Chapter 35 - feed me whippy

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I was a few away from my due date, and flopped on the sofa I'd been banned from MY cafe, apparently eating all the products wasn't good for business...I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs, I made some breakfast and flopped on the sofa, resting the plate on my stomach I got comfy, until I felt a kick and my plate flying onto the floor, it didn't take too minutes for the dogs to enjoy the rest of my breakfast.

I'd planned out my whole day, the kids were at a kids group with mum, I had the whole day to myself, well except the fact I had to walk the dogs, but I didn't have to dress up for that, I hauled myself from the sofa, threw on some jogging bottoms, a tank top and my uggs, I threw my hair up into a high messy bun, bit of makeup up and got the leads on the dogs, I stepped outside and decided to walk to the tower. Half way there I got extremely hungry, the cafe wasn't too far, I changed direction and walked in "Charlie Clark!" I closed my eyes and hid behind my eyes "I can still see you!" She laughed as she walked over to hug me "it was worth a shot" I giggled hugging her back, she was rather happy....almost too happy, "so please tell me you're not here to work" "no...I'm here to pig out...again" she laughed as she went behind the counter and grabbed me a box of a bit of everything, "you're a life saver!" "You're so over dramatic" she laughed a I handed over some money and headed for the door, "hello you!" I moved my hand from the door and turned around, a man put down his newspaper "Eric!!!! What are you doing here!!!?" He laughed as he stood up "we're shooting another ep of LA here" "it's so good to see you!!" I walked over and hugged him, "look how big you've gotten!" "Glad you still remember the cafe" "of course, so thought of any names?" I laughed as I bit my lip "whip wants to call the baby Kensi Marie" he joined in the laughter "oh fan of the show.." "No I didn't think so anyway" I smiled "so you're having a girl?" "We don't know, but he's determined we are" "well, right...when are you due?" "In a few days" "you should come to the shoot with the new baby!" "Ah okay, cheers" "no trouble, see you around" "I'll let you get on with your newspaper and gingerbread latte" I smiled and headed towards the tower.

I knocked on the door with my foot, I had the dogs in one hand and a chocolate eclair in the other, luckily whip answered the door, he sighed deeply "what!?" I said through a mouthful of cream and chocolate "you got a little smudge here" he laughed as he leant forward and kissed me "guess who I saw in the cafe! And guess were our baby's first outing is going to be!!!" "That eric person and the la set" "wow what a way to ruin the excitement...." I frowned wiping my mouth "he called earlier" "oh....something wrong?" "No" "can I come in?" "Erm...." "What are you hiding?" I looked at him "look if you have another woman in there now is the time to tell me" he tilted his head to the side, closed his eyes and sighed "yes I'm hiding something, but it isn't a's a man" I looked at him wide eyed "well you choose your timing, but it's okay, I always wanted a gay friend..I mean it's not seen the same being gay anymore-" "I'm not gay!!" "Oh..." "You fool, no I'm hiding someone for there own good, especially from you" "let me through" I passed him the dogs and walked up and stopped "oh shit" I stood there and I knew who it was just from the back of their head...

"Hey how are ya" "h....h...h" "charlie, jovi, jovi, wife charlie" I just waved "it's nice to see you" "has box seen him yet?" Whip shook his head "box?" "You're biggest fan" thank god I finally spoke! "Ah.." "Often know as box jovi" I smiled why did I sound so stupid, "why are you here?" I then realised I probably sounded rude "I'm sorry! I don't want to be rude!!" "No don't worry, I'm doing a tour, and I wanted to visit the scenery, and the guys are doing a charity tomorrow night and asked if I'd be the main act, which I happily said yes to" I turned to whip "I'll tell you tonight" he smiled "well it has been lovely to see you! I better be getting off" I touched his arm , ooooooooh never washing that hand again! "See you later' he smiled, I went to walk back home, I was a few metered from the door when whip came running behind me "don't eat anymore, we have a dinner tonight, the lads are all going" "what's it for?" "It's just a thing..." He smiled kissed me and then went back inside the tower.

I got home and vegged out on the sofa, that bag of prawn cocktail crisps I'd eaten had called out to me, it begged and even pleaded at me to eat it, and that slice of chocolate cake that pleaded too....when whip got back I was surrounded by tissues with mascara on, some snotty and some very wet from tears "what's wrong with you?" I pointed to the tv screen, "not this film again!" "There's nothing wrong...with this film!" I sniffed "it's a typical rom com crap!" "SHHHHH this is the best bit" I frowned at him, I watched with so much concentration, just watching how Alex o'loughlin ripped J-lo's dress and swept her off her feet into the bedroom, "why don't you ever do that for me?" "Because you'd kill me" he tilted his head and folded his arms. Then I noticed he was carrying a flat box with a taller smaller box on top "what's that?" "Nothing..." I pulled myself from the sofa and walked over "what's in the box?" "I will never tell" he whispered "I hVe ways of making you talk" I folded my arms in front of him, he rolled his eyes and walked into the dining room, putting the boxes on the table, I watched as he took the lid from the smaller box, a pair of red stilettos were laid perfectly in the box, "who are they for!?" "Me, think they'd suit my eyes?" He smirked at me "they're gorgoues" I took them out "they'd look even better with this!" He took the lid off the bigger box a black lace dress, short was laid out with a white rose on top "wow, what you don't wrong?" "Nothing?! Can't a man treat his wife!!?" "Yes...but you never treat me like this soooo what you after?" He sighed "I need you to go to a dinner with me's about the gym, we are thinking of going bigger and I need you there" "to look pretty?" "Yyyyyeah..." "I look like a beached whale, and you want me to look pretty?" "This one thing for me..." "Fine!".

Whip was in the kitchen making a drink, I was extremely hungry as I leant on the side, "feed me..." "Don't do this" "feed me...feeeed me...feed me Whippy....feed me allll night long" "charlie" "that's right boy, you can do it!! FEEED me WhippY, feed me all night long, cuz if you feed me Whippy, I can't grow up big and strong" "charlie" "you don't know what you're messing with, you got no idea!" "You're a mean green mother from outer space, and you're bad!" He sang back to me "you've been watching little shop of horrors haven't you?" "Maybe...." I bit my lip and smiled "so are ya gonna 'feed me Whippy'???" "No you can wait" he smiled I sighed heavily and grabbed my dress and shoes and went upstairs.

"Breath in!" "I am!" "Have you got a jacket?" "Erm....yeah" I grabbed a black blazer "that will have to do!" I out it on and we walked to the taxi, I went down one step at a time, I couldn't walk in the dress with the heels, "I can't get in the car...." I looked at whip, "wait I have an idea!" I stood just in front of the door and just fell backwards into the back of the cab whip eventually got in "well done, very ladylike...." "Yeah? Well wait until I have to get out, I'm relying on you to pull me out by my legs" I smiled as the car drove to wherever we were going.when we arrived we walked in, in the car we'd managed to pull the dress up to the top, "now, these men have money okay, and we need to please" "right...." I smiled as I applied a little bit more lippy, we were shown to a table, were two younger men were sat there, they both stood up as we were introduced, "hello this is charlie my wife" he two men took my hand and kissed it gently, "I'm john this is Liam" "nice to meet you" I smiled as I sat down, "can I take your jacket?" "Oh noooo no I'm good thankyou!" We eventually ordered food, it was a small starter which got brought out but no one was touching, they were talking money and in the other hand was desperate to eat my pea size starter, I kept swallowing as I looked at it, "tuck in" Liam leant into me, he had a mouthful of his own, so I ate mine, after they brought out the pudding I was ready for the main meal again, I stood up "you okay?" Whip looked worried "I'm just going to the ladies room" the two lads smiled as I made my way, in the bathroom I took out an energy bar and two chocolate bars from my bag and pigged out, once satisfied I went back to the table. After three hours of chatting whip got what he wanted the men were happy and we eventually got to go home.

"Everything sorted then?" "Uh huh, they like you, thank you" "no trouble" I smiled as he kissed my cheek, when we got home I jumped up the stairs individually and then walked through the door, the kids were sleeping at mums, "thank you for tonight!" "No problem, glad you got everything sorted out" he smiled a he chucked his keys on the side and walked towards me, pulling me in by my waist he pushed his lips into line, his hands wandered to my back as he grabbed the tress and tore it down "ooooh" I gasped as I looked at him "any good?" He smiled at me "mmmm" I pulled him into a kiss as he picked me up, walked upstairs and threw me on the bed, he took off his shirt and climbed next to me, kissing along my jawline and down my chest as he peeled of the dress.

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