24 - Slap Bet

Start bij het begin

"SHE GOT SHOT WITH DA RED LASER" Philip giggled hysterically as he and Peggy watched 'A New Hope'. I find it a little sad that I had spent so much time around Alex that I knew which scene they were talking about. We both laughed a bit and Alex quickly pecked me on the lips before joining Philip and Peggy upstairs.

Again, realistically, I should've been mad, but Philip was unrealistically adorable.


Eliza slammed her coffee mug down on the table our group (with Philip) were sitting around.

"POLYGAMY" she shouted, eyes wide and we looked at her. "How does it work?" She asked, facing Peggy, who shrugged. "Do the other people you're dating have to be polyamorist as well? Or just two people? Is it two? Maybe one?" She rambled on like this for a few minutes more until she noticed Philip attempting to drink the coffee out of her mug.

"Liz, none of us know how it works but we support you one hundred percent" Angie stated, staring at her phone screen.

"SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME!" Eliza whined, slamming her head on the table. We all awkwardly patted her before moving onto better conversations

Alex's POV

"SLAP BET" Peggy screamed and we all stared at her

"LIKE FROM HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER" I screamed back and we fangirled for a few minutes.

"I declare a slap bet because the author for this fanfic has intense writers block and has been binge watching her favourite show, how I met your mother and needs a filler chapter because she feels bad for not updating so sLAP BET!" Peggy yelled as fast as she could. We didn't really know what she said but we assumed it was a reference to a batman comic as usual and moved on.

"I slap bet that Alex can drink more hot chocolates in a minute than Eliza can" she declared.

"And I bet that Eliza can drink more hot chocolates than Alex in a minute" Angelica huffed. 'Ooooooo's' were heard from John, laf and Hercules.

"If Eliza drinks more then you get to either slap me in the face 10 times right now, or 5 times whenever you want. Same for me if I win" she explained while Angelica pulled out a hundred dollars.

"As many hot chocolates as possible please" Angelica snarled, not even taking a look at the waiter she was handing the one hundred dollar bill to. The waiter stared at her awkwardly before rushing off.

"LAF IS THE SLAP BET COMMISSIONER" Eliza yelled and we all cheered before glaring at each other, other than laf, herc and John who got popcorn and a baguette from god knows where.

Some time later

There are fifty hot chocolates on the table, twenty five for Eliza and twenty five for me.

"Okay" Peggy checked her phone stop watch repeatedly as she started the countdown. "Three.... two.. one...... go"

"SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT" Eliza screamed once the timer started.

"MY CHILD IS SITTING HERE, WE DON'T WANT TO EXHIBIT BAD BEHAVIOUR!" I whisper shouted as I poured two cups of hot chocolate in my mouth between words.


Eliza finished with nine and I finished with ten, giving Peggy the slap-crown.

"Okay" lad muttered, pacing as he stroked his chin. "Margarita Schuyler would you prefer to give your older sister, Angelica Schuyler, ten slaps right in the face at this very moment... OR five slaps in the face you could use at any moment at any point in the duration of your life span?"

Peggy thought and chugged down a spare hot chocolate to assist her with her thinking. "Five" she finally said. Angelica flopped her head onto the table and groaned for a good ten minutes. "Hey Angie, pass the salt please?"

Angelica hesitantly handed her the salt and Peggy quickly swatted her hand, millimetres away from angie's face, causing her to screen.

"Got ya" Peggy smiled and we all I he'd away from her slowly.

fRick fRack I have writers block. Ok literally now that they're out of college idek what to do. hELP

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