A little help please?

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Lauren's P.O.V.
"Um excuse me. Can someone please help me find Mr.Jones physical therapy office?" I said anxiously while waiting for anyone to help me.

"Hello? Is there someone that can help me?" I still got no answer, just the sound of people walking by me. I continued to do this for a couple more minutes but it seemed like nobody cared.

Sighing I unfolded my cane and started to walk straight, hopefully going in the right direction.

Your P.O.V.

Finally, school is over and I get to go home and sleep. That shit is tiring as hell and didn't get any sleep last night.

As I'm walking I notice a bunch of people on the sidewalk and like always they're walking like freaking snails. I roll my eyes at them and swerve my way around the life sized snails and continue my journey home.

I'm about 3 blocks away from my house when I notice this girl with a cane talking but no one is listening to her. Pausing the music I was listening to, I continued to walk in that direction.

"Hello? Can someone please help me?" I realize that she is blind from the red and white cane she is holding. And her beautiful emerald eyes having no pupil.

As I get closer I see people just walking past her and just ignoring her. That alone pisses me the fuck off. Like come on dude she's fucking blind and needs help but you just walk by her as if she's not worth your time.

I make my way to the left side of her and get taken back by her beauty. She's even more gorgeous up close. Her beautiful jet black hair flows down her shoulders and back. She looks as if she was sculpted by the gods. After my shock I finally make my presence known.

"Hey what was it that you're looking for?" She turns her head towards me at the sound of my voice.

"I need to find Mr.Jones physical therapy office." She tells me sounding anxious. I take a second to look at the two buildings we are in front of that have different signs on them and see that the office she's looking for is right ahead of us.

"Ok its right this way." I put my hand on her back and slowly lead her to the double doors, ignoring the sparks I feel when I touch her. As she grabbed onto my arm for leverage, we make our way to building.

When we got to the doors I opened it for her and held it as she walked in.

"Thank you." She said and she tapped her cane around the 3 steps ahead of her.

"No problem, are you okay now or do you need more help?" I asked not wanting her to get lost again.

"No I'm fine thank you again." She thanked as she walked down the stairs to the second door.

"Ok be careful." I said as I exited the building and continued my journey home.

Lauren's P.O.V.

"Oooo who was that hottie?" I hear none other than Dinah Jane Hansen the minute I walk through the door.

"I don't know just somebody that helped me find the door." I say as I quietly count the steps to my desk before I find my chair and put my stuff down.

"Well since you can't see her, I'm here to tell you that she is smoking girl. Like damn I'd tap that." I laugh at how ridiculous my best friend is being.

"Yea well all she did was walk me here, nothing special." I think back to how safe I felt when she touched me.

"Oh please I can smell your bullshit from all the way over here. Look at you, you're already day dreaming about her." I snap my head to where I hear her voice coming from and glare at her. Something I have always done to creep her out since she says that my eyes are scary.

"Ok seriously how the fuck do you do that?!" She exclaims as I figure that I have succeeded in scaring her.

I laugh lightly at her ignoring her question and start to get a feel of the things on my desk to make sure nothing is out of place so that I don't accidentally mistake a pencil holder for a coffee cup. It has happened one time and Dinah will never let me live that one down.

Dinah and I have been best friends since the 2nd grade so we're able to joke about me being blind and everything. But if she sees anyone making jokes about it that isn't her she goes all beast mode, as my sister Taylor describes it.

"Hey Lauren." I hear a cheery Ally greet me.

"Hi Ally." I greet back as I place the things in my chair, on my desk before I take a seat.

"So what are guys talking about?" I hear her ask.

"Oh nothing just about Lauren's crush." I could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

"Dinah! I do not have a crush!" I groan at her.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat." She replies before I groan and lay my head on the table.

It is going to be a longgg day.


A/n: This imagine is based off of this one time when I was walking home and I saw a blind lady looking for a building and nobody payed her any attention. Every time I think about it, it gets me tight. Like how are you gonna just ignore a blind person trying to get some help finding a building. All these adults passing by her and it took my 12 year old self (at the time) for her to actually get some help. Like really,come on humanity wya.

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