*Glossy Effect*

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------------<Derek Morgan POV>------------
"We got Dwayne, Spencer is on the way to the hospital now." Prentiss states through the call, making my heart ease a little as I sat in that waiting room.

"What's his condition?" I ask, rubbing my chest.

"Critical." She sighs heavily. "Dwayne had hit him alongside the head with the shovel prior to us getting there."

"Goddamn." I mutter, rubbing my eyes.

"H-How's Carrie?" Prentiss voice shook with fear.

"They hadn't said anything, but I heard them say code blue."


"Respiratory or heart failure." My voice shakes heavily. "You should've saw her, Emily. The state she was in, complete shock. She was pushed over the edge." My eyes water. "There was too much blood-there was nothing I could do-"

"Don't blame yourself."

"I should've been the one taking the first SUV." I tell. "What she told me, I think she knew she was dying. She just stated the address and told me that she loved everyone dearly."

"Derek, I'm so sorry you had to witness that. She'll pull through, same as Spencer."

"You can say that, but can't guarantee anything." I stole Carries' words from a couple days ago. "If you would've been there, you would've known. There was no living that. There was no way she could've lived that!"

"There's nothing I can say that would make you feel better." Prentiss voice quivers. "But the whole team was affected, Derek. It was the first time I saw Hotch cry, the first time I saw everyone being affected on a deep level. Look, I can't guarantee them coming off any table, but we can have hope and stay strong for them."

"I don't think that'll save them, Prentiss." I spoke. "I can't have hope, there's none left. This is too deep of a goddamn hole for them to crawl out by themselves."

"Then throw a rope. Help them out."

"I already tried. I tried, Emily, I really did. I think everyone has."

"I know," She talks softly. "Everyone is on their way to the hospital now."

I nod and wished myself goodbye. Ending the call as I stare at everything around me. Everything is white, displays innocents and God. To ease people fears of death.

This is it. The sadistic psychopath had successfully torn them apart. Even if they make it out alive, something will be different, something is bound to be different. I can feel it, in my chest, in my gut.

The doors slide open beside as an alarm sounded. I turn my attention towards to the door as I notice a stretcher being raced in.


I quickly stand up and try to race to his side. "Reid!" I shout, waiting for an answer only to get none.

He's stroll away down the hallway and I rest my hands on the top of my head. The door opens again and JJ, Garcia, and Hotch walk in.

"How is she?" Garcia quickly ask with swollen eyes.

"Is she okay?" JJ spoke after Garcia.

I shake my head. "They haven't said anything. I've been here for two hours, they haven't talked."

"Prentiss and Rossi is almost here. I'm going to talk to the press outside." Hotch says monotonously.

He turns and exit as we begin to pull ourselves into a group hug. We pull away quickly as Prentiss and Rossi walks in.

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