Chapter 34 - valentines day

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"Guess I'll see you in a few days" I hugged whip tightly outside the airport "see you soon" "I love you" "I love you too" he smiled and walked into the airport...I drove to work, we decorated the day before, the room was filled with hearts, love anything romantic, the goodies we baked were all valentines day related, Emily was already in "oooh hello sweetie!!" "Heya em..." "What are your plans for valentines day?!?!" "Valentines day is cancelled for me" "oh no! Not another arguement!!" "What? Oh no no, Hoppo sent him on a course in Hawaii for a few days, I've just taken him to the airport" "oh sweetie" "what did you get then?" She showed me her hand, a shiny pearly bracelet was wrapped around her wrist "well isn't that something?!" I looked closely until I heard the door go.

The day went slow to say I was only there for half of it, we closed early on valentines day...knowing whip was not at home tonight gave me a depressed feeling, "cheer up hunny, they've invested skype for these kinds of things" she had a point "hadn't thought of that!" "So go and get dolled up, put something pretty on and go talk to your husband tonight!" "This is why I love you em!" Eventually we closed the cafe, and headed home "have a great night!!" I hugged Em before she jumped in the car, I jumped in mine and drove to my mums to pick up the kids "go out tonight mum" I smiled "I think we might, your dad bought me some earrings!" She showed me her ears, big diamond flowers were in her ears, they were lovely "beautiful" I smiled as I picked up all their bits and bags, "come on pests" I walked towards the car and chucked their stuff In the boot "mummy CD!!" James chimed in the back "alright" on came bob the builder, our usual drive home music.

We arrived home, I opened the door and the kids ran in and went up the stairs, I put my hand in the post box and felt around, I pulled the usual advert mail out but behind them all was a pale pink piece of paper, attached was a bar of my favourite chocolate, I walked in put the bags down and sat at the table to read the note *Ok sunshine, here's the thing. I know you hate these trips I have to go on. And I know you will make it seem like you aren't missing me, but come on, we both know that isn't true, remember 143. Now, I have a surprise for you. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, infact you're probably already enjoying it! Please don't rush through it, actually taste the chocolate!!! I hope you know that no matter what, I am always with you, and I WILL be coming back to you. Be safe sweetie. - R* well shit how did he know I'd be shovelling it in and 143 what?! As I was trying to figure that out someone knocked on my door, I got up and walked to open it but no one was there, but on the floor was another pale pink note sat on top of a box, I picked it up excitedly and walked back inside...

*charliecakes!! My favourite girl, inside you will find something that you love more than anything, try to make these last unlike the last surprise...keep smiling sunshine! - R* I took the lid off the box and inside were hundreds of sweetie love hearts, I could kiss him right now I thought, I smiled as I took a love heart still trying to figure out 143...

I sat down and watched the tv for an hour until the door went again, I opened it and once again no one was there, but a big red box was sat in the doorstep with another pink note, I was getting to like these, I sat down and read the note *Sugarbear - Surprise! Please, I beg of you, don't eat all of these at one time. Take your time, savor the taste of them (even though I know by now you've already eaten at least half...did you taste ANY of them?). Think of me when you eat one. I bought one of each of your favorites, because I know how hard it is for you to choose sometimes. Smile sunshine! - R* I was halfway down my first favourite doughnut, even when he was gone, he had an uncanny ability to know when i was feeling down. Every time i started getting upset about him being away, i would get another gift. He was amazing like that.

As I was munching down some more love hearts I was halfway through love actually when the door knocked again, I jumped up, ran to the door and opened it, a flat black box with bright pink ribbon was sat there, the pale pink note was tucked under the bow, I picked it up, looked around outside and brought it in, *char!!! I cannot, in good conscious, let you get down in the dumps on valentines day so I thought I'd get you something pretty to match your gorgeousness, I can't wait to see you in this! The thought makes me smile, Smile sunshine! -P.S there's one more surprise, I hope you'll like it! And you'd better get back to watching your film, let me actually?? Thought so! Enjoy the rest of the film!!!* I don't know how he did it but he manage don't make me smile! even though he wasn't there he knew how to make me feel loved on valentines day. I opened the box and some pretty underwear was laid out in tissue paper, I lifted up the top, it was black with pink fur and long netting down with pink fur around the bottom "mummy what's that?" I dropped the top and spun around James was smiling innocently at me "a new top for mummy" I smiled "okay! We we are hungry mummy" "right I'll get you some dinner, go and get your hands washed" he nodded and ran up stairs, I made their dinner which they wolfed down quickly..."right go get your pyjamas on and I'll be up in a minute" the got down from the table and ran upstairs.

I walked into Lori's bedroom to tuck her in bed "mummy when's daddy coming home?" "In about three days I think chick" "mummy is that James snoring?" We went quiet..."yep that's James snoring! Now I want you to join him!!" "I don't snore mummy!" "Oh yes you do" I wiggled her nose she giggled and laid down, I pulled the duvet up and tucked her in I kissed her forehead and turned out the light, I ran to our bedroom chucked on the new outfit I'd been bought I sat on the sofa with my laptop,waiting....I waited for half an hour I decided to finish off watching love actually, I got to my favourite bit, when Mark finally expressed his love for Juliet using cards..,until I was disturbed by a knock at the door, I ignored it before they knocked again, "shit!" I jumped up and I grabbed a coat quickly and ran to the door, I opened it and Whippet was stood there, I smiled widely "hi!" He put his fingers to his lips and shushed quietly, I frowned at him, he smiled and leant to the side I heard him press something and 'hungry eyes' began to play, our wedding song... I looked into his eyes, he looked back into mine, he leant sideways again and stood up holding big pink cardboard sheets, he looked down and moved the first blank card away *i hope i timed this right with your film* he looked up and smiled I nodded slowly, he moved to the next card *with any luck next year! I'll be going out with one of these girls* he moved the board and revealed pictures of Kylie, Megan fox, some models I looked at him unimpressed which made him chuckle *but for now let me say* he looked up and smiled at me again, hungry eyes still playing in the background, *without hope or agenda* -next card- *just because it's valentines day* where was he going with this *to me! you are perfect* I read it and looked up at him with watered eyes, his eyes were brimming with tears too I went to speak but it didn't want to ruin the moment, *and my heart will always love you* -next card- *until you look like this* I watched as he revealed the next card, an old mummified body was on it I burst into giggles, a tear rolling down my cheek *happy valentines day* he smiled at me "happy valentines day" I mouthed to him, he got to the last card *remember...1 4 3 always* I suddenly realised what it was "1 4 3" I mouthed again, he put the last card down and smiled at me the song coming to the end, "you Sussed it out then" he looked at me "took me a while" I smiled wiping my cheek "that was very clever" I sniffed gently "hmm I thought so to" he stepped closer to me "I love you" I smiled "1 4 3" he grinned at me, I looked down at my coat and unbuttoned it slowly showing the new "clothing" he let out a long whistle, and pulled me into a kiss, Then he swept me off my feet and carried me upstairs....

AN-'143' is I love you, each number represents the amount of letters in the words....

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