There lay the love of my life part 2

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1 day before

How could she do this to me? She promised that she would never do it again. But then again I should've never believed her.

I watch disappointedly as Lauren walks up to the woman that I know all too well.

She lied to me. She went back to her. She knew how fucked up my life was because of her. Yet she still went back to her. I told her if she did it again we would be over. I can never forgive her. But I can't live without her either. She's all I have left.

Lauren continues to talk to her before they finally do what I hoped she would never do again. I watch as Lauren takes her money out of her pocket and hands it to Lucy. And in return she receives a small bag of white powder.

I can't watch it anymore. All I can feel is anger, sadness, hurt and lastly disappointment. Shaking my head at the sight I walk away.

Lucy Vives. The person who single handedly ruined my life. It all started with my father. They used to work together, that is until Lucy set him up.

My dad was a drug dealer and sent Lucy, who at the time was like his right hand man, to make a big order to David Francois. The one person you do not want to fuck with. He is the leader of the biggest gang in Miami. You mess with him and you're dead.

My dad had made the biggest mistake ever by sending Lucy to deliver the drugs. Because when she was supposed to deliver the thousands of dollars worth of coke, she didn't. Instead she stole all of it and gave them bags full of baking soda.

Apparently she stole all the drugs to start her own business. But what she did, ended with David and his gang shooting up my house and killing my father and mother in the process. I was at a friend's house when this happened, and sometimes I wish I wasn't. I wish I had died with them, the only family I had. Instead I had to hold my mother in my arms as she died. Instead I had to watch the ones I loved the most, descend 6 feet into the ground. As people cried and weeped beside me.

Lauren, she was there for me. She helped me get through it all. Stayed with me when I'd wake up screaming at night. Held me as I cried for my parents to come back. And listened as I would tell her stories about them before their ultimate demise. But she had problems of her own too.

She was an addict and I tried to get her to stop. But she just wouldn't listen to me. It took her overdosing before she finally went to rehab. Before today she was a whole year drug free.

But now she has broken my trust and there is nothing that could ever get that back. My trust is irreparable.

I walk back home thinking of how the last stable thing in my life has come crashing down like a tower of cards.

When I get home the first thing I do is go to the kitchen and grab a bottle of vodka. Unscrewing the cap, I down it in one big gulp. Not caring anymore since I really don't have anything to live for. She ruined us.

She ruined my life. Took my parents away from me and now she has taken the love of my life away from me too.

That's how I spend the rest of my day, drowning in my sorrows. I decide to just not go to work and just stay in bed staring at the wall in front of me. After finishing all the alcohol in the house I reach into the bed side table and take out the gun I keep inside.

Might as well. I have nothing to stop me. Closing the drawer I get up and leave the house deciding to just walk to the she devil itself.

After an hour walk I make it to the park she always hangs in. When I get there I immediately see her sitting on a bench, smoking a blunt.

Walking up to her I stand there until she sees me staring at her.

"Well if it isn't little Y/LN. Long time no see kid." She greets with this sickening smirk on her face.

I just stand there and stare at her with no emotion on my face.

She looks at me as she takes a hit before she opens her mouth to say something else. But I've already gotten tired of listening to her speak. So I reach under the back of my jacket and pull out the gun from where I had it in the waistband of my jeans.

As the gun comes into her view she quickly stops talking about whatever bullshit she was babbling about and raises both her hands.

"Woah woah chill with that thing." She says looking between the gun and my still emotionless face.

I just stare at her, the gun firmly in my hand and then I point it downward and shot her in the knee. Putting the gun in its previous place, I simply walk away. Ignoring the screams of horror and the yells of pain she lets out.

Now to go home and wait. Because I know that she'll either send some one to kill me or do it herself. But I'm not scared to die, now that I have nothing. I ache for it.

So as I walk back into the place I used to feel at home, I go to sleep and plan to go as if nothing is wrong.

Two hours before

Yesterday Lauren had noticed that I was a bit off but I managed to convince her that I just had a headache. Which was sort of true. With all the bottles of alcohol I drank it was bound to happen.

In the morning is when I felt my hang over the most. But instead of taking and aspirin or something I walked down to the corner store and bought another pack of beer.

Knowing that today will most likely be my last day on earth, I'd like to spend it drunk off my ass.

So as I finish my last bottle of Budweiser I decide to leave Lauren a note. Because she needs to know that she is the cause of this. She is the reason that I will die today, it's all her fault.

As I drunkenly write the note, I fail to realize that blaming her for my death will scar her for the rest of her life. She will probably never be the same, and she never was...


It wasn't until years later that they found Y/N's killer or the reason why she was killed.

Lauren was never able to recover from the grief. The knowing that she was the cause of her wife's death killed her and destroyed her mentally.So she sits in the home, that used to be filled with love and laughter, and stares at the picture of you two on your wedding day. Stares at the happy smiles you both wore on that day.

That was supposed to be the start of a life time together. But all she can think about is how she fucked that all up. All because she couldn't stay clean.

It just goes to show how just one dime bag can ruin everything...



A/n: I honestly hate this one but oh well

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