Everyone whooed and clapped her hands in excitement.

Sel squeals clapping her hands and attacked me in a hug making me laugh , our parents looked at us in Awh even the girls and guys .

" I am soo excited to spend the time in Houston with you " sel whispers in my ears making my heart flutter and hug her tighter ... Selena is sooo sweet and soo loving , how could I ever hate this amazing angel .


" so justin , sel won't seriously stop talking about you " Mylie says to me while smirking even Taylor who was beside her talking with me .... they both were looking at sel who was trying to stay away from Chaz who was gonna burp at her .. gosh he's soo freaking wired and at the same time freaking awesome .

I was trying my best not to laugh , it was soo freaking funny .

" she does doesn't she ? " I said while smirking and Mylie nodded laughing .

" but selly said you guys used to hate eachother a lot , when she came here ? What happened ? " Taylor says concerned and I sighed ... I really don't  like thinking about it , otherwise I am gonna have a break down .

" um yeah , I hated her .... When we were small well I guess she had told about our childhood " tay and Mylie nods looking curious .

" I was sad when she left , I kept waiting for her to come back but she never did and I lost hope and tried to forget her , but Gracie always reminded me of her because they looked exactly the same accept the hair color , then she came after twelve years which made me have my hard times without her memories come back which made me hate her , and I kept calling her all the negative things which ofcourse was not true and that made her hurt ... " I say feeling my voice crack ... I cleared my throat for the lump to go away ... Taylor and Mylie looked at me sad .

" um yeah , then I did something bad to her which I will never forget my entire life .... that night she .... she said about her diagnosis which my friend had who suicided because he couldn't take it anymore with the struggle ..... and now she's suffering the same as him .. that seriously hurt me thinking what all I said and did to her ... and I deserve it ... she's an angel and it always hurts thinking how rude I was to her and sel was nothing but only sweet to me " I say finally finishing it before I break down ... I knew I had tears under my eyes ... I was that hurt .

Taylor hugged me and Mylie patted my back saying Awh ... and after few Seconds she pulled away and said .. " Justin .. past is past , Selena is not the type that hold grudges .. so there's no problem " Taylor says and Mylie nods smiling ... I smiled and wiped my tears , thinking how sweet is Selena .

" gosh , I can't believe she had the guts to tell you what she's been through , that means she trusts you Justin , she might have took time to tell you but at least she have said it  , you wanna know when she revealed about this to the world ... she said it after three years , she kept it in a secret for three freaking years , and whenever she took breaks they would think she went to rehab for doing drugs ,  well yeah she was in bad stage last year .. like it was the worst year she had experienced .... paparazzi have seen Selena come and go to the hospital and they made so many rumors about it .... but the thing was she was in chemo therapy , then Sel had enough of these rumors and last year she revealed about her past three year life in billboard magazine " Mylie says and I looked at her in shock .... I have got no words . This is soo depressing.

" wow ......" that's what only came out of my mouth , paparazzi are soo annoying and these fake rumors makes them have enough of everything ..

" I know she's such a strong girl " Mylie says ... we all nodded in agreement .

Then suddenly I felt someone jump on my back , wrapping their  legs around my waist and their arms around my neck .... her beautiful scent filled my nose and I chuckled ... ofcourse it's Selena .

I kissed her arm which was wrapped around my neck making her giggle and tay and Myles looked at us in adoration.

" yelllloooo , what were you guys talking about ! " Sel says happily making me smile , if she's happy I am happy .

" we were talking about you babe " Taylor says laughing while looking at us ..

" ha ha well good things I hope " Sel says making me roll my eyes playfully ..

" no we talked about your worst things " I growl plafully making them both laugh and sel pout ..  I felt the need to kiss those pouty lips .... woahh what's happening to me .

" Come on horsey ! Take me to scooter ! " Sel says making me chuckle , she's the cutest .

" well I am not your horsey , if you want a horse go to to shelter and you can go to scooter with the horse " I said which really didn't make sense which made sel burst until laughter with tay and Myles ... I laughed along with them .

I walked towards the couch where our moms and dads were sitting and talking having their time of their lives and dropped her on the couch which made her giggle .... oh that giggle of hers .

" that tickled " Sel says .. as soon as she said I started to smirk and her eyes widened in realization.. oh she knows what I am gonna do .. bestfriend goals .

" NO NO NOOO " Sel shouts and everyones attention was at hers as she gets up and starts running .

" get back here !! " I says as I ran behind her and everyone was in Awh .

" kennnnyyy help !! " Sel says running behind him which made me and him laugh .

" seriously Selena " I say giving her a look ... then slowly Ryan came behind her and I smirked widely and sel looked at me confused and before she could turn around he attacked her and she screamed making us all burst into laughter.

" sorry kiddo " Kenny says still laughing .

Me , Ryan and chazz tickled her as she screamed with laughter ..

Such an angel 😇..


Sup hoes !!!

I got some ideas for this book so I will keep updatingggggggg !!!!

Plzzzzz vote and comment , don't be a silent reader !!

I love y'all soooooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍


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