza: she ain't family until she gets her mind straight. :D

KoalaBearLauren: u ok?

LisaPizza: yeah, why wouldn't i b?

KoalaBearLauren: no reason, just checking I guess.

LisaPizza: so...u tried to commit.....

KoalaBearLauren: suicide. (V) (°,,,,°) (V)

LisaPizza: whassup w/ da crabs? Lol.

KoalaBearLauren: tryin not to be as awkward...

LisaPizza: lol.

*DolphinAlex has joined the conversation.

DolphinAlex: sup

LisaPizza: y r u here?! Me and Laur Laur here r tryin to bond!

I looked through the window and saw Lisa glare at Alex.

DolphinAlex: ya know. Ur quite mean. :(

KoalaBearLauren: too funny. :)

LisaPizza: so Laur? Kill him or let him be? XD

KoalaBearLauren: we'll let him be...for now. ;)

DolphinAlex: -_-

LisaPizza: can we like go into ur room?

KoalaBearLauren: idk, ask the tall doctor.

DolphinAlex: the tall doctor?

KoalaBearLauren: the tall doctor. He's tall. 👨

LisaPizza: he said we can. I'm coming.

KoalaBearLauren: Kk.

DolphinAlex: I'm coming too.

Lisa and Alex then came through the door as they had said. Each of them were on my side.

"So, how you feeling?" I turned off my iPod and set it on my lap.

"Fine I guess?"

"You hungry?" Alex asked.

"Starving." I said. Maybe things are getting better, but my heart still ached.

"Let's go to the cafeteria!" Lisa said all happy. I bet she wants pizza. I want Mac n Cheese.

They hauled me out of bed slowly and we all three tried to fit through the small door.

When we got out, everyone greeted me with love.

"Woah, claustrophobic!" I said waving them off.

"Still got the sass." Joey said under his breath.

I glared at him.

Lisa and Alex continued to guide me to the cafeteria. I didn't crush my legs, but it was nice to see people care about you, but I know it's not going to last long.

A/N: so I don't really know what kik is, but i heard its a messaging app, so yeah. I hope you like this chapter, it was very simple, but I thought it was very sweet and loving. I will maybe be updating Dated 1968 tomorrow, but I dont know and those are not there kik names. I don't even know if they have kik. They're just random names I thought on the top of my head.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was written on my iPad so sorry for any autocorrect that weren't correct. Vote, comment, and stay fabulous! ❤

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