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I have never felt such betrayal.

How could she do this to me?

All I wanted was loyalty in this relationship. But I guess that was too much to ask.

"Babe I'm sorry." She says once again but I ignore her.

"Y/N I said I was sorry." She pleads. I just shake my head and turn my glare to her.

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it Lauren."

She rolls her eyes and climbs on my lap.

"I didn't mean to babe." She says while grabbing my face and forcing me to look at her.

"I almost had a 100 kill streak Lauren!!!" I say glaring at her harder when she begins to laugh.

"You weren't paying attention to me!" She defends continuing to laugh.

"You know what I don't need this." I say getting up and moving her off my lap.

Its not even 10 seconds of my journey to the stairs before I feel a weight on my back.

"Hmpfh." I groan when I feel Lauren basically choking me with her arms around my neck.

"Jesus Lauren are you trying to strangle me?" I say as I put my hands under her thighs. She just laughs in reply.

"Shut up and keep walking."

"Ya know I could just drop you." I pretend to let go when I say that.

"Y/N!!!" She squeals and holds on tighter.

I make my way to the stairs and look over my shoulder to see Lauren looking at me with her adorable little smile.

"You can get off now." I tell her.

She just kisses me and moves her face to my neck. She mumbles. "I'm good right here, you're too comfortable."

I roll my eyes and say under my breath while walking up the stairs. "I swear you're a child in a grown up body."

I guess she heard me because I feel her bite me really hard in the neck.

"Ouch Lauren!" My grip on her thighs loosen for a second and she starts to slip out of my hold.

"Don't drop me!!!" She yells at me while laughing and holding me closer with her arms and legs.

"Maybe if you stop biting me like you're a fucking vampire I won't drop you." I reply feeling the ache in my neck where she bit me.

I can fell her pout into my neck before kissing the spot she had just bit me.

"I'm sorry." She says in her cute baby voice.

"Stop being so fucking adorable I'm supposed to be mad at you." I say while she giggles.

"You can never be mad at me. You love me too much." She replies while smiling and looking at the side of my face.

"I'm starting to question that now." I playfully reply.

I hear her gasp and start to laugh.

When we finally get upstairs and into our room I throw her on the bed as she laughs.

Walking into out closet I grab some basketball shorts and take off my shirt, leaving me in a sports bra.

I walk back into the bedroom to see Lauren already all cuddled up into the blankets. I make my way to the other side of the bed and slide in behind her. She turns around and looks at me with her beautiful green eyes.

"Hi." She whispers

I kiss her in response then pull back after a minute.

"Hi." I smiled at her.

She kisses me again then scoots closer to me and puts her face back into my neck.


"Goodnight princess." I kiss her head then drift off to sleep.

A/n: Not very good but oh well.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now