Chapter 29 - decent picture

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I woke up after our argument and decided I was still angry, I turned over carefully and looked at him, giving him the evils and he was clueless... I walked downstairs quietly, the kids were at their grandmas so we had the house to ourselves, however we didn't spend it how we usually did, it was filled with arguing, like it was every night since I told him about the baby, I sighed heavily as I walked through the door, a sudden freezing cold draft hit my foot, I looked and saw the freezer door hadn't been shut properly, I opened it up and saw big chunks of ice stuck to every single tray, this just made me even more annoyed, he was the last one who went in there....I grabbed a towel placed it on the floor grabbed a knife and started to chisel away at the ice.

"What are you doing!!?" Whip barged through the door I stopped banging the knife on the ice and looked at him "oh I'm sorry! Did I disturb your sleep!?" I said breathlessly "as a matter of fact yes you did" he rubbed his eyes "well I'm verrrrry sorry!" I hauled myself up using the cupboard doors and stood to face him "what is wrong with you?" He looked at me trying to find an answer "excuse me?! What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with you!!?" I argued back he began to storm off "that's it just walk away from the issue like you always have done!" He slammed the door behind him "EURGH!!!" I threw the knife in the sink and began to sweep up the ice from the floor. Was it me? Was I just being moody, I had pretty bad mood swings but he never snapped back like that...

As I was walking out to go to work, he came down the stairs, lifeguard uniform on, hat, sunglasses and flip flops he didn't day anything to me "mum has offered to take the kids for a few days, so we can sort this mess out without little ears, they don't need to hear mummy and daddy arguing" "fine" he shrugged and went towards the door "what no kiss, well I must've done something bad" he sighed walked back and kissed me quickly, it was cold, unwelcoming and not like him at all "bye" he said as he shut the door only for me to open it again, I swallowed back the tears and shook them away, grabbed the cake I'd made the previous night, and a few other new goodies I'd tried out, I walked to work feeling down and well.... just bleurgh...

I walked in and switched on the lights, the faint smell of the goodies that were baked yesterday still filled the air, I walked to the back, switched in all the machines after putting the new goodies in the fridges. The coffee machines were rumbling quietly in the back, the fridges making a rumbling noise too, both of which gave me that familiar feeling I got every morning, I wasn't expecting Emily for another 10 minutes or so, I made myself a coffee and leant on the counter, head in hands looking down, just thinking about everything, thinking about how I should go about talking to him..."this a bad time?" My eyes widened and I looked up, he was stood there, Eric Christian Olsen my American crush who had made it a rule that he came and had a slice of cake every morning with a gingerbread latte. I realised that my makeup had probably smudged and my hair was probably a mess "not at all" I smiled as I flattened myself out, "youuu okay?" He smiled nervously...."yes I'm fine" he then leant over the counter and kissed me, swept me off my feet and we rode off into the sunset together...okay that's what I wished happened "hey charlie, you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" I smiled "can I get you your usual?" I went to spin around to grab a take away cup "yes, but can I sit in a while? I don't need to go into work today" I put the cup down and grabbed a glass but couldn't help but smile "you're not at work...but you still came here?" I smiled as I squirted on the cream, sprinkled in the chocolate powder and then finished it off by placing a freshly baked and decorated mini gingerbread man on the top "hey I said I would, I look forward to my coffee and cake in a morning" he smiled as he passed over money and took his cake and coffee "how come you own a cafe like this yet your figure is just" he pointed down my body with his spare finger "and this is after two kids and a baby on the way" I smiled blushing madly "wow!" He looked at me "erm I haven't told you something, some of the guys are coming in to check out the place, that okay?" He paused "and...we need a photo of me and you chatting for a promo we share online" I looked sideways at him "oh.....right okay....erm if I knew I would've done my hair and dressed better" I laughed as the door went, Emily walked in.

"Hello love" she smiled at Eric "hey, no you look perfect and it needs to look natural" he grinned as he sat down..."how's the marriage?" She said quietly "what marriage I'll let you know when the divorce is" I joked sadly "it'll be sorted soon, I'm sure he's just stressed at work" she rubbed my arm "so what's this about a photo?" Eric then stood back up and leant on the counter "yeah we need it to promote the new episode which is going to have you two in it" he smiled, "sounds good" em smiled, the door opened again "I'm gonna faint" I held myself on the counter, Daniela Ruah and Chris o'donnell walked in "oooh you were right it smells amazing!!" Daniela sniffed as she walked forward "can I get you anything?" I smiled nervously "oooh what's he got?!" She said excitedly Chris was looking around the place "it's a gingerbread latte and you NEED to eat this cake!" He shovelled in another piece, "I'll have that" "me too" they both stood there I got right on to it and passed them both "thankyou!" She cooed "this place is perfect we have a script for you" Chris looked at me passing me a booklet "oh thanks" I said taking it from him and flicking through, "I highlighted your parts" Eric smiled at me "thanks" I found my page, and read down "that's pretty flirty...." "I'm undercover in it, my character is a flirt and I have to keep you chatting to me so you don't serve the bad guy" "right" I nodded slowly "don't worry you'll be fine" Daniela smiled! Emily hadn't said much but she hadn't moved her gaze from Chris "you okay?" "I recognise you" she pointed to him "I'm from a TV show called NCIS Los Angeles" she shook her head "never heard of it, but you look very familiar "robin" I whispered in her ear "ooooh that's it!!!! Robin from batman!! You were gorgeous, no you still are" "go sit down Em" I giggled she nodded and sat down with a book.

Just before closing time the camera crew came in "hey, you're Charlie?" "I am" we'd sent Em home "right you need to be behind that counter, we can get someone to do makeup and hair, you won't need much just a touch up and then we will get you positioned correctly and we are done for today" I nodded quickly and walked behind! a few woman came towards me and added a few flicks to my hair and added blush to my cheeks "right I need you to act like you've been complimented and hold that pose, Eric you know what you're doing" he nodded and bent down in front of me, resting both elbows in the counter, and his head in his hands and smiled at me sweetly, I blushed immediately, tilted my head to the side slightly, smiled and placed my left hand on my chest and froze "wait!!!" He shouted "you need to take the wedding rings off" I looked down at my hand and swallowed, it had never been off my finger since we got married, I twisted it around with my right hand before sliding them off and placing them in my jeans pocket "right let's go again" I went to my same pose and heard clicks from the camera "can you go to the same pose as Eric for me please sweet" I nodded, I was about 4 inch away from his face, I felt sick they snapped a few more photos and eventually we were done "I'll see you soon!" They all said as I locked the cafe door...

At home I was catching up on my NCIS la box sets when Whippet came storming in "WHO is this?" I jumped up off the sofa and looked at the picture he was showing me, someone had tweeted him, one of the pictures had obviously been leaked, and it had to be that one...."let me explain-" "you look pretty cosy and loved up with him, you were that careless to cheat on me in front of everyone!!? I guess so you've taken your wedding ring off!!! I can't believe it I can't believe you'd cheat on me like I didn't even ex-" I slapped him, near his chin on his jaw, I stood there holding my hand, looked shocked and ashamed of myself tears ran from my eyes " WRONG with you?!" I gasped, he looked at me, hurt holding his face with his hand "I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me" I shook my head before running upstairs and locking the bedroom door.

I put my rings on my finger and looked at them with hate a gentle knocking came at the door "charlie You there" "no I jumped out of the window and escaped" "let me in?" I reluctantly opened the door a little "a red rose came through the door "charlie let me in...please" I took it and slowly opened the door he walked in hanging his head in shame, "I'm sorry" "you're're always sorry I'm sick of hearing it! You've changed, I don't know why...I don't know how but you're not the man I married" "I'm sor" "don't say it again" "I've been stupid, I didn't read what it said on the photo I just saw the photo, you had no wedding ring, I saw red..." I laughed "we don't talk anymore, I can't cope with the fact I'm pregnant and that I'm then dealing with a petulant child like you who sulks when he doesn't get his own way, or if we have a fight you go storming off it's like living with a 16 year o" he pushed his lips against mine silencing me, his hand placed firmly on my cheek he pulled away "how's that for communication?" He looked at me, my mouth opened but closed again quickly, we stood there in silence looking at each other, and I'm sure we were both thinking completely different things...

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