I quickly searched every inch of the alleyway and went down several others as I tried my best to find the source of the painful cries.

As I reached a corner, reason sprung up inside my head at the right moment and I swiftly hid from the perpetrator's view. I forced a hand over my mouth and tried to muffle my heavy panting as I peered over the corner and ran my eyes over the scene.

To my utter horror, I found bodies of dead, mutilated children laying on the floor with their poor, fragile bodies stuffed with candy. My stomach lurched at the scene and soon I was holding back my vomit. I felt a few tears trickle down my rosy cheeks and I realized my breathing had hitched.

"P..Please..! LJ..! D..Don't h..hurt me..!"

My head suddenly turned at the sound of a little boy pleaded with someone and I automatic found who was responsible for this. There stood a man clad in black and white. His claws gripped the innocent child and his pearly white, razor-sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight. The man's skin was inhumanly white and his clothing looked that of a clown's, but one thing that stood out the most was his creepy smile.

"Oh you know I can't do that dear ol' Jamie! Playtime's over and I'm afraid I'm too bored to carry on anymore~!"

The clown raised his clawed hand and the boy's arms raised defensively as he awaited the impact. My eyes widened and by the time I had come to my senses, I realized I had thrown myself at the clown.

I shoved his body to the ground and fell on top of him. He gasped in pain as his head roughly hit the ground and he glared menacingly at me. I swiftly got off him and ran to snatch the boy off the ground and run away with him.

The boy was certainly surprised by my actions and soon began thanking me. I gently shushed him and tightened my grip on him as I heard a maniacal laughter explode from the alleyway.

I quickened my pace and aimed toward a hiding spot to try and figure out what to do next—although running away did seem like the best option.

I soon found a gap between a garbage tin and dashed towards it with the boy still in my grasp. I fumbled around my pockets and clumsily took out my phone, however, as I tried to turn it on, a sense of dread soon welled up inside of me. With a shaking hand, I pressed the 'on' button and held it for a moment before the screen flashed on. A relieved sigh escaped my lips as I waited for the screen to turn to my wallpaper.

The wait was killing me and anxiety began to plague me. The cold, dirty surface of the alleyway reminded me of how little space we had to escape. The newscaster's voice echoed in my head as I remembered what they had said about staying inside after dark. My heart pounded in my chest as I heard heavy footsteps approaching us. The boy began to hyperventilate, but I covered his mouth with my hand and he gripped it for comfort.

I noticed the screen change and I immediately dialed 911. I pressed the phone to my ear and prayed that someone would pick up and fast.

"This is 911, what is your emergency?"

My eyes lit up and I clutched the phone tighter as I noticed a tall shadow a few feet away.

"I saved this kid from the serial killer on the news, but now he's after the both of us and I don't know what to do..!" My voice was a mere whisper and I anxiously awaited an answer.

"Please remain calm ma'am, tell me where you are and help will be on it's way." I tried to take deep breaths as I looked over and searched for a sign of anything that could give away our location.

Eventually I gave up on that idea and went to the GPS on my phone. I fumbled through the app and tried to find my location. The app soon showed in written letters where I was and I blurted out the location to the man on the other line.

"Good, the police are heading out as we speak, just hang on a little while longer Miss—"

Suddenly my phone was snatched out of my hand and flung across the alleyway. My eyes bulged out of their sockets as I stared up to come face-to-face with the monochrome clown.

He smiled down at me and seemed to savor my look of fear mixed with dread. His claws soon wrapped themselves around my neck and I was later lifted off the ground. I winced from the pain as the clown began to choke the life out of me.

I gasped out and swung my legs as I tied to kick the clown.

"Such a shame you called the cops, now I have to end things here. Really, such a shame... and to think I thought our little encounter would be fun... *sigh*, oh well." His deep voice spoke glumly as he tightened his grip on my neck.

His claws protruded my skin and blood trickled down his fingers. The crimson liquid then continued down onto my collarbone as I struggled under his grip.

The boy was scared to death and tried to help me as he pulled on my legs, but the clown was too strong. Cries of sorrow could be heard in the alleyway and I began to wonder if my life was really going to end like this.

Getting fired and meeting a psychotic clown on the same day of your death didn't really seem fair—especially after you had done a good deed of putting a child out of harms way.

Adrenaline soon sparked inside of me and I was quick to use it on the clown. I bit down on his hand and chewed until I could taste blood. The clown grunted and released his claw from my neck.

I seized the opportunity to shove the clown back on the ground. I pinned him to the cold floor and towered over him as I used my strength to keep him in place.

He glowered at me as I dug my nails into his already bleeding claw. His dark eyes stared at mine with bloodlust circling in them. I held my ground and glared back at the clown until I could see hues of red and blue approaching us. The boy cried in relief and I let out a heavy sigh.

The clown merely grunted and smirked at my exhausted expression. "Till next time gumdrop~!"

With that the clown disappeared from under me and all that remained was smoke. My mind blanked and hundreds of questions swirled inside my head. The heaviness in my limbs was made clear as I slumped down onto the concrete pavement.

My consciousness began to slip away and all I could hear in the background were the worried cries coming from the child.


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