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I danced lazily to the beat, unaware of my movements. Last night had been great.

Music is another form of love.

It calms you down, sometimes works you up.
It makes you drift away from the real world, sometimes slaps the harsh reality on your face.
It makes you excited about the future, sometimes nostalgic about the past.
It makes you laugh, sometimes makes you cry.

But music is irresistible.

And so was the smile on my face.


Yesterday had been one eventful day.

My dad and Noah dropped two bombs on me, and I had never worked my head up so much to contemplate what to do about something.



He smiled at me from across the table.

"How's college?" He asked.

"Good," I replied, drumming my fingers on my cup and looking away. I just wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

"Ian." He sighed. "Look at me."

I reluctantly did, giving him my straight face.

"I'm bi." He blurted, looking at me nervously.

Wait. What?

"What?" I whispered in shock.

"Yeah..." He trailed, probably analyzing whether it was wise to confront me about it or not because even I was not sure what kind of expression was displayed on my face that moment. Maybe horror?

"S-since when?" I stuttered.

"Since I met Paul," He confessed making me widen my eyes.

He cheated on my mother. With a guy.

"You're forty-three! How do you change your sexuality at forty-three?" I asked, bamboozled.

"It was always somewhere back in my brains... I guess." He admitted sheepishly.

What was I supposed to do? He had accepted me so I could accept him too. I mean, I had no problem with his sexuality at all. I had a problem with the fact that he cheated on my mother and didn't even confront her about it after separating.

"Does mom know?" I asked for confirmation and he shook his head no.

"I don't care about who you like, dad. But you need to apologize to mom. You need to make up for this. I don't care about the reason why you cheated. You cheated. Full stop."

"Yeah, I know. And I feel terrible. I'll talk to her. I promise." He said and I nodded.


The rest of the things we talked about was my college stuff and his work stuff, both of which were related.

He told me that he missed me, something I chuckled bitterly on, and that I could call him anytime I needed something. I just nodded here and there and soon the meeting was over and we parted ways.

When I went home, I told mom about it who, needless to say, was stunned.
But she somehow found it an acceptable reason for her ex husband's actions. She was incredibly loving and forgiving.

Dad had promised that he would soon meet her to explain things himself and to apologize, so I was a little satisfied.

At night, after a heated conversation with mom over dinner about whether my father should be forgiven or not, I went up the stairs to my room and followed my routine.

I put my playlist on and plugged my earphones in as I logged into the site.

Noah was online and his opener was a shocker,

'Wanna meet up?'

My jaw unhinged and I felt my heart beating rapidly inside my chest.

My brain flooded with multiple questions like,
Did I want to meet him? Did I want a hook up? With a guy I met on a roleplay site? Did I want actual action than just sexting? What did he even look like? Will we date or just randomly sleep together?

I wasn't the kind of person to date and do that romantic kind of stuff. I didn't want a boy friend.

But something about the guy was irresistible, much like my favourite song that happened to play that moment. He was luring me in like a moth to the flames and I couldn't stop. I hadn't experienced this before and it was scary.

Song after song continued and I lost myself in my thoughts, not being able to narrow myself down to an answer to his question.

I was attracted to people, yes. But not so much as to even think about going out with them. My fantasies were limited to taking them to bed, no feelings involved.

That was the kind of person I was. Some people thought that it wasn't healthy or right. But I considered no one to be anyone to judge what is right and wrong for me. I always did what felt right to me. My heart had driven my life all along.

After pondering upon all the things that had been going on in my life (coming to the conclusion that the major backdrop at present was 'loneliness') and being unable to figure out a way away from them, I finally made a decision.

'Sure', I texted back, quickly adding, 'I'll be your bed buddy.'

A/N: Next chapter will be up soon!
Don't stop reading!

Bed BuddiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora