Chapter 5 - Hen night

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'Right are you going to be good for grandma and grandad?' Both kids looked up at me 'yesssss mummmmmyyy' they chimed 'where yous going?' Lori asked 'mummy is going to a party with auntie Al' 'I want to come!!!!' James sulked 'sweetie you can't, you're going to have lots of fun with grandma okay?' He sighed heavily 'okayyyyy' I kissed them both and waved as I drove back home to get changed into my hen night outfit, there was a theme...lifeguards...well lifeguard wags....

I'd made mine so lets hope it didn't all fall apart, I arrived home and Whip was sat on the sofa, his night didn't start until 11.00... However mine started in less than 30 minutes...I ran upstairs and climbed into the dress, it was extremely high up the leg and extremely low on the was a hen party we had to be kinda cheeky, right? My dress was a silky blue, which said lifeguard Wag on the back and in the front *Bondi Lifeguard*. It was zip up the back so obviously I couldn't do it 'Whip!!! Give us a hand!!' He ran up the stairs, I hadn't allowed him to see it 'WOW' he gawped 'you going to help me zip it?' 'Er yeah sure' he pulled it up gently and planted a kiss on my neck, 'don't have time!' I laughed gently stroking his cheek 'five minutes' 'no I'm sorry' he let out a sigh 'look we have no kids tonight....' 'Ahh yeah' he nodded as he walked back down stairs i carried on getting ready, I'd bought a pair of heels that matched my dress colour so they went on, makeup, pretty standard, but I made my eyes stand out.

I walked down stairs, grabbed my small bag with phone and money in,

Whip drove me to Al's house, I kissed him goodbye and went in.

Al was in shorts and a lifeguard shirt which she had made, same writing on the back and front, but on the bottom of hers it said *wife to be* she had the same heels as me. Jo had a skirt and a small crop top, blue in colour and also having the same words on it, and she also had the same heels. 'Who's ready to party!!?' I clapped all girly, 'drinks here first, a few games and then we are off!' Al laughed, her wedding wasn't until the next week but she didn't want a hangover... We all went to the kitchen where there was a box of penis shaped chocolates, 'right we roll the dice, whatever number it lands on we eat that chocolate, they contain vodka, but one contains a chilli' Al said smiling none of us were pregnant so alcohol was going to flow...

Al went first, took the chocolate and bit into it 'vodka!!!' She carried on munching Jo's turn she rolled the dice and picked up the chocolate 'vodka!!!!!' She giggled, my turn, I but into it, thank god 'vodka'. We went round a few time then it got to me again 'oh for god sake!' I spat out the chocolate 'bloody chilli!!!' The girls were in stitches.

'Next game!' I girly clapped 'right the bride to be has to say "I never" and then finish that sentence with something she hasn't done, anyone who has done it has to take a shot and you can make the questions up so the asker can drink as well' 'sounds great!' Jo giggled 'right sooo I never had a one night stand' Al started, Jo sat there looking around at us I took a shot...'CHARLIE!? who with!?!' Al looked at me wide eyed 'remember Liam from college?' 'Noooo!' 'Yeahh' I nodded 'oh my god' Jo laughed reckon she was already drunk. 'Right right okay, my turn' I said 'I never had sex at work' the two girls looked around, I took another shot 'who this time!?' Jo asked 'Greg' 'the Irish one!?' I nodded 'where?' 'Closet' 'wow!' I rolled my eyes Jo's turn 'Never have I ever given someone a fake phone number' both me and Al took a shot then we looked at each other and laughed. Jo still hadn't had a shot Al started again 'I have never had a threesome' Jo took a shot....we both looked at her 'JO????' 'I was drunk....' 'Wow!' I laughed in amazement...this game carried on a while and then we decided it was time to go out. First stop lifeguard tower...

We got there, Maxi, Jesse, Hoppo and Box were there 'heyyyyyy' we stumbled in 'erm hello' Maxi looked at us up and down 'can we play a game with you?' I hiccuped 'sure' Box smiled 'right we are going to wrap you up in bandages whoever finishes first....wins!' We got all the bandages and started at their feet, I had Maxi, Jo had Box and Al had Jesse, Hoppo was the judge. 'Go!' He shouted, we wrapped and wrapped as quick as possible, the winner was the one who put the sunnies on their mummy first. Al won, closely followed by me. Well they looked brilliant, they couldn't move at all and no skin was showing, except maxi who had a tuft of hair sticking out. 'Al won!' Hoppo laughed 'next game, whoever gets their mummy down the other end of the prom on a chair wins!' I giggled there was mumbling coming from the mummies but they had no choice, they were going nowhere!

Runny noses...Dirty knees...but still hot lifeguardsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang