Chapter 2~

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Julia explained everything. I always knew I was a heavy sleeper and all, but never in my life would I think I could sleep through that. 

Now, my not-so-comforting best friend and I were sitting on the end of my bed, listening to the complaints of these 'very attractive intruders' , as she calls them, from outside of the door. 

"You can let us in you know! We're not going to hurt you!" , shouted a deep-ish voice. By the look in Julia's eyes, she obviously recognizes it. And I think she likes it. Not wanting them to eavesdrop on the conversation I intended to have, I dragged Julia towards my master closet.  I know how jealous she is of it, so why not rub it in? 

I sat down on the floor next to my shoe rack. "What are we going to do?!" , Julia asks, obviously stressed out.

"Well, I mean, if they do plan on robbing us and taking every last object we own, I don't think we should be locked in my closet giving them first pick to anything they want.", I stated the facts.

" I DON'T WANT TO GET KILLED! ", she screams. I started laughing.

"What are you laughing about?! This is serious matter!"

"By the sound of them, I don't think they're going to murder us. You don't even know their situation! They could be here for a completely normal reason." , I said, doubting my own.

She sighed and then said, "I guess you're right."

"So, does that mean we can let them i-" I began to say, but was rudely cut off.

"1, 2, 3, PUSH!" 

I opened the closet door and returned to my bedroom to see what was going on.

"1, 2, 3, PUSH!"

This time, I heard a chorus of complaints consisting of "Ow" , "Ouch" , and "HOLY MOTHER OF CATS THAT HURT" I laughed at that last one.

Julia, with wide eyes, became brave and asked the forbidden question.

"Would you guys like to come in now? You're welcome to explain at this time, if you're free of weapons that is."


We all sat on the floor of my bedroom. This was time for some serious explaining. You may say, 'Ohh, it's crazy to just welcome in a group of strangers you found in your closet, and have a conversation with them!' , but who said Julia and I weren't crazy?

"This is Liam" The curly headed one said, pointing at the boy in plaid. If my memory doesn't decive me, that's the one who was afraid of Julia's spoon. I came back from my thoughts, paying attention to names. I was never really good with them. "...that's Louis, my love" he chuckled out, pointing to the boy in stripes and suspenders. They shared a bromantic hug. Apparently, this is the nutjob who threw a carrot at the back of my roomate's head. I'm starting to think Julia just imagined all of these things. "Of course, there's my little leprachaun, Niall" , he continued, pointing to the 'hungry blonde' , who smiled insanely. "And then, there's Zayn. Beware", he said, taking a pause and pointing, "He's very vain". I looked up to study Zayn, but his eyes were completely locked with Julia's. Hmm, I see a bit going on there! "And last but surely not least" , Curly-Q wraps up, "There's me! I'm Harry." 

He shared a quick glance with Julia before she went back to Zayn, and then looked at me. His eyes were a gorgeous green and I hadn't noticed until now.

I coughed before speaking. "So, now that we're all introduced" , I began, " Would you like to explain why Julia woke up with you in her closet?"

I broke the locked eyes between Harry and I, after realizing he was completely unaware of the question I had just asked. I wanted an answer. He looked around the circle we were all sitting in like a kindergarten class, and Liam spoke up.

"This might be a little hard to explain, and I doubt that you'll believe us", He started off. I nudged Julia's shoulder to make sure she would pay attention.

I could tell Liam was struggling to say something. The rest of the 4 were staring at him, obviously trying to communicate. Why they couldn't just speak, that I don't know.


"We're in this boy-"

"We were being chased by these gi-"

"GANGSTERS. WE WERE BEING CHASED BY GANGSTERS", Harry quickly injected into the conversation.

"Gangsters?" Julia quickly questioned.

"Yeah...uhm", Louis began, "They followed us out of a store, and chased us...

"Down an alley!" Zayn announced.

"So, basically, you were chased down an alleyway by a bunch of gangsters, and decided to climb up  to the second floor of our apartment to get in Julia's closet?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Julia's a cool name" , Zayn said. Ha, I don't think he meant to say that out loud. Him and Julia both blushed.

"As soon as we ran away from them", Liam continued as if nothing happened," We knew they were on our tail".

Harry finished his sentence saying, "So we became a group of 5 spidermans and climbed up through the window, babe". He added a smirk at the end, trying to contain laughter.

He called me babe in that little English accent of his.

To be honest, I'm not really sure if I believed this story. By the look on Julia's face, I was positive she didn't either. I was just too distracted by him calling me what he just did. That was really, really...I...That was cool.

A/N - Hey guys! This story is going to pick up in drama pretty soon, so stay tuned. This sounds like an advertisement, but whatever. It's not going to be all sappy like others, just putting that out there as a warning. THIS IS A HOLD UP. PUT IT IN YO' LIBRARY....I mean if you want to...please?

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