"Nothing much really. You see, I want to kill your son and I thought I'd ask daddy for his approval", Jack said mockingly as he towered over the man with his monstrous appearance. The mother ran toward her child and sobbed as she took a better look at Jack's work. "...Anything..! Will give you anything..! J..Just..leave us alone..!", the woman begged pathetically as she held her child's pained face in her arms.

Her response sent a smile toward Jack and he gleefully stepped over to her. "Weell! If we're being generous, why not!", Jack said cheerfully but as his gaze shifted to Jamie, his expression suddenly turned dark. Poor old Jack was overwhelmed with his pride and all he wanted to do was slaughter the kid and put his sights on the woman to end this embarrassment once and for all.

"I want my music box."

The mother stared at Jack with wide, bloodshot eyes and her expression unnerved the clown. He sensed her discomfort and suspicion began to rise in him. Jack gave the woman another frown and put more emphasis in his words. "Where is it?!", he said with venom in his tone and made the woman flinch.

"We do..don't have it..! We gave it to—"

At that point Jack had lost all his patience with the woman. His claw, as if moving on it's own accord, struck the woman and gripped her neck threateningly. "GAVE?!", as Jack said the frustrating word, the mother broke down and began sobbing. "Y..Yes!! We gave it to (Y/N) (L/N)!! The one who saved our son..!"

The words hit Jack hard.

He wasn't expecting this.

"Alright. Where is she?", Jack spoke firmly with the woman and gave her his best serious face. The woman refused to look him in the eye and stared at the ground in utter fear. "Upstairs...! Room 308..! J..Just please..! Please...just leave my Jamie alone..", the woman begged and begged as she lost herself and weeped in Jack's hold.

Jack was stunned by her answer and even as complicated as the situation had gotten, a ray of sunshine still beamed. She was above them! She was probably sleeping a mere floor above and all dear Jackey had to do was climb up those stairs and slit her throat! Oh boy! Finally Jack had caught a break!

Jack's eyes widened with joy and a grin spread across his face. Pure bloodlust surged through him and as he stared at the crying mother, he suddenly lost his control. Jack swung his claw and gutted the woman as he held her by the neck. Her organs flopped right out and as soon as they all hung by her sides, he threw her across the room like a rag-doll. The father screamed in horror and shouted angrily at Jack, much to his annoyance.

The clown rose to his full height and smiled down at the man creepily. The old man started spitting out vile curses at him as he glared daggers at the clown. This sight made Jack chuckle and soon a splendid idea popped into his head. He raised his claw and sliced at the man's face. He gripped his neck and stuck his other free hand down his throat.

Happily, he ripped out his tongue.

"The ladies like a man who listens, you know. Now that your wife is dead, you need to get out there again! Ahaha!!", Jack teased as he ran his claw through the man's chest and left a gaping hole.

Blood was everywhere, some had splattered on the wall, a little dripped from Jack's claws, and most of it pooled around Jamie's dead parents. The scene was glorious and absolutely satisfied Jack's long awaited wish to feast once again on the weak. Then his attention shifted to Jamie, who had shut his eyes closed to keep himself from examining Jack's work.

This lead Jack to laugh mockingly as he roughly pulled out one of Jamie's knifes and stabbed it down his chest, where is pathetic heart had been pounding this entire time. "Sorry pal, as much as I'd like to gut you, there's someone else I need to see for tonight", Jack said genuinely apologetic toward Jamie and sighed as he stood back to his full height. "No hard feelings?", he remarked and burst out laughing as he left the hospital room.

Oh, and he cared to leave it wide open to give those pesty nurses a good scare in the morning.

Jack was in better spirits than when he had first stepped into the hospital and felt this night was going to be one of his most memorable. It was like killing two birds with one stone really—well, three if you include the woman. Everything was going exactly the way he had hoped for and now things were going to go back to the way they were.

Things were looking bright for dear old Jack and now, as he opened the door to (Y/N)'s room, things were going to be twice the fun.

A sly smirk spread across Jack's face as he peered into the room and located a sleeping figure a mere two feet away. Jack slowly crept into the room and stalked his way toward the petite woman. His gaze looked her over and, now getting a better look at her, Jack realized she was pretty attractive. Her (H/L), (H/C) hid her face but as Jack leaned closer he noticed her rosy cheeks and (S/C) skin.

She was curled up into a ball and her small hands were clutching something to her chest. Jack raised an eyebrow and gently opened her hands to find his music box safely held by (Y/N)'s grasp. Jack's eyes widened and for some odd reason his heart began to pound in side of his chest.

Jack shook his head and conjured up another knife. At the moment he was out of ideas and just wanted to end this NOW.

However, right before he was about to deliver the finishing blow, footsteps echoed in the hallway and radios could be heard. Jack tensed up and he quickly looked out the window only to find rows of police cars littered around the parking lot. Jack cursed under his breath and frowned at the scene. He let out a scowl and glared at the woman as hues of blue and red glowed in the background.

Next time Jack would meet with this woman again, he'd slaughter her for sure. He was through with tonight's events and wanted someone to pay, but Jack took in a deep breath and calmed himself.

It was alright. He could let the woman hold on to his box for a little while longer, let the news fill her in and scare the hell out of her, and when Jack knew she was at her breaking point, he'd kill her.

Just with time. Yes, time would tell.

Jack smiled demonically and disappeared into a cloud of smoke as the sound of footsteps could be heard from outside the door.


Anyone like my version of Laughing Jack?? Hit the vote button if you do! ;)

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