Chapter 14 - flight to london

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* I looked up at the scanner, why did it always have to beep at me, a stern looking woman came towards me 'can you please step on the yellow footprints please' I followed her and stepped on the footprints that were quite far apart 'put your arms out' I stuck my arms out like she said, then an extremely good looking man came out and joined her, he was waiting for anyone else who *beeped* 'can't he do it?' I laughed motioning my head to him 'NO! He can't!' She looked at me 'oh okay I'm sorry, I was joking' I caught him looking over smiling at me so I giggled back until she looked up at me which wiped that smile off my face!

Then I heard the machine beep again as I looked to my right, Al was stood there, same position as me but she had the biggest smirk on her face 'jammy cow!' I whispered over to her, I wouldn't mind if they were only talking to us, but they were extremely touchy feely, as in she went straight for the boobs! As I stepped down, Al was also finished, 'well he was nice!' She said giggling I hit her on the arm 'security!! Abuser!!!' She pretended to shout 'oh shut up if that woman has owt to do with it I'd be arrested and sent to jail' we both laughed in unison, then we were met by Mouse who was stood with Whip and the two kids, '"can't he do it?"' Whip mimicked 'aww what you jealous?' I bit my lip 'no?!' 'Hmmm well there's no need to be, I married you didn't I?' 'Well yeah' I kissed him 'well then' kiss 'there's nothing to worry about' I kissed him again before picking up my suitcase handle.

We headed to our departure lounge, so we had a base for the bags, 'hey me and Al want to have a quick look in the duty free, be back in about 10 okay?' 'Yeah that's fine, we'll be here' I laughed, 'can we come!?!?' James jumped up 'no no let auntie Al and Uncle mouse go on their own' 'no charlie it's fine!' mouse said picking up James and holding Lori's hand, 'your sure?' They both nodded 'thank you' I smiled and we watched as they walked into the shops.

'Charlie?' 'yeah?' 'Do you love me?' I choked on my tea, 'what?!' 'It was a simple question, do you love me?' His face was serious, his eyes looking at me trying to find an answer 'of course I do' I looked at him 'why are you asking me something like that?' 'Last night, was amazing, and we don't get many of those moments, and I love the kids dearly, but It would be so easy for you to find another man' 'whoa stop right there! This is because of the security man...isn't it?' He nodded 'look I was just being jokey-' I was then interrupted by three extremely high pitched screaming girls 'WHIPPET!!!!! OH MY GOD IT'S HIM IT'S REALLY HIM!!!' These three young girls came running up to him, one threw her arms around me, after shoving me out of the way, and began taking selfies, Whip was fine he was calm, patient and let them pull him about, he was being friendly flirty being himself, 'okay girls thinks he's had enough!' 'Who are you!? His guard!!?' The middle aged one asked the other two girls gasped and awaited my reply 'I'm his wife' I said calmly looking at her folding my arms 'ah' the two girls looked at her apologised to me and dragged her away...

'Do you still love me?' I asked him as we sat back down, 'don't be ridiculous!' 'Its just a question' I said calmly 'of course I do!' 'Now, this is how I felt, after being friendly and flirty with the security man, you just then were being friendly flirty with those girls, but it meant nothing did it?' 'No, no not at all' 'this is what it was like for me...' He looked at me, for a while just studying my face, I was about to speak as he came towards me and pressed his lips against mine 'that's why you want to get rid of the kids is it?!' Al stood there arms folded with a big grin on her face 'you seem to have lost a few people' I said smiling pulling away 'no I forgot my purse, oh and I need my passport' she rummaged through the bags until she found her things 'can I trust you two to not go too far if I leave you alone?' 'Yes mum' whip stuck his tongue out 'and give him a clip' Al laughed as she disappeared again.

'So what else is on your mind?' 'What if, when we get to London, you'll want to stay there' 'don't be crazy!' I laughed, but he turned his head slightly away 'hey, ,unlike is with you now, with Lori and James, and it's in Australia, I have my business my friend, my parents moved out there, why on this earth would I want to stay in the UK?' 'Well, w I don't know' 'so stop worrying!' I leant, cupped his face and kissed him gently 'I love you, and I want to be with you forever' he smiled and then the kids returned 'look what we got!!!!' James jumped up 'oh wow! What have you got!?' I picked Lori up on my knee, Al and Mouse had bought them so much, 'what's all this!?' 'It'll keep them occupied on the plane' 'have you said thankyou' 'yes mummy!' Lori jumped down..


We all grabbed out bags and headed towards the door which lead to the plane...

'James! Sit still!' 'But muuuummmmm I'm extited!!!' 'Just sit still!!' Then the belt light flashed on 'right chick time to get your belt on' he clicked it together and I pulled it tight. Lori, Whip and Mouse were sat in front of us and me Al and James were sat behind....the plane began to move James shrieked with excitement, he suddenly went quiet as the plane began to pick up speed he grabbed hold of my hand as we got sucked back into our seat 'pop your ears Hun if they hurt' he nodded and yawned, as we got up into the air we flew over Bondi 'look mummy there's daddy's work!!' He said excitedly pointing out of the window me and Al laughed.

As soon as the belt sign came off, you heard clicks all down the plane where people had removed them, 'get me James's flight bag please' Al jumped up and took out all our bags and passed them along, James got out his DS I got out the camera and my kindle. I took a few shots off James, a few window shots and then I passed the camera to Whip. We would land in Hong Kong to catch the plane to London, after the first 5 hours both kids were fast asleep......'charlieee' 'hmmmm' 'we are here, we need to get our next plane!' I sat up wide eyed, Al did the same 'how long were we asleep?' al asked 'well I looked around and you two were reading a magazine, then next time I turned around you were both snoring' Mouse laughed 'I don't snore!!!' Al hit him, 'oh yes you do!' He then made a horrific snorting noise which made me and Al hit him.

*20 minutes later*

'Run run run!!!' I shouted the swap over time wasn't long, 'it's not going to leave without us!' Whip shouted from behind us I ignored him, Me and Al were in the lead the kids running in the middle, and Whip and Mouse were lagging behind, when we reached h whatever we showed our passports and went through, we were showed the way to the plane and we ran down there too, we got onto the plane and went to our seats to find two young girls sat in them 'excuse me, these are our seats' 'darn see your name on them' the blonde one answered back 'no but I see my number so shift' as she was about to answer again whip and Mouse came behind us 'what's the holdup?' Mouse came up 'just these two girl' 'these are our seats sorry' they looked at him mouth wide open, and as soon as Whip appeared in view they both jumped up and moved down the plane.

We threw our bags under our seats and buckled ourselves in again, this was an extremely long flight, so I needed to get comfy, the kids were already fast asleep, before we had even set off. 'You have the camera, you're better at taking photos' he nodded took the case off me and watched the cabin crew do their stuff, I couldn't help but mimic them, they made me laugh every time..

once again the plane set off the air pressure was a bit funny but nothing serious. Me and Al must have dozed off again as when we woke up the captain was speaking *ladies and gentleman, we are experiencing some technical difficulties, we are about 5 minutes away from London, we will be emergency landing please fasten seat belts and hang on* great if the captain is telling us to hold on...Me and Al linked arms as the plane began to judder, dropping down suddenly before going calm again, as the runway was in sight the oxygen masks dropped down, Al went into the safety position (head between knees), I was in hysterics until I looked out of the window, Fire engines, Ambulances and police cars were all speeding down the side of the plane, 'Al check this out!' 'NOOOO!!' She shouted thought her knees...eventually the plane came to a stop, and Al came out of her position 'is it over' she said through scrunched eyes 'yes dear all over, we are in soggy wet UK!'

We all filed off the plane and went to baggage area, we watched as everyone's cases came around, everyone's but ours, then along came a shoe...

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