
Waking up was becoming more of a burden each time she stirred awake. The sound of her cell door opening once and the familiar sound of her tray being slid on the floor made her stir a bit but she felt like she was in a dream. Groggy and a bit disoriented, she heard her door open again and the sound of another tray being placed on her cell door. It took several minutes for her eyes to adjust to the light, her splitting headache making her want to throw up from the smell of something in the room


Sigyn’s stomach growled out in protest, forcing her awake. Looking to the door, a bowl, not a tray of food, was there. The steam that was coming off of it seemed to draw her in like a magnet. Crawling over, she snagged the bowl and retreated back into the blankets. The soup began to warm her from the inside out.  She had never been more thankful for a bowl of food that was easy to swallow since her jaw was still swollen. The door to her cell opened again just as she finished, Theoric carrying a bowl and some more bandages.  

Sigyn’s hand instantly flew to her cheek, a small amount of warm substance from under the bandages had seeped through, in no doubt from eating.

“Let me take a look.”

He moved her hand and analyzed the bandage as he slowly pulled it off and wiping it with the rag along with her other cuts. His hand motions were comforting to her aching skin; she studied his soft and small brown curls that his hair made at its ends. His gold eyes drew her in like a warm hug she had much longed for. The scar over one of his eyes was menacing at all, actually she thought it quite becoming of the hero, her hero. His honey like irises were studying each mark on her, while continuing wipe away dry blood and grime from the sweat that had gathered on her face while she slept. 

“My Lady?” He asked, noticing her blue eyes had been staring so intently at him.

“Nothing, thank you for being so kind.” 

"It is again of no burden," He smiled while bandaging her forehead again, "I do, however, wish to ask Odin for your release. If not for his incorrect assumptions about you but for me to personally keep watch of such a dangerous criminal as yourself under close watch.” His upper lip drew up in a smile during the last half of the sentence.

Theoric asking for her release was something that made her heart skip a beat. To be allowed to be away from these walls, to roam on her own again and to be able to eat real food... She had nearly forgotten what the sun looked like. Her blue eyes lit up at the thought of being able to see the sun and he seemed to notice.

“Well, it seems as if you would be quite alright with that as well.” He chuckled softly, finishing with her forehead and beginning to look at her other cuts and bruises along her arms.

His body kneeling over her cast a large shadow, but it was surprisingly warm.  She wanted nothing more than to be released under his care, to have someone near her like this at all times. 

“I just thought about what the sun used to look like, I miss its warm rays on my face.” Sigyn said quietly

 “Then I shall bargain with Odin for your freedom, or at least for you to be released under, what do the people of Midgard call it? House arrest? Yes, I believe that’s what they say. I shall do so tonight. There are no promises but I shall make it worth his time to hear my plea.” Theoric’s voice growing a little louder towards the end. Standing up, he began to gather his things. 

“Thank you Theoric, if it does not end in the way the way you desire, to not be angry; I am quite content remaining here.” The young girl lied through her teeth but if he knew, he didn’t let on.

“I shall do my best my Lady.”

 Turning, he headed out the door and out of her cell, crossing in front of her, she remembered.

  “Thank you for the soup, it was greately appreciated.”

“Soup? I didn-“

 The warrior was cut off when a guard came to him, pulling him in to whisper something in his ear. Whatever it was, it seemed serious.

 “I must go, I will send word as soon as I can on the matter.” Rushing towards the door, he was gone and once again, she was alone.

The lights began to go out in the back part of the hallway, making it’s way up to her part to signal that it was time for the prisoners to sleep.

 “You’re welcome.” The voice of the figure that had been lying on his bed drew her out of her trance.

What had Loki meant by that? Why had he said that? His voice was clearly exhausted, she was pretty sure he hadn't been reading most of the time. In fact, it seemed as if he had slipped into a deep sleep when she had and had just recently awoken. Since she had been awake, she had noticed how exhausted he seemed, his eyes had appeared slightly sunk in when he had looked up to see Theoric come into her cell. Had something happened in her absence? Had he too been 'questioned'? 

She didn’t have time to ask him as the lights in their section of the hallway went out and sleep overcame her. 

Disfigured Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now