I think it took a while for it to sink in for the both of us, because a few weeks later we were watching the TV and he turned to me and asked if we were really going to do this. When I nodded and smiled he went straight back to what he was doing but he had a small smile playing on his lips for the rest of the evening. The next day we decided we might as well tell our families, again there was no reason to wait.

I made the stupid mistake of texting my mam the details and I don't think I heard the end of it for at least a month. How her eldest could be so cruel as to text important information such as that and for believing that she would give me a hard time for it. She is right, she is always right that is exactly what I had expected and that is exactly why I had chosen to text her. However she surprised us both and after she had gotten over the heart-breaking text message she was thrilled and began planning straight away.

Hannah was equally as excited and dove straight into planning the wedding alongside my mother, I could tell right now that they would be impossible. But as Micah rightly reminded me she was paying for most of it so it wouldn't exactly be acceptable to argue- too much anyway.

Micah's family had a slightly different approach, his brother was twelve so he didn't care about anything at all. His mam looked like she had a bad taste in her mouth and his Nana who he was extremely close to asked him why he would want to get married when things were ok the way that they were. It's safe to say I was the reason behind that and in all fairness I had expected his mother's reaction as we had never gotten along but his Nana's reaction surprised and slightly pissed me off.

I made it my mission in life from then on to do anything I could to annoy them both, choosing the opposite of what they wanted every time. I know I am acting all childish again but when it comes to those two everything is my fault, especially when Micah doesn't see them often enough they act as if I chain him to the bed to stop him going.

Micah and I decided we wanted to keep it traditional as possible despite how unconventional our marriage would be. After going through several venues with two failed attempts at booking them in for our date we were struggling to find somewhere nice to hold it. Our first choice was making all of the decisions for us and it made us slightly unhappy as it was our day no one else's so they had to go. The second decided they would book us in then two weeks later close down for a year for renovations, so they called us in to ask if we wanted to get married on a building site or take our money back.

It was after that unpleasant phone call that Hannah was flipping through magazines for venues when I spotted a picture of a very grand looking house with a happy couple standing outside. I remember saying that I wished we could have somewhere like that because I loved everything old fashioned but I have never seen anywhere in the North like that. She squealed as she read the article properly and discovered that this actual building was only twenty minutes away from us in Beamish.

We all drove up together the next day, turns out it wasn't a house anymore but a hotel but that did not take away any of the beauty from the place. It was spectacular in its size and it looked exactly how I had wanted old fashioned and grand and right then I had made my decision, if we were going to do this it had to be here.

We were given a tour and taken to the room where we would be married and the room where the reception would take place afterwards. Both of them were beautiful and I was surprised at how excited I was actually feeling, I looked at Micah and my feelings were mirrored in his features as he was beaming.

In the next few months with the help of Hannah and my mam we had everything booked in and deposits paid on everything from cars to flowers, and a photo booth to cake. It was slowly becoming very real and I began to panic, not the cold feet type of panic but the feeling that people won't come or enjoy themselves kind of panic. It wasn't even about the money that would be wasted if no one turned up, it was about wanting this to be perfect for the both of us.

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