20. Dont stop me

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That week of school went so so slowly but by the time Friday rolled around we were so excited for our trip. We'd planned to head off early Sunday morning and make the two hour drive with two cars. Emma, Maddy and i in one. Jack, Tyler, Marty, Carl, and probably Maria in the other. I was slowly coming around to the fact that Maria was coming and obviously nothing was going to happen between me and Carl. We'd actually sort of gone back to normal but of course everything changed that night.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Carl asked catching up to me as I was walking out of those school doors for a whole two weeks.

"Not exactly!"

"Good because you're coming over, Fiona is throwing an end of term party or something for us," he rolled his eyes but I was excited.

"Ill be there." I grinned before we parted ways.


I rocked up to their house and everyone was already there. And by everyone it was the Gallaghers, Kev and V, and some of their friends. Everyone was drinking and dancing and eating pizza, like old times.

"Happy end of term!" V sang giving me a big hug.

"Congrats little one!" Kev smiled handing me a drink.

"Yeah well it's not over yet!" I sighed going to find Carl. "I'm here." I grinned as I came up behind him as he was talking to Fiona and her new 'kind of' boyfriend 'kind of' fuck buddy.

"Can't believe you guys are getting through your final year," Fiona coo'd lovingly as Carl rolled his eyes. "Now go have fun!" She winked before heading back into the living room to dance.

"This is cute," I giggled at their little set up!

"Yeah sure," he rolled his eyes finally giving me a big hug. "You look good," he winked. Definitely back to normal. "Now let's get as drunk as possible before we have to spend two weeks straight with our friends!" Ill drink to that.


A few hours or so later Carl and i were both pretty drunk and I was dancing around with Fiona and V and some of their work friends as Carl sat on the couch with Ian and Lip.

"Where's your girlfriend tonight?" I overheard Ian ask Carl.

"I dunno," he tried to play the subject off but they weren't letting him.

"Why didn't you invite her?" Lip pushed. They were known to be pretty aggressive boys when they drank too much. I was praying for no fights.

"It's not really her thing." He said.

"Why'd you invite Ava then?" Lip asked bluntly.

"Because Fiona asked me to," Carl said and I felt a little hurt that he might've not wanted me here.

"Bullshit!" Lip laughed.

"Excuse me?" They were starting to get a little heated now.

"You invited Ava because you want to fuck her behind your girlfriends back!" Lip spat and I froze in shock.

"Shut the fuck up!" Carl spat back. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"I know you're too much of a pussy to get her," Lip laughed at him causing Carl to get even angrier.

"I don't want to fuck her she's my best mate." Carl said back which I guess was a good thing but not what I wanted to hear exactly. God I was even more of a mess than he was.

"Oh so you don't mind if I have a crack then?" Lip tormented.

"Don't fucking go there." Carl warned and I felt even more confused.

"If you don't want her you shouldn't mind if I do this then," before I even registered what Lip had said he stood up and took two big strides in front of me. My face was in pure shock as he grabbed it with two hands and smashed his lips against mine. His hand snaked around my waist and he began to actually kiss me. Before I could even decide whether I wanted to kiss him back or not he was ripped away from me.

Everything happened so fast, I was confused listening to their conversation then so in shock when Lip kissed me it took me a while to realise that Carl was the one to yank him away and plant a big punch in his face.

Before I knew it they were both rolling around on the floor laying punches into each other. It got ugly real quick. It started because of Lips frustration at Carl not admitting he didn't want his girlfriend but now it was just a pure aggravated fist fest. Ian was the first one to step in as everyone watched in confusion as he was trying to yank Lip away and as I came to grips with what the fuck was going on I decided I'd better intervene.

"Fucking stop it!" I yelled trying to grab Carls arm. Ian managed to pull Lip fully off Carl who was laying on the floor with blood on his face, not entirely sure who's it was. They took a moment to breathe before Carl got up and stormed up stairs and I decided I'd better follow him.


I found him sitting on the edge of the bath with his head in his hands. He looked an absolute mess. Without saying a word I shut the door behind us and grabbed a flannel wetting it. He looked up at me but stayed silent and I took the opportunity to stand infront of him and gently try and clean his face.

"Ava, I'm sorry!" He whispered m which kind of melted my insides a little bit.

"Don't apologise to me," I laughed taking in the state of him. His face softened a little bit.

"He deserved it," he laughed lifting his face up to look at me and let me fully clean it. I could feel his eyes on me as I gently rubbed the blood off his face and I felt my heart start to race. It was unspoken but we both knew he was jealous that Lip had kissed me and that had to mean something right?

Slowly I felt his hands rest on the backs of my thighs just under my bum and he gently ushered me closer to him until I was stood inbetween his legs.

"Carl," i began but if he didn't stop me I wasn't really sure what I'd say.

"Don't stop me please," he whispered with a stern but desperate tone to his voice that gave me goosebumps and I complied. He guided the back of my thighs to straddle his waist so I was sat on his lap on the edge of the bath with our breathing heavy and his hands gripping my thighs which lay either side of him. I was almost in shock again but I was fully aware of what was happening and this time had absolutely no intentions of stopping it. Our eyes were locked until he gently moved in and took one hand to push my hair aside exposing my neck. He lent up and gently kissed under my ear which only intensified my goosebumps. His kisses moved from under my ear gently down my neck to my collar bone. I was in heaven finally feeling his lips and his tongue kissing licking and biting. I was melting into his touch as one hand held the back of my head and the other still tightly gripping my thigh. My hands dove into his messy hair and I embarrassingly let out a moan. I could feel him smirk against my neck. Good to see his usual cocky self. And he began kissing up to my jaw and my heart was completely erratic.

All of a sudden there was a harsh knock on the door that absolutely scared the shit out of me and I jumped off Carl like he was on fire and I swore heard him mutter 'fucking hell' as Lip and Ian poked their heads into the room. We looked guilty. We were guilty I guess? Would that count as cheating? I didn't even know. I didn't even care.


Here we go babies a little bit of action ;)
Thanks again for all the feedback I'm seriously in awe you guys are the best xxxx

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