Chapter 33 - goodbye

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I was in work, and felt sadly strange, "morning" I heard the familiar voice as the door opened "hey you!" I smiled as I went to grab his usual drink, "looking forward to getting home" I smiled sadly as I cut him a slice of chocolate cake "yeah but I'm gonna miss this place!" "Australia is a beautiful place especially bondi" he laughed quietly at me "what?" "I meant this place" he rubbed his hands on the counter "oh" I ran my fingers through my hair "well if you miss it that much you'll just have to come back...won't you?" "I guess I will" he smiled as he took a mouthful of the cake "what are you doing for your last day then?" "Surf!" He said proudly "I haven't been in the water since I got here and it's nearly killed me!!" "Well the waves are supposed to be good today, you going bondi? Bronte?" "Bondi of course" I couldn't keep the smile away "it's the safest!" "Your husband works there right?" I nodded "I'll keep an eye out for him" he finished his cake and disappeared down to the sea.

As soon as I could see him anymore I began on his cake, I was making him a chocolate cake, packing it up with serviettes and forks so he could share, I mixed up the mixture and poured it in the cake tins placing them in the pre heated oven, as I was waiting I had no idea what I was doing for valentines day, the cafe was sorted, I knew what treats I were baking but for me and whip I had no idea, mum was having the kids, they were doing nothing for valentines day they never did, I looked online for half an hour until the oven told me my cake was cooked, as it was cooling I went back to my search, take him for a meal...I could but not really romatic, go to the beach, he works at the beach! Go on a romantic get I read I found an excuse, it was useless I had no idea what I was going to do!

As sons as the cakes were cool I made the fudge icing and filling, I chopped up strawberries and placed them in the middle before placing the top layer on, decorated so it had a smooth coating of chocolate fudge icing and around the edge I piped with chocolate, on top I put a simple thank you in white icing, I smiled as I placed it in the cake box and fastened the lid, I boxed him up the serviettes and forks and placed them ready on the side.

At dinner Maxi and Jesse walked in "hey up lads" I grabbed the usual tray and filled it with take out cups with the usual order "two of you today?" I looked at them they looked sheepish "Hoppo not in?" They both shook their heads smiling up at me "well here's your drinks what goodies you want?" Bad idea to ask that, kids in a toy shop they wanted everything! " can't have everything okay, if you don't decide I'm going to decide for you" I folded my arms maxi had another look "what's in the box?" Jesse pointed to the red and white striped box with the cake in "a cake" "can we have that?" "Nope!" "Why not?!" "Because it's for someone else" I laughed "your friend?" Maxi stood up, friend sounded nice "yep!" "He's a good surfer" jesse grabbed the tray of drinks "he's down there?" "Yeah you should come see" maxi grinned as he pinged to the cupcakes he wanted "well...I'm sureeee you need help with all these cakes carrying them down to the beach..." "I'm sure we do because it isn't like we're not string lifeguards or anything" "no not at all" I grinned as I bagged the cakes and walked towards the door.

"Heya!" I kissed whip on the cheek as he handed me the binoculars "I'm not going to point him out I'm sure you've already spotted him" whip looked at me for a moment before turning back to the water taking a sip of coffee, "of course I found him don't doubt my eyes for spotting my crush!" truth was...I had no idea where he was, I couldn't see him, and the water wasn't even busy but he blended in *whip swimmer struggling down South!me need the defib in case* the radio crackled whip jumped up and ran out the door with the bag "where the hell is he!?" I turned to maxi "there" he stood behind me and turned my head, "ooohhhhhh" it escaped my mouth, I don't normally make whale sounds maxi laughed as he sat back down, I watched for an hour or so before deciding to head back as I walked and put my hand on the door handle whip grabbed my trouser waist and pulled me back "excuse me!" I giggled as I spun around "I've booked us a table...not saying where but it's special for valentines" he kissed me before pulling away quickly "do you want a gift?" I looked at him "no" "don't lie...what would you like?" "Nothing" I looked at hi through narrow eyes "fine...okay!" I kissed him before walking through the door "oh keep an eye on my friend" I smiled as I walked back to the cafe.

Just before lock up in walked Eric "hey you!!!" I smiled as he walked towards the desk "you looked amazing out there! Didn't realise you were so good!" "Were you watching me?" "For safety reasons only!" "Well thank you I felt very safe!" "Guess I did my job then" there was a silence, it wasn't awkward "I got you something" I pulled the box towards me, "you didn't have to!" "I did don't argue" I laughed as I opened up the lid "is that my favourite cake?" He leant in and sniffed "it is and here is a box of forks an serviettes so you can share" "share?" "It's a whole cake!?" "And?" "Well.....I...okayy" I shrugged as I fastened the lid and passed it him "ohh! I almost forgot!!" I pulled a white tissue paper package from my back pocket, Eric opened it and smiled, it was a key ring, a wooden surfboard with bondi hand painted on the back and E.C.O dug in the back, "it's just a reminder of your visit, It's unique I know someone who makes surfboards so I got a mini one" "it's beautiful!" He put it in his pocket and bent down and stood back up holding a bag "whats that?" "A bag" "I can see that" I laughed as he placed it on the counter "open it" I carefully undid the cello tape and looked inside, three gifts were all wrapped up I took the biggest one, it was square I unwrapped it and a picture of me and Eric laughing was framed, he had signed it with a little note *you can't buy happiness! but you can buy a cupcake and that's kinda the same thing* "that's going right here!" I hung it up and an existing nail, "perfect!" I walked back over to the bag it was cd size, I unwrapped it and a blank box looked at me "it's your episode in the show, it has everything in there, gag reel, extras it isn't edited but you'll get the idea" "wow! Thankyou!!" The last one was looked like a round rectangle unwrapped it and a small surfboard was laid between the paper "thought for your little one" he grinned on the front was hand written *just like daddy* and in the bottom was a family picture of us "where did you get that?" "I've had a few chats with your partner" he smiled I didn't know what to do, the gifts we're the most wonderful things I'd ever seen, I stood there not knowing what to do "can I hug you?!" I suddenly came out he burst out laughing "of course!" I ran around and threw my arms around him, standing on my tip toes "thank you thank you thank you" "ooh one more thing!!" He pulled out a sheet of paper "this is my mobile, use this app we can talk for free, this is my twitter and this is my personal Facebook" "thankyou!!! Official friend now then?" I was extremely girly I had no idea what I was saying ....I was fangirling and badly...after a Few hours in the cafe it was time for him to go, "it's been so lovely seeing you, and please!!!!, come back" I hugged him again "oh I will be coming back for certain!" He smiled as he jumped in the taxi to take him to the airport.

At home the kids were in bed and whip walked in "hey sweetie" he looked down at the floor "Ryan?" "I've got to cancel valentines day" he sighed "oh...." "Hoppo called, I've been put on a course in Hawaii" "right...." "I'm so sorry" "hey it isn't your fault" I rubbed his arm as I passed him a glass of orange, "how's your day been?" "I've got a few gifts" I grabbed the bag "I hear you've been chatting to someone!" I picked up the board and passed it him "that's even better then he'd described! and yes. May have chatted to someone" I then passed him the my phone, I took a photo of the picture he had got me "well that's got you down to a Tee" he laughed as I passed him his tea "well....when do you go to Hawaii?" "Hawaii?" I looked at him frowning "yes....Hawaii...your training?" "Ohh yeah!! I go on valentines morning" he smiled "right...well maybe we can do something after valentines?" "Sure that'd be great" he took a mouthful of chicken and smiled.

We climbed into bed and snuggled into each other, "we need to think of some names" "we do" "are you excited? Or still don't care?" "I always cared! But you know why I didn't show it" "no I know....sorry" "no don't be sorry, I think we are having a girl" "you do?" "Yes and I quite like the name kensi-Marie" "kensi...Marie...." "Yes" "and for a boy?" "Don't need to think about's a girl" "but if it isn't a girl...boys name?" "Daniel" "okay..Daniel Clark....kensi-Marie Clark" "it's a girl" "what makes you so sure?!" "It's a hunch" he shrugged as he turned out the light.

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