Chapter 32 -we can photoshop that

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I walked down with the goodies, knowing that psycho was back in the uk made me the happiest person alive, whippet was back too usual self, the kids were excited for the new arrival, we had a new room ready for the baby, we just needed to build the furniture, the best bit was decorating, we didn't want to know the sex, that was the whole excitement of having a baby...that surprise you get after all the pain which still haunts my dreams...everything was going brilliantly until I walked into the tower

"CHARLIE!!!!!" Deano ran up to me "DEANO!!!" I joked " charlie! We need you!" He pulled my arm gently "wait let me put these down!" I laughed placing the coffee and cakes in the side and followed him half way down to the beach "oooh no! No!" I stood there, cameras and lights were set up on the beach makeup and outfits were stood in boxes in the shade made by an umbrella, I saw whip stood arguing with the camera man "mate we agreed!" Whip looked at him "I'm sorry!!! We were told today and being as you don't have a model we are going to have to go!" The man was smaller than whip, he had greased black hair all combed back neatly! his clothes were too hot for the beach and especially summer, "Ill model!" I stepped forward, the man looked me up and down through his thick rimmed glasses, he pushed them up his nose snorted at me "who are you?!?" "My wife!" Whip folded his arms unimpressed, I suddenly lost all confidence "she will have to do!" He pulled my arm and dragged me to these women, they all looked like they were sucking lemons size 2 "right you'll need this and I'll make your cheeks look thinner" they took me to the lifeguard changing rooms, they pulled my hair up tight into a bun, my cheeks were full of different coloured blushers, she stuck on big fake eye lashes, I then got stripped down to my underwear by the other one who I swore she laughed, I was a size 14, no bump show yet, my stomach was flat, I didn't have a thigh gap I didn't need one and I didn't want one, I wasn't fat I was toned but she laughed "put this on!" She threw a bikini at me and I changed into it.

I walked out into the sun feeling awful "I have gel in my hair, I can't breath in this bikini top, I can't see out of my eyes for the eyelashes!" "Quit complaining and step on that marker!" The man snapped at me, he threw me a bottle of sun cream and told me to hold it up, he leant over to the camera and looked through the lens "no no, this won't do! Change the lighting I'm good on Photoshop but not that good!" I let out a gasp, I looked down and ran my fingers over my stomach, my other hand around my face, I looked up at Whip with watered eyes and realised that Deano, Maxi, Jesse, Itchy and Brad were all stood there looked at me with open mouths "move your hand from your face!" The man snapped at me, I did so and looked down at my hand, the blusher had come off on my fingertips, which soon mixed together with the tear that dropped onto my hand, I looked up at everyone who were all staring at me, the lifeguards with kind eyes, the people around with kind eyes..but his with hate, I took a breath and frowned, I laughed to myself, and walked towards the sea, taking the hair from the bobble as I did letting it loose down my back, the bottom just touched the rim of my bikini bottoms, natural curly, I walked past a bunch of lads who watched my every move as I stepped in the water and dived under the incoming waves, I rubbed my face washing away the dirt they'd put on it, the salt water made the eyelashes come off easily, I swam back to the surface and stood up, I walked back up the beach, everyone looking at me, not just the lifeguards but the beach around me I walked back up to the man who now had both skinny girls on his arms and threw the eyelashes at them along with the bobble "Photoshop this!" I held two fingers on both my hands and began to walk back to the tower, the beach began to ripple with applause which soon grew louder, I stopped walking and turned around, the man and two skeletons were looking around at everyone, as I was, the lifeguards were part of this applause "stop...please I didn't do anything" I smiled at everyone as they soon got back to their lives.

I began to walk back again "didn't do anything?! You've just stuck up for thousands of girls out there who feel so self continues because of men like him" Maxi looked at me and rubbed my arm, Maxi turned to Brad "you got your camera?!" He shouted over, Brad disappeared and came back with his camera "we don't need some stuck up bloke to take a decent photo!" Maxi smiled as Brad walked over, "you still want a model like me" I looked at Brad hurt, "every model should be like you" he smiled as he hugged me "and anyway, that look there"he pointed down my whole body "is more sexy then a woman who can't move her face because of the amount of makeup" whip jogged over "I heard that" he laughed as he pulled me in for a hug "I've told him where to stick his magazine shoot" but what about your publicity...that would've helped the sun cream brilliantly!!" "I think our twitter, Instagram have more popularity than their silly paper book" he rubbed my arms and kissed my forehead before pulling me back in for another hug.

Brad pointed to a nice bit of beach and told me to look natural, "look in the camera, but look like it's just caught your eye" he shot a few photos and looked at his camera "these are great!" He turned to Deano and showed him the pictures, I looked around the beach it was just after dinner time and it was getting busier, "hey look at me!!" maxi came out with thick rimmed glasses obviously from lost and found, his hair combed back with water and stuck down he had managed to find a few clothes that were too hot for the day, it cracked me up, he began to strut around the beach shouting out random comments "I'm not that good at Photoshop!" He stroked Itchy's face "darling you need these!!!" He held out a pair of breast enhances to Jesse who took them and shoved them up his shirt and began to walk around strutting his stuff like a model, Whip was stood next to me and was cracking up too it was a nice end to a crap morning.

When I got back to the cafe Eric Christian Olsen was sat there "afternoon" he smiled "oooh!!! Hey!!!" I grinned as I pulled my hair up into a bobble, "what was the photoshoot for?" He smiled as he leant across the side "sun cream" I laughed "I like what you did out there, showed him who's boss" he handed over money to me, as I got to starting his order "he annoyed me" I laughed as I squirted the cream on top "no! Too right I like how you told him, and those things that were in his arm...that was just ridiculously skinny that wasn't natural" he dipped his finger in the cream and licked it "not everyone is a size 2...I tried once but look at me, I'm chunky and happy! I know I can walk outside in the wind and not get blown over like a leaf" he laughed, it echoes around the room "oooh I'm going to miss you!" He shook his head with laughter "oh yeah...when are you going?" I smiled sadly "tomorrow night" "well, I'll have to get you a special something for using the cafe in an episode" "it should be me who gets something for you!" He smiled as he munched in his chocolate cake"what time do you fly?" "4 in the morning!" He sighed my phone pinged "sorry" I said as I got it out "no problem" he licked the cream from his finger again, I looked and an Instagram picture had been uploaded, I opened the all and a picture of me was sat looking at me, I had just come form the water, I was running my hands through my hair as I was walking up the beach, Whip had posted it online....*isn't this just he most gorgeous girl in the world!? #luckiestmanalive* I couldn't help but smile to myself "what's got you smiling?" I handed him my phone "wow...." He whistled out "that I'd stunning! you're a natural beauty" he smiled as he handed it me back.

That night the kids were in bed, and we were snuggled up on the sofa "what that idiot said to you hasn't bothered you has it?" I thought before answering "at the time...yeah, it's never nice to be said you're so bad you can't be photoshopped, but then after being called a natural beauty by Marty Deeks who can complain" I giggled "ooh this your friend?" He smirked "uh huh, finished the episode and they say it will be shown next month" I said excitedly "well we better have that on record then eh?" I turned to look at him "'s already on record!" "Stupid idea that wasn't it really?" "Kinda" I giggled "you got any to watch?" "I have the first few of season 5 yes" "" he nodded "why??" "Just wondering..." He shrugged "NCIS Los Angeles...that's the one with the hot chick in it isn't it??" "If you mean kensi then yes" I looked at him " can put it on...if you like..." I smiled to myself as I put the first episode on...

I sat up straight "that bitch just shot her husband!!!!" I pointed to the screen, then she shot Deeks I gasped and suddenly got very teary, I snuggled back into Whip, "are you crying?" "Uh huh" I sniffed "why?" "She...she just shot deeks!" Then a scene came on, he got rescued by the 'hot one' but was in a bad way "oooh please be okayyy" I cried as I wrapped Whip's arm around me "haven't you just filmed a scene with him?" "Yeah??" " know he's going to be okay then...surely?" "Oh...yeah" I wiped my eyes "what are you like you nutter?!" He squeezed me in close "but you love me anyway" I smiled as we continued to watch the programme.

Runny noses...Dirty knees...but still hot lifeguardsWhere stories live. Discover now