"Idiot," Stella muttered.

"Stella wins!" Herobrine announced. "That's a point for the Killer Creepers! It's now tied, one to one. Next up, Jesse versus Ech!"


Jesse and Ech stepped up to the opposing platforms.

"Where's my opponent?" Jesse asked.

"Hey! Save that for the battle!" Herobrine replied.

"What battle? There's nobody there," Jesse said, genuinely confused.

Ech picked up his microphone and threw it at Jesse.

It hit him in the head. "Ow! Oh, it's the bat."

"Since Lloyd went first last round, Ech will go first this round," Herobrine announced. "Ready, set, go!"

"You're the ugliest horse I've ever seen," Ech said. "Did you get die and come back to life or something? Oh. You did."

"Look at yourself! Oh wait, you can't. Nobody can even see you! At least I'm noticed by people," Jesse responded.

"I don't need to be noticed. Everyone around me is an idiot," Ech replied with a shrug. "But at least I'm smart. Ever since Jamey was eliminated, you've had no idea what to do. She was the brains, and you were the...well, nothing."

"I've changed for the better since Jamey was eliminated. And people like me now. Nobody likes you, because everyone forgets you exist. You're nothing. A loner. A loser. You can't make friends. The squid tried to be your friend, but you pushed him away. You're scared of making friends. Because you can't keep them," Jesse retorted.

Ech opened his mouth the respond, then closed it again. Without a word, he flew off the platform.

"Was I too mean?" Jesse asked.

"Nope! That was awesome!" Herobrine laughed. "Jesse wins! That's the Screaming Zombies' second point! Next up, Chloe versus Pola!"


Jesse's Confessional (SZ)

"Aw man, I was trying to be nicer with Jamey gone. But I think I really hurt Ech's feelings. I should go apologize."



"I can't do this," Chloe whispered, still on the ground. "I have stage fright."

"Hey, you'll be fine," Kain said. "There are only like nine people watching here. Plus the thousands that are watching on TV."

Chloe whimpered.

"Right, not helping. You'll do fine, Chloe. Pola is probably just as scared as you. There's nothing she can say that's meaner than what you say," Kain reassured her.

"Alright..." Chloe stepped onto the stage.



"I can't do this. I hate being mean to people!" Pola exclaimed.

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