"Oh, So I Do Exist?"

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Life is a song- sing it.

Life is a game- play it.

Life is a challenge- meet it.

Life is a dream- realize it.

Life is sacrifice- offer it.

Life is love- enjoy it.

-Sai Baba

Lauren's POV

I was just listening to some music while trolling on the internet. I was bored, like really bored. I wish I had something to do. Then something popped into my eyes. NEW RIHANNA SEX TAPE. I don't know why, but I was tempted to click the link. Then something told me not to click it. I quickly went to another website to try to forget about what just happened.

I went on YouTube and searched up Jenna Marbles. I know she swears a lot, but I can't help, but love her. She's just so funny. I turned off my music so I can hear her.

I watched her latest post which was "What A Girl's Nails Mean". I just laughed my butt off. I went to her profile to see if I missed any of her videos, but I was caught up. I went to another YouTuber, Strawburry17. Now Strawburry17 doesn't swear so that was something good...I guess. I don't know what happened, but my family bond with me has gotten...umm. How do I say this. Bad.

I don't know. Now that I'm growing up, I don't want someone always ordering me around telling me what to do.

"LAUREN! ARE YOU WORKING ON THE MERCH!?" Christina shouts from somewhere.

CRAP. I forgot.

I went to the microsoft that I started last night and got to work.

I heard thumps of footsteps coming into my room, "Are you working on it?" Christina barges in.

"Yep, a lot going up in here." I fake smile and point to my head as I cover the computer screen hoping she doesn't see that I didn't make anything progress. Christina made a weird stare, but she still left me alone. I sighed. Too close.

I went back to actually working on the merch. I don't want to fail and then be mad at. See this is the problem with people these days. They don't understand the stress of young teenagers. Dealing with puberty, makeup, and just being a teen and your "popularity rate".

I have to say, I have a lovely family and it's great. Although it would help if they don't boss me around.

I also have to say that I've changed a lot. I started wearing makeup. I don't skateboard as much and I've become more girly. I want makeup and nails polish on me. I feel like a totally different person.

I continued the music since I had to do all this crap. I guess its at least something to do and not just doing things on the internet with no meaning. I tried out different styles and at the end, I was proud. It was simple nice and cooperative. I think.

I later showed Christina and her reaction to my designs? Uhh....---Flashback to 5 minutes earlier---

"What is this?" Christina said staring at the computer in disbelief.

"The New Merch." I say just a tad scared.

"This is so stupid. It's just plain lame." She scrolls through my hours of work.

"Fine then do it yourself...bitch." I get up and leave.

I didn't need another lecture.

---Flashback Over---

I know I have changed.

I later thought about my actions. I know I shouldn't have swore, but I was just done with being pushed around. I might be quiet, but I can be a tiger, just watch me.

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