Boys, Boys, Boys 2: New Home

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Hey people! Yeah i'm still bored so I'm gonna keep writing. I can't wait till somebody actually reads my thing. I'm so impatient. Sorry for my random ramblings!


Chapter Two:

I continued walking down the hall and sighed. My bags are heavy. I packed three matching black with red tribal rolling cases. I sighed again. I really hate that I let Jana choose my outfit. I'm wearing a tight white dress that was mid-thigh length, white knee-high six inch heels, and white sunglasses that were pulled back in my hair. The dress showed a lot of cleavage, and the heels made me super-tall. I picked some white bangles and a white heart necklace to match. I really don't wear white often. I always get my white stuff dirty, so it's only for special occasions.

I walked up some stairs, starting to get pissed off that the school was so big, and sighed in relief when I saw dorms. I could tell bacause the doors each had a plaque that had six names on them. I looked at the doors I passed, feeling uneasy. I might actually be lost.. I checked my phone to see what time it was, and it was 8:25 PM. I sighed. I've been walking around for like an hour. Dam school!

I reached another stair case and groaned. I wasn't really tired, I was just starting to get really fucking bored. I walked up the stairs and smiled. Just one more floor to go. The first door I saw was 100. I ran down the hall, which was really fucking long, and ran up the stairs. Yeah. I'm a good runner. Even in heels. I laughed when I was up the stairs. I'm way too hyper all of a sudden. I checked my phone again. Dam! 9:01! This school is way too big.

I walked down the hall and stopped when I saw my door. It said 250, and right below it, the six last names. Berkett, Macias, Moore, Night, O'Keefe, and Whelan. I smiled. Some irish in there. I slid the car through the thing on the handle, and, when it flashed green, I turned the handle and opened the door.

The first room seemed like the living room. There was a giant flat screen straight across from me, and a circular black. The wood flooring was a glossy black, the walls were white, and the table between the couch and the flat screen was just glass with white wood. I walked across the room, noticing how loud my heels were on the floor, and looked at the wall to the left of the flat screen. There was three doors. I looked behind me, to the right of the flat screen, and saw another three doors. I shrugged and walked over to the one closest to the wall. I opened it and laughed at the size of the room. It was huge. There was two beds, another two doors, and a big window, with a large window seat. It was more of a couch, really. The beds were messy and the covers were different. The one closer to the window had a midnight blue pillow, and black blanket the other one had a lime green pillow and bark blue with lime green swirled blanket.The room was plain white and I sighed. Hell no. I am decorating the shit out of my room if it looks like this.

I walked out, closed the door, and opened the door next to it. It was another room that was occupied and plain white. I closed it and walked over to the room that would be mine and opened it. There was another plain white room with two beds, two doors, and a window. The bed farthest from the window was taken, and had a bright red, white, and black swirled blanket and pillow. I smiled at the empty bed, walked over to it, and unzipped my cases on the floor. I pulled my blood red pillow and my black blanket out of one of the cases. the bottom of the same case had my toiletries, makeup, and hair stuff. I threw the blanket and pillow on the bed, not really caring that it looked all messy. I walked over to the door opposite my bed, taking the other two cases with me. The other door lead to an empty walk-in closet. I smiled. This should be big enough for the rest of my clothes. Wow. I totally sounded bitchy.

I laughed and started putting my stuff away. I opened a large drawer and stuffed all my bathing suit stuff in it. I opened the one beneath it and stuffed in about eight bra and underwear sets. I opened the drawer beneath it and stuffed more sets in there. In the last drawer I put all my socks and gloves. Next to the drawers was a wall full of wooden squares that reached out about a foot from the wall. I smiled. Perfect for all my shoes.

I abandoned the not even half empty case and started pulling shoes from the other one. There was thirteen squares on each row and there was eight rows. On the third row of squares I put eight sandals, and five wegdes. On the next row I put two more wegdes and some heels. The last six rows were filled with a variety of heels, wedges, boots, sandals, converse, heel boots, sneakers, and all my other random shoes. If you haven't noticed, I have a lot of shoes. You would'nt believe how quick I go through those dam things.

On the other wall was two poles that went straight across. I pulled some hangers out of the case my shoes were in and grabbed some shirts. This is gonna take awhile.

******12:15 AM******

I sighed. I finished unpacking and organizing about 10 minutes ago and now I'm laying on the couch in the first room watching 2 Fast 2 Furious: Tokyo Drift. I happen to love this movie. While normally I never fall asleep during a movie, I guess this was the exception.

******2:35 AM******

"Hey man, you know that Night guy? I think he's new." A voice interupted my dreamless sleep. I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a couple of times, not really paying attention to the voices.

"No. Ask John. I'm sure he knows." A cold voice replied.

"Hey, are you still mad about the hair?" A different voice asked. I was suddenly curious. Did they mess up his hair? Cause that's really something only a chick would complain about.

"No, he's just mad cause the girls at the party thought he was gay." A fourth voice commented. I yawned. Dam. I'm surprisingly tired.

"Hey, I bet it's that Night guy." The first voice commented again. I blinked and frowned. Guy? What is up with this place and thinking everyone's a dude? I waited a second and thought I heard water running. Curiosity got the best of me after a second and I slowly got up, feeling more awake. I hopped over the back of the couch just cause I could, and walked over to the open bathroom door. The water was running pretty loudly, so I don't think they hear me coming. There was four guys that were about three inches taller than me. I blinked. Holy shit. They're like huge. Each one of them was like huge buff.

I looked over the closest one's shoulder.

"Water balloons?" I asked incredulously. The one who's shoulder I was peaking over snapped around, crashing his shoulder into my jaw. I flew into the wall and gasped in pain.

"What the fuck?!" The four of them yelled at the same time.

Boys, Boys, BoysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ