Chapter 36 - charity night

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"Right I'll see you in a bit" whip kissed me as I was flopped out on the sofa "I thought I was coming with you!!?" I sat up as quickly as I could "yes but you're not dressed" "give me two minutes!!" "No charlie, just...stay here till dinner and I'll come and pick you up okay, give you a leisurely get ready time" he smiled and kissed me again "oh don't forget I have the kids and I'm taking them to my sisters so your mum and dad can come" he smiled as he stroked my cheek "okay Hun, see you later" I smiled as I out my head back on the pillows on the sofa.

After drifting in and out of sleep for most of the morning I finally decided to get up, I stepped down the stairs slowly, plodding down each one, my dressing gown dragging behind me, I was knackered, the only reason I got up was because my stomach was growling, I was starving, I made myself a sandwich and decided to make a cake, I washed my dishes and then got out all the ingredients I needed, I put the volume up to the highest on my ipad, jovi started to blare out, I poured in the flour, eggs, sugar the usual ingredient and blended it all together with the whisk, I dipped my finger just around the edge and licked it clean, "mmmmmm!!!!" I closed my eyes as I dipped it in again, I turned to the oven off, put the trays away and sat down with my bowl of cake mix.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice, I took my head from the bowl and looked up "hey..." Whip smiled at me with an amused expression "hey.." "You do realise what time it is right?" "Erm yeah totally, it''s about 11" "try 1.30" "1.30!?" I peeled myself from the sofa and went upstairs. I got out my outfit that thank fully I'd already prepared the night before. I out the blue dress over my head, and over my bobs but couldn't get it any further, however much I tugged it wouldn't go anywhere, "Whiiiiiiip" I shouted down the stairs, "yeah?!" "Little help pleaseeee" he plodded up the stairs and into the bedroom, "I need help!" "You need a bigger dress" "this is a maternity dress!! It fit the other week!" I said breathlessly as I tried to pull it over the bump "it'll look great once it's over! And with those shoes too!!" I pointed to the black stilettos on the bed "should you really be wearing heels when your about to pop?" "Well I don't know, but can you just pull this over please!?" He sighed and laughed as he walked over, he began to tug around the bottom of the dress, he went to his knees and tried to tug from that angle, "how's it looking? Least it's half over!!!" I looked over my bump at whip who was smiling, "what?" I looked at him, he kissed my thigh "nooooo" I looked at him a a he smirked "whip! We'll be late! And we need to get this dress on" "well after the dress is on then!!!?" "No!" I began to tug it again "oh come on!" He pleaded "help this dress and I'll think about it!" He smiled as he tugged one last time and it went over the bump and down to my knee. "Now?" "Shoes" I smiled as I tried to sit on the bed, "guess I'm not sitting down tonight" I giggled as I straightened my dress, whip walked over, put my shoes on the floor in front of me and helped me into them, he stood up in front of me "now?" He tilted his head "I can't sit down, let alone climb on the bed" I smiled "thats no problem!" He grinned as he picked me up and threw me onto the bed.

*2 hours later*

"I told you we were going to be late!!!" I said "it's fine technically it doesn't start until 8!" I went to get in the car, "whip! I can't do it! I can't bloody sit down!" Whip looked at me, jumped back out of the car and came round to me "fine well...I guess we are gonna have to walk" "are you kidding me? In these shoes?" I pointed down at my feet "walk as far as you can and then I'll carry you" he locked his car and then began to walk, I managed to get half way there before gasping for air "whip I can't do it!" "Just a few more metres!" "Nope!" "God you are stubborn when you're pregnant" I folded my arms he came and lifted me up, carrying me like a new bride. I wrapped my arms around his neck "I love you" I smiled "you'd better bloody do!" He looked at me "I'm not THAT heavy ryan!" I frowned at him "no but you're carrying a little girl in there....which adds a little extra!" "It might be a boy!" "It's a girl!" "I'm not having this argument with you!" "We're here" He said breathlessly, after he put me down, I straightened my dress before linking whips arm and walked in.

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