Chapter 11 - the wedding

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'Jo move' I said but she wasn't she was determined to get her message through 'JO SHIFT!' She banged her head backing out of the car 'you're not helping shouting at her!' 'Well see if you can get through' she sighed folding her arms 'Al, Hun, here have a tissue' I dabbed her eyes gently wiping away the bits of mascara that had run 'I can't do this Charlie, it isn't right' 'what isn't?' I asked taking her hand 'that my grandparents couldn't make it, my grandad always said that he wanted to see me marry, and he'd interrogate the groom making sure he's fit for me, but they haven't even met him...' She broke off another tear rolling down her face, I laughed softly 'how is this funny Charlie!?' 'That's the only reason?, the only reason you're not walking down that aisle is because you think they're not there' 'I don't think! I know!!! The parcel this morning!!!' 'You're wrong' if anything Al hated being told she was wrong 'what!?' 'They're here Al' she looked up at me 'who?' 'Your grandparents! They're here, sat right there on the front row' 'really?' I nodded 'yes so come on, lets get you down that aisle and quickly as I think Lori has nearly run out of petals!' Al rushed out of the car the best she could, I stuck my thumbs up to whip who told the music to play, we straightened her dress out and her veil, and she began taking her steps towards mouse.

There were gasps from the people stood, and then I looked at Mouse, he was crying! I'd never seen him cry but he was actually crying, she reached him 'stop blubbering!' She whispered to him I giggled, Jo wasn't in ear range to hear her. The priest began 'dearly beloved, the bride and groom has written their own vows, so we will get going starting with Michael. Mouse took a big breath ' I, Michael, take you, Al, to be my wife, my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and until the day I die. I will always laugh with you and only occasionally at you. When I do laugh at you, if it is in public, I will do my best to create the illusion that it is with you' he paused everyone laughed, he continued 'i promise to be there with you through the toughest of the trials in our life and to cry with you. These trials do not include things like YouTube footage of soldiers being reunited with their daughters. You're crying on your own with those' I heard Al gasp, I was in hysterics, I'm surprised Mouse actually knew about it! 'I vow to love you through the difficult and the easy. I promise to never put you or myself in danger. This means that I will never come between you and the TV when Bondi Rescue is on. I will also never force you to eat spicy food with me as I did on one of our first dates. I later found out that you were clenching your cheeks the whole night' Whip caught my eye and we both sniggered I couldn't see Al's face but going on Whip's reaction I'm sure it had a great expression. 'What I admire most about you is your determination. But stamping your foot when you don't get your way is no longer cute after age nine. Seriously...' 'I do not stomp my foot!' Al said quietly she did well to hold back this far... 'I look forward to being a married man and starting a new chapter in my life. For starters, I will no longer refer to it as 'my life,' but 'ours.' I look forward to being the best father I can be and helping you to be the best mother.....This is my solemn vow to you today as I make you my wife' everybody aww'd Mouse went down to get the ring off James who stood their proudly with his cushion, he put the ring on her finger and gave a sigh of relief.

Al's turn...'Michael, you make loving easy. I now know you are able to deal with my annoying habits. And I've discovered that you have very few. You pick up my half-empty tea cups that I leave around the house, you make me breakfast on the weekends..sometimes, and you always know where my phone and keys are when I go into full panic mode and scream that someone stole them' Mouse nodded and laughed 'With you I have learned to take it slow, although I could have dealt with getting to this altar a little faster. When we met, all I knew was that you made me laugh and you had a uniform on, which I thought was hot. Only time would allow me to see your true colors. You're generous, loving, sensitive, kind, an insomniac, and a lover of daily man baths and beers' 'man baths!!!' He gasped, i looked over at for some reason at James, who'd decided to act like his tongue was pierced and put Mouse's wedding ring around his tongue, 'James' I said quietly 'i promise with all my heart to love you when times are good and bad. When you're sore on Monday from sitting the same position all day during Sunday football, and when you need someone to lean on when work gets tough, I will always be your gal, When I'm scared, you make me feel safe. When I'm sad, you make me smile. There has yet to be a day where we haven't laughed together. I never want there to be one'. i managed to catch Whip's attention who then tried to get James's attention....but too late 'I take you to be my husband, the father of my child, and best friend until death do us part. Just stay away for one week per month! For your own safety' she went to James who then stuck his tongue out showing the ring, both me and whip put our hands to cover our faces in embarrassment. We watched as she took the ring and put it on his finger, 'you may now kiss the bride' Mouse moved in slowly planting a kiss softly on her lips. The place erupted with cheers and applauds, they walked down the red carpet aisle, we followed, whip linking his arm with mine, the kids skipping in front, everyone was throwing confetti at the newlyweds....who were making their way to have their photos taken.

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