Day trip

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'Mummy mummy mummy mummy' who needs an alarm when you have kids...'go back to bed James 'but mummmmyyyyyy' 'no Jammmeeessss bed! And take your sister' Lori who had flopped herself over Whip. 'Mummmmm I'm ex tited' James moaned I rolled over to see the time 'it's 3.45 in the morning we aren't going till ages mate!' 'Guys bed now!' whip said groggily, they did as they were told straight away, 'why don't they do that for me?''cuz you're too soft' I rolled over and pit his arm around me our legs entwined I slapped him gently on the stomach 'I am not too soft!' 'Yes you are, you let em get away with owt you do' I sat up 'noo I don't!' I smiled softly planting a kiss on his arm before laying back down feeling the warmth of his body.

I woke up to someone flicking my nose gently I sighed deeply and opened my eyes I was met by James crouched down slightly looking at me 'what time is it?' He paused for a while whilst trying to figure out the numbers 'nine tenty tree' I giggle, he tried his best 'okay we're getting up' 'YAY!' He clapped and ran to tell his sister. 'Did you really have to say we were getting up?' Whip had his arm around my waist, 'we wouldn't have heard the end of it if I hadn't' he sighed deeply and we both sat up. We had had a late night, a very late night and all we wanted was a bit of a lay in, I suppose with two kids "nine tenty tree" was a lay in.

I threw on a dressing gown and gave them bowls and spoons 'oops!' Asked James cheerfully 'okay hoops for James what about you Lori sweetie what do you want?' He looked at me for a minute 'mmmm chocy squares' she smiled I poured out the cereal and milk and they went away munching. I put the kettle on making us two an extremely strong coffee. Whip walked in, I have him a coffee and he walked over to the twins 'well, I don't know, what shall we do today?' 'ZOO!!!!!' They both jumped up excitedly running rings around him 'Nahhh there isn't a zoo around here' he teased I watched from the kitchen smiling drinking from my coffee, which I spat and couldn't drink it was disgustingly strong. 'Awwwwwww' the kids said in unison looking deflated 'Ooooh I suppose we could go to that new one...' He smiled the kids continued their circle chanting 'yay yay yay' he took to fatherhood brilliantly, it really suited him, he was a great dad.

We got dressed and headed to the car, 'we goin to da zoo' James chanted all the way 'can we have bovi on mummy' Lori leant forward to me she was very reserved a lot like me, she literally was for sure a mini me. Bovi was in fact Bon jovi I clicked the CD player and *living on a prayer* came on both of the kids started bopping away to the music, then the chorus came 'OOOHHHHHHHHHH we are halfgftd way deerrrrreeeee' they really didn't know the words but it certainly was cute. We pulled up outside the new zoo and got everything out, the twins took whips hand whilst I locked the door of the car, we walked to the entrance and showed her our print out, online you got It cheaper! We continued to walk to the to all the enclosures.

'Daddy!!! Daddy!!!!!' James pulled on his hand 'sup mate' 'jaf!' He said pointing 'giraffe' whip smiled 'yeah jaf!! Jaf!!!' We walked over to the giraffe enclosure whip took Lori on his shoulders and I picked up James. 'Mummy!! Baby jaf'' Lori pointed down in the enclosure, we walked closer, and there it was a small giraffe being fed by a keeper, the woman looked up at us and waved to them both, pretty much made their day. Next enclosure we visited was the lions...there was a glass window separating us from them. Lori went up to the glass and a small cub jumped up in the same place 'picture moment' I whispered to whip, he snapped a few shots i walked over to Lori when the mother lion came,like she had been watching her baby the whole time, she looked through the glass like she was staring at us both, she put a paw up again the glass, me and Lori put a hand where the paw was, we snapped another shot, it's like she had a bond. Lori then came away, she took whips hand 'daddyyyy' she battered her eyelashes 'yesssss?' 'Can we have a pet lion?' He turned to look at me I just walked the opposite way giggling 'erm ill think about Hun' that answer was good enough for her, she came running over to me and took my hand.

Dinner time we bought food there few burgers, chips and drinks. Whilst we were eating they put on a bird show, little did we know the birds would fly into the audience. We were all sat watching the birds of prey being fed dead mice and chicks when they let one go to show the wing span, whip was smiling away, until it flew towards us and landed on his head. 'Charlie' I didn't hear him I was laughing for too much 'muummmmy is dat bird gonna eat daddy' Lori leant in 'nah Hun, it won't' but I had to get a picture, the look on his face was enough. Eventually they called it back to its perch.

We then went to the chimps enclosure, some where playing, some sleeping others eating. 'Oh look James that's ya mum!' He said pointing to a chimp who was stuffing its face 'mummy!!!! Daddy says that's you!' He looked at me then whip as if to say "I told on you!!" 'Did he now!? Well guess what that's your dad!' I pointed to a chubby monkey sat in the corner watching the others. 'Oh charming at least I chose a good looking monkey for you!' He laughed, a few elder women around us laughed too, I smiled at one of them thinking nothing else of it 'it's so wonderful to see a family like this, two gorgeous children and two parents who obviously love each other and their children very dearly' she smiled, I teared up a bit, how lovely of her to say 'oh thank you' I smiled at her she gave the children a sweet each 'ahhh fanks!' James said taking it and shovelling it all in. Lori took hers 'thank yoous' she almost whispered and put it in her pocket, 'they're lovely' she said then walked away.

We continued walking through the zoo until we got to the shop. Oh my god. 'Ooh mummy I want that toy!' James ran over and grabbed a stuffed cuddly snake, but then he saw a hat, and then a sword eventually he came back with an armful of several different things, 'James you can't have all that, and you're not having all that!' 'But muummmm' 'no, no buts, choose one' whip went off with Lori somewhere they came back and she was hugging a stuffed lioness toy, which was licking a baby cub. 'I like dis!' She held it out to me 'well I think that's a perfect choice' I smiled she giggled and pulled it into her chest. I managed to track down James who had narrowed it down to two toys, the stuffed snake and a pirate set, 'itch one mummy' 'I like the snake' I smiled 'Okies' he put the set back and wrapped this snake around his body. We went to the till 'like a bag for those?' I looked at them both cuddling the toys 'nah don't think we need one' I smiled, we paid the extortionate price and headed to the sweet shop...

Bad move we spent half an hour in there, backwards and forwards choosing different sweets eventually we all settled on something and headed back to the car, we buckled the kids up and started to drive, no more then 10 minutes later they were both fast asleep, both cuddling their new toys I took a photo, they weren't going to stay like that forever they were already growing up too fast.

We arrived home and we both carried one to bed, tucked them in and shut their door, we looked at each other, whips twinkle in his eye told me exactly what he wanted to do, we ran to the bedroom and fell asleep...

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