"I was one of the doctors that were in charge of you when you were admitted into the hospital when you were just a kid." Her round orbs widened as she remembers a certain raven-haired doctor when she was still a child.

"Ah…Ta-chan sensei!" she exclaimed. He grins.

"I still can't believe you've grown up to be a fine young lady and of all the places to meet you again. Well, have you been doing all right lately? I heard you were in an accident a month ago" his eyes travel to the pianist shoulder. From the way it looks, her shoulder is healing pretty well. Then he noticed his former patient orb saddens.

"From the looks of things…fate somehow made the two of you meet each other again." he saw the bluenette holding a familiar necklace. She nodded.

"I wonder if this second meeting…should have never happened…I mean he looked so miserable…"

"Tetsuki-chan… hush now. Stop over thinking things. He's probably just a little stressed out besides you know how his father is." He ruffles her soft blue locks. He smiled.

"Besides…Kagami would be very worry if he sees you like this" his expression softens. He never liked it when Kuroko looking so down like this.

"I saw Kagamis' car waiting for you outside when I did my rounds earlier. I think its better you go home now before he searched each corner of this building for you. We'll talk again when you come for a visit" he smiled as he ruffles the soft locks even more.

"Thank you, Ta-chan sensei. I'll see you around" she bowed before scurrying along the hallway towards the hospital entrance.

He never liked what he saw on his favorite bluenette face earlier. He knew both her and Akashi past as both him and Midorima was their doctors for a long time when they were younger. At times he could not help but to feel sad for the two poor souls. They loved each other and yet, things never seem to side the two of them.

"I just hope this time…things turn out well for them."


The news of the renowned bandleader and lead singer collapsed after their performance ends last night was everywhere. Luckily, for Akashi, no one had told the media about which hospital he is in.

However, just like what the doctor had said. Akashi has not once woken up. Apparently, one night of rests was insufficient for his exhausted and dehydrated body. Takao has finally allowed visitors to visit the red head but only limited to the band members, his manager Satsuki and last but not least, Kuroko Tetsuki.

The other band members did not questioned her much when she came to visit. Satsuki knows her real identity as the renowned composer, HEAVEN. While Kise knows that Kuroko loves his bandleader, which began to annoy him even more when he saw her sitting by the side of the hospital bed, quietly looking at the deep asleep red head.

'Akashi-chii doesn't deserve her. All he does was hurting her' his knuckle tightens as he bit his lower lips. However, that did not go unnoticed by the raven-haired doctor. Takao furrowed slightly.

Two days passed by, Akashi has not woken up. Kuroko came by to visit him, stayed by his side for hours and hours after classes. Kise stood by her side faithfully watching over her, despite Kuroko being oblivious to his actions and feelings. Aomine and the other two noticed the strange attitude changed on the keyboardist.

"Tetsu is Kise's partner in percussion class, right?" Aomine sipped his pocari while Satsuki took her seat next to him in the hospital cafeteria. The pinknette nodded.

Fate and Destiny [Akashi x Kuroko / Kuroko no Basket]Where stories live. Discover now