I was careful not to let these lustful feelings rise up like it had that day. It was weird though. There was no explanation for it, but the feelings were familiar. They were like old pals that I had known all my life. I was still trying to figure it out.

What Lucy had confirmed for me, didn't help either. Who knew I would be bisexual? I never had feelings for a girl before and now I was here having feelings for the girl who was helping me through this mess of my life.

She was doing better than helping me. She was here for me. She always made sure I was okay and kept me updated on things I couldn't remember. She was practically taking care of me.

I snuck another glance at Camila as she watched the movie. She was popping a few more of the Reese's pieces into her mouth. Her fingers lingered there for a few seconds longer than necessary before she let her hand fall back down into her lap.

Oh if only I could be those fingers who had the privilege of touching those lips. I licked my lips, trying to control the urge to kiss her.

"That's one of my new favorite Disney movies. I love it. Want to choose the next one?" Her words brought me out of thoughts and I had stop myself from blushing because then she might know I was staring at her and thinking things I shouldn't.

I didn't even notice that the credits were rolling. When did the movie even end?

"Uh, I don't mind if you choose again."

"Good because I was just being nice by asking."

"Jerk." I muttered, but I smiled, letting her know I didn't mean it.

She laughed lightly and went back to scrolling through Netflix. She picked another Disney movie. I didn't notice what it was, due to the fact that I started to stare again at this brown eyed girl, the one who had my attention.

She was just so captivating. I couldn't stop staring and thinking of how beautiful she was.

I sighed internally. This was anguish. I had to stop.



"Camz, there's something important I have to tell you," I spoke, turning her around to face me  on the couch, so I could look her in the eye. "It's very serious and there's no time for silliness." I had a very somber expression on my face because I wanted to pull a fast one on her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, the smile quickly fading from her face. A heavy look of concern now shadowed her features. 

"I...I went to the doctors the other day," I started off. "They said I had this um...well condition."

"Okay." The word rolled off her tongue and her eyes never left mine as I continued to tell her more go what was so serious.

"He said, I..." I stopped for dramatic effect. "He said I only had 30 days to live." Camila's face was priceless. She paled instantly. But it broke my heat when tears started to fall from her eyes.

"What? How is that possible? I can't bear to lose you! How could you only have 30 days to live? This is outrageous." She grabbed onto me for dear life, squeezing me into her more than I was already.

My eyes almost started tearing up at the sight before me. My body was filling up with distress over how broken she looked before me.

To spare her from a few more tears and sobs that were sure to come, I spoke again. " He said there was a way to treat it and possibly cure me..."

She pulled away from me, wiping at her eyes to remove the tears streaming down her flushed face.

"What's the possible cure? Tell me. If there's a way to save you, I want to be part of it." Her mascara was smeared. Her eyes were puffy and red, glistening with the fresh tears that had run down her face. She was so beautiful, even through the tears and the mess she had made of her makeup.

I tucked her hair behind her ears before continuing on with my ploy. "He said...he said that if you agreed to be my girlfriend, I wouldn't die of a broken heart." I said it in the most serious voice I had with the most serious face I could muster up.

Camila stood up from where we had been laying on the couch. Her had face had a range of emotions, overlapping one another on her face.

"I--I-I--" She let out a strangled out sound from her throat. She had her fists clenched and next to her. Physically, she was angry. This was not the reaction I was hoping for. "Lauren. Michelle. Jauregui." I gulped. This was not how it was supposed to go. "I don't know whether to be overjoyed, livid at the way you approached this or kiss you and say yes," she huffed. I could feel the anger radiating off of her body in waves. Each one was hitting me harder and harder. Maybe I should have used a different strategy.

She was clearly annoyed with the way I had gone about this. 

For a few more moments, I could see her struggling with her motions and what she wanted. I saw the moment her decision clicked in her head.

"Sit up," she growled lightly.

Slightly intimidated and slightly turned on by the tone in her voice, I obeyed her command. Once I was sitting up, she grabbed onto my shoulders roughly, straddling me in the process.

She took me by surprise with the hunger in her eyes and the way she viciously captured my lips with hers. The anger was evident in the way she bit my lip. I gasped, shocked by her display. She took the opportunity to slide her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues dueled for a few moments, but I gave up the fight and let her win. She was the one in control and she wanted to be the dominant one.

I took my hands, which were being pretty useless right now and I grabbed onto her waist, pulling her further into me. Her hips bucked into mine and I pushed back. This was all new to me. We had never gone this far in our make-out sessions. They had all stopped before it could even begin to fall into the sex category.

But just as quick as she had started this, she ended it. I was left hot and bothered on the couch, breathing heavy. I had never been this turned on in my life and she had to go and stop it, just when it was starting to go somewhere.

I was still trying to catch my breath, while she was just walking off, like we hadn't just had the best make-out session of our lives.

"Camz? Where are you going? Is that a yes to my question?" I got up from the couch, trying to follow her to see if she was going to answer my questions. She did not. Instead she shut her door in my face when we reached her room.

Well Lauren, I guess you should have just gone with the traditional way of asking her.

As I was walking away from the door to allow her time to cool off, the door opened again and I got pulled into her room.

"Where do you think you're going? Just because I'm mad at you, doesn't mean I'm going to suffer and not have some release from this tension you've created."

I smirked, knowing I had won her over. This was going to be fun.


So it took me a little longer than expected, but I want to space out my updates for the time being. I don't want to rush them and I want to somehow finish off SWM, even if it was not the way I initially wanted it to be. So yeah. Leave your thoughts. Hope you liked it.


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