Not a chapter, but PLEASE READ!

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Hey guys! First off, we want to apologize. This story rarely gets updated. We love it, and we love the support we're getting, but its just difficult for us to write sometimes. School's rough, and we want to put the best chapter out that we possibly can. We won't settle!

Please know that we see every single comment, notice every vote, and appreciate every read given to us. When we posted this story it was just for fun. We never thought we'd get thousands of reads, even hundreds. We love you guys so much, this is so surreal, and this is just the beginning.

With only 8 chapters out, we know that this story is going to grow and continue to get reads, but it might take some time. To everyone out there that has our story in their library, and is waiting for updates, we know this must sounds like bad news. But, please remember that one day, this book WILL finish! You won't be disappointed with updates that are going to come, and we really do think that That Awkward Moment is a story to keep. Please bare with us. We get comments regularly to update, and it does motivate us, but without a writing spark, we don't feel comfortable posting a chapter. Like we said, it has to be the best!

Chapters take a long time to think out, and also it takes a while for the two of us to agree on topics. We want to know what's going to happen just as bad as you do!

All in all, we just wanted to let you know that even though not much happens often, it DOES happen. Ideas are said, written down, and they eventually form into chapters. We appreciate every one of you so much.

With love,

Julie and Julia xxxx

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