4. easy is boring

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When we arrived the party was in full swing...and by full swing i mean it looked like the most boring thing i'd been to in my life.

"Hectic party." I muttered to Carl as we walked in, Matt trailing behind.

"Just because it's not what we're used to doesn't mean it's not fun." Carl defended as we took in our surroundings. "Im gonna go find Maria." and off he went.

"I didn't realise this would be so low key." i said to Matt in hopes of grabbing his attention.

"That's okay i'm not a big fan of the parties you usually drag me to anyway." He smiled as if it was a compliment.

"Shall we go get a drink?" i asked trying to hold onto hope for a good night and we made our way to the kitchen.

"There you are!" I heard Carl call from behind me. i turned around to see him pulling along a tanned skinned girl with light brown hair by the hand.

"Right where the fun is." I said sarcastically. "You must be Maria, so excited to meet you" I smiled earning a strange look from her.

"You must be the girl he spends all his time with!" She smiled falsely "I'm Carls Girlfriend." She stated territorially.

"Yeah i know." i laughed awkwardly at her hostility. "This is my boyfriend Matt!"

"Oh," she muttered glancing towards Carl, "he never mentioned you had a boyfriend, nice to meet you both."

"You too!" Matt smiled completely ignoring the fact that Carl's girlfriend was a bitch.

"Yeah we've been together for ages!" I smiled trying to hopefully ease her obvious jealousy.

"I wouldn't know he's barely mentioned you guys!" She laughed wrapping her arm around his waist even though she literally just contradicted herself.

"Right, well we're gonna go say hello to everyone. i'll catch up with you guys later." Carl smiled as an attempt to ease the tension.

"Aaaand i'm already getting ditched." I sighed turning to Matt.

"So? Maybe now he won't be so dependent and clingy with you!" Matt muttered siping on his drink. I downed the rest of mine and grabbed another. It was going to be a long night...


After 2 hours of sitting with Matt making small talk i was literally going insane, this party was terrible.

"Wanna dance?" I asked for the second time throwing back the last of my drink, beginning to feel all the alcohol i'd just consumed.

"Nah my mums out the front i'm gonna head off!" Matt said taking me by surprise. "You don't mind do you?"

"Uhh, i was kinda hoping for your company tonight." I stumbled surprised that my boyfriend was actually ditching me too with no warning

"Yeah sorry got a big day tomorrow, you have a ride home yeah?" He asked brushing me off. I nodded dumbfounded at his blatant disregard.
"Cool, ill speak to you later." He smiled standing and kissing me on the cheek leaving without much of a second glance.

I needed a smoke.


After powering down another few drinks and 3 cigarettes down, the voice of the asshole that dragged me here rudely interrupted my alone time outside the party.

"Where's loverboy?" He snickered, clearly he was drunk too. Believe it or not, he could be even more of a dick when drunk.

"He left." i sighed offering him the cigarette.

"oh," he sighed almost apologetically. "Why?" he asked taking the cigarette and sitting on the curb next to me.

"Because, no offence to your girlfriend, but this party is shit!"

"Well why didn't you leave with him then." Carl said as a defensive attempt.

"He didn't even ask me to!" I sighed looking up at Carl expecting a cocky response.

"He doesn't deserve you A." Carl sighed after a moment of thinking, i was shocked. i guess drinking made him sentimental.

"I could say the same about your girlfriend." i admitted thinking back to her bitchy attitude.

"Hey, Maria's alright." Carl laughed nudging me with his shoulder.

"Why the sudden interest in having a girlfriend?" I asked the question that had been on my mind for the last few days.

"Ah, i dunno," he paused, "i figured i couldn't keep fucking around forever right?"

"Want my honest opinion?" I asked letting the alcohol take over my common sense. "Relationships are a waste of time, i envied your ability to fuck around."

"Maybe you just have a shitty boyfriend." Carl smirked however i knew this was his honest opinion.

"I dunno it's just easier the way things are!" i admitted. No first dates or awkward encounters, no stress about someone not liking you back or liking you too much, not having to stress about being bad in bed or someone else being bad. i was just used to having a relationship.

"Yeah might be easy but easy is boring." Carl said watching my face as i avoided eye contact.

"It's not too bad..." i tried to defend my sad excuse for a relationship.

"He wouldn't fuck you for like a month," Carl half yelled in frustration.

"Relationships aren't all about the sex..."

"I know that but jesus christ A i struggle so hard to keep my hands off you and your my best friend, if i got the chance to have you...my god the things i would do to you." He spilled unintentionally as the blush rose to my cheeks.

"You can't do that anymore." i breathed faintly.

"Do wha-?"

"You know what," I cut him off, "if you're serious about your relationship." I looked up at him and he was staring at me intently and my breathe caught in my throat, he was so good looking it shocked me sometimes and his eyes were dreary from the alcohol making them extra seductive.

"I can't control it around you," he admitted. "Look, as a best friend, i think you deserve someone that makes you feel good all the time." He shrugged standing up. "Lip is coming in 10 mins by the way if you're coming with us!"
Us as in him and Maria i assumed. Great.


"Am i just dropping you at your house Ava?" Lip asked breaking the silence in the car.

"Where else would you drop her?" Maria uncomfortably laughed, clearly she was unaware i often stayed at the Gallagher's.

"Yeah just home Lip, mums moved in with her boyfriend for good i think." i said ignoring her comment.

"Not like you could stay anywhere else tonight right?" Maria laughed again.

"Well you know you're always welcome at ours." Lip smiled winking at me as we pulled up.

"I appreciate it, i'll be sure to visit soon!" I said specifically to piss Maria off who was giving Carl a hell of a death stare. "Thanks for the ride Lip, seeya later!"

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