A little help please? Part 2

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2 weeks later

Y/N's P.O.V.

Why does school always have to be so fucking boring? Like who even cares about this shit.

I roll my eyes as my teacher keeps on babbling about whatever bullshit that she is teaching today.

I decide to just ignore her for the rest of the period before she bores me death.

Opening my book bag, I start to pack up my notebook, seeing as I'm not actually taking any notes.

I pull out my moleskin art book and flip the page to my most recent drawing, the gorgeous blind girl.

She looked so beautiful that day. Ever since I met her she has become my muse. Such a shame that I never got her name. Flipping through the pages I see all of the different drawings of her I have done already.

I was able to capture her face perfectly, from her sharp jawline to her gorgeously shaped eyebrows. But when drawing her eyes I decided to leave that space empty. I felt as though it was fitting, since she is blind, a drawing of her with no eyes would represent that. It'd show that she is still beautiful without her eyes.

After looking through my previous drawings of the beautiful blind girl I flip to the last one I have yet to finish. Seeing as I am definitely not going to pay attention to my teacher I figure why not finish it now?

I make sure to put as much detail as I can remember into the drawing, not wanting to mess up her features and have the drawing be inaccurate in any type of way.

About 30 minutes later I unlock my phone to see that there is only 4 more minutes left of the class. Might as well put my stuff away now.

As I pack up, I can see my teacher giving me the side eye, acting as if I care that she's looking at me. She knows that I don't like her and after all the verbal fights we have gotten into, I think she has finally given up on trying to get me to do what she says.

Soon enough the bell rings and I'm the first one out of that horrid classroom.

After putting my books in my locker I make my way to the cafeteria for lunch.

The second I walk in, I heard my name being called by one of my friends. I make my way towards our regular seat, wondering why the fuck he is calling me when he knows I was about to get my delicious pizza (psych school pizza is gross).

"What do you want I'm hungry?" I say grumpily since I haven't eaten all day.

"Can you go get- eh pause I ain't going no where but to that lunch lady to get my fucking pizza." I quickly cut him off before he can even ask. This earns some puppy eyes from him causing me to groan and roll my eyes.

"Aw come on pleaasseeee." He says with a pout on his face, which I just give him a "bitch please" face in return.


"I'll give you my pizza."

"Say less. What do you want?"

"Can you put my textbooks in my locker for me?" He asks happily.

"You're one lazy ass motherfffffffff- just gimme the damn things." I groan out while standing up and leaving my belongings on the table and grabbing his textbooks instead.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now