"There's the Note!"

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You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it power to do it's killing-John Green

"Guys we need to go back!" I say. 

"WHY?!" Alex shouts next to me. "So we can get arrested?!"

"We need to find the clue!" I reply back with the same feiry. 

"What clue?!" Mike butts in from the front. 

"Everytime we reach somewhere the last clue says, there's a new clue for our next person we are going to find!" I say. The taxi driver must think we are crazy. 

"Fine then let's go!" Mike said and ordered the driver to turn back. I look behind our car and see the circus people are looking at our car confused, but afte a split second they continue to run after us. I don't get the point of having Mike. Just put another person in there and boom done! 

I wanted to ask Mike what had happened to bad, but I knew this wasn't the time. We needed to find the next clue first. We reached back to the circus place awhile later.

Dani and Mike stayed in the car with the taxi so when we come out we can just drive and me and Alex would go in and find the clue as quick as possible. 

"Ready?" I ask Alex and I open the door. 

"Ready." We push the door open and I caught a glimpse of the circus performers running faster than anyone I've seen before, but I think we still had 3 minutes until they would reach us. We went into the tent with the lion and we saw people piling in to see the show, looks like the show is cancel. 

The lion was now looking at us like we were dead meat, but I think we already was. 

"ALEX?!" I whisper-shout nudging his arm with mine. "There's the note!" I point to the lion's paw. 

"How do we get it. It's under the lion's paw. We're going to get killed!" By now I think 2 minutes have passed. 

"YOLO!" I say and dragged him along with me to the lion's cage. 

"Distract him while I get the paper." Alex said I tried my best to, but it took me like the one minute we had to distract him and by the time Alex almost got the paper the circus people came and surrounded us. 

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" They shouted at us and my 1 minute of hard work trying to get the lion's attention was ruin. Not fair. 

Alex didn't stop he continue to reach for it and when he did, he smashed it into his pocket, grabbed my hand and made a dash for it. 

Of course someone yanked my hand I got pulled backwords. Alex and I pushed everyone away as we did we finally got out and ran. People still followed us. 

That apparently is what happens backstage before a circus show. 

I think the people finally realized they had to perform and they shouted I think in german swear words, but we didn't care. We got out alive.

We both jumped into the car and I read the note before we moved. 

Who do you watch that's female, swears, and has blonde hair? 

"Who's that?" Dani asked. Seems like none of them have been on the internet lately.

"Jenna Marbles, but going to her house or something?" I was confused on what we were looking for. 

"You either go somewhere or get out!" The driver said. 

"Drive us to the closest hotel." I say before anyone can talk. 

********Time Warp*********

We finally figured out that we were suppose to go on her website and we got a hotel room. 

The website directed us to another website call stalker101.com and right across the top of the page was our clue. 

Down a rode at Rodeo Drive, hides sibling number 5. 

We need to go to that street, but when I looked outside, it was pitch dark.

"I guess we'll have to wait til tomorrow." Dani says as she stretches her arms and yawns. Alex and Mike nodded and they went to bed. We agreed me and Dani will share a bed, Alex will take the couch and Mike will get his own bed. Alex didn't want to sleep with him just because he says Mike farts in his sleep. What a weenie. 

I continue to sit there until everyone went to bed. Rodeo Drive. I've always wanted to shop there and be one of the famous celerities shopping and stuff. I sighed and went to the bathroom to change out of the weird costume I wore and changed into the pajamas I had brought. Mike and Alex got into their boxers (that was something me and Dani did not want to see) and Dani borrowed my clothes. 

"Goodnight." I whisper even though I knew I was the only one awake. 


I just couldn't sleep, I look at the clock across the room and see it's 2 in the morning. I've been twisting and turning since 12. I think I'm starting to wake up Dani because she's hitting me with her elbow in purpose. 

I finally got sleep at 3. I woke up at 9:00 though. I brushed my teeth and changed into my day clothes. I woke up Dani and I dragged her to the bathroom. 

"Let's play a prank on the boys!" I whisper. 

"What kind?" She asked still half asleep.

"Burglar prank?" 

"I'm in." She quickly brushed her teeth and we went to grab my backpack. I pulled out a rope I brought just incase cause you never know. I put on my ski mask I had from our earlier trips and I gave Dani the rope. I help tie her up and put her down on the other couch. I grab my pocket knife and I quietly walk to Mike's bed and shook him up. 

"HI!" I say stalker-ish.

He wanted to scream, but I put my hand on his mouth. 

"If you want to live, be quiet!" I whisper to him. I used my deep voice. 

"What do you want from me!" He yells. 

"Shut it! Or the girl gets it." I also held up my knife. 

Then Alex shot up from the couch. 

"DANI!" He ran to Dani and started to untie, but he stopped and tilted his toward me and Mike. 

"AH!' He screams and his back slams the couch. 

I stand up no longer crouching and hold my knife up. 

Dani unexpectly started laughing, but I didn't break character. 

"Why are you laughing?!" Mike asked obviously still shocked from my appearence. 

"It's Lauren!" Dani said while still laughing. 

"What?!" Both of them said in a unison. Mike then pulled the ski mask off my face and my hair was messed up. 

"LAUREN CHRISTINE CIMORELLI!" Mike scolded at me. I ran to the bathroom. 

"Maybe that went a little too far." I tell myself as Mike and Alex banged on the bathroom door. 

A/N: So I'm sorry it took forever to update and with such a crappy chapter, but I had a shitload to school work. I had Reading Log, Essay to write, studying for 3 tests, Math, Spanish, and Art HW. I also have a ASK.fm now so if you ever want  to ask me a question on anything, you don't need a account to ask! VOTE, COMMENT, AND OF COURSE BE AWESOME!

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