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Zye and Rouge arrive to his tent as she comes inside. Zye grabbed his blanket wrapping it around herself "Well this cold season ever leave?" She asks smiling. "Not sure" He chuckles as he goes getting a luck warm bowl of soup he just made."Here" He smiles. She takes it as she takes a sip the warm liquids going down her thoart making her feel warm. "Thank you"She smiles."Of course you must be starving"He teases pinching her cheek."Quit it" She laughes giving a playful shove.

Rouge noticed her shove was alot stronger than before she had a good upper body strength"You haven't changed much" He smiles lighting up the room. She nods"No but you seem alot stronger" She said admiring his muscular figure."I've done alot of hunting but don't worry not your friends"He said and Zye nods. "Good I appreciate you thinking of me" She said as she looks around"You were all I could think about" He smiles as he leaned in to kiss her but she rose up fast making him fall forward on his bed. She runs over seeing a small spear by his hunting spear.

"Aww I remember this from when we made spears together" She smiles remembering it when she was away from the Zions.He nods standing"Yes I had that to remind me of you" He says taking the spear setting it down as he takes a hold of her hands. Zye's face turns red as she looks down smiling"It's sad because I had no way of remembering you just memories" She smiles. He kisses her forhead"Well I'm sure your beautiful mind remembered well" He smiled as he pulled her into a hug. She feels his strong arm wrap around her making her smile.

"I do wish I could have been here to see you more often" Zye replies as she snuggled in close to his chest as she heart the steady beating of his heart."I agree" He smiled down as he takes her hand leading her to the bed. She sits on the blankets made of mostly furs and lays back. Rouge lays back beside her.
Dorza finally returned home as her sons in the tent they run inside and Dorza looks down sadly as her boys run inside chasing one anouther."Boys time for bed."She says as she comes making them stop."But Mama we wanna play tag some more" Alleo whines. "Bed now" Dorza ordered a dark stare on her face. They nod running to their bed as they go under the covers. Dorza sat in between them as they lay and she tucks them in"Night boys" She smiles kissing them on the head."Night mama" They reply both kissing her cheeks at once.

Dorza stood as they fell asleep heading to the door to see her husband."Tsuyoi what are you doing back so soon?" She gasps with suprise."I injured my arm and the other hunters sent me back" He replied and she saw his bloody arm. She had him sit as she wrapped his arm. "Oh you must be more careful I need you to help me take care of the boys" She joked making Tsuyoi laugh in response.

"I missed you too" He chuckled nuzzling in her neck as she shoved him off."Enough let me wrap your arm."She said than looked down."What's wrong Dorza?" He asks looking concerned."Nothing just my cousin" She replies. He nods "Haven't heard about her in awhile" Dorza nods remembering when she first met

Dorza starts to build her tent as she feels a pair of eyes stare at her. She looks to see on of the hunters looking at her.She saw his tall figure along with his muscular body his straight black going to his shoulders."Don't you have something else to stare at!?" Dorza yelled not in the mood to deal with stockers after just leaving her tribe. Tsuyoi chuckles."How can I nothing is as beautiful as you are."He flirts giving a wink as he comes closer.

"I am not in mood hunter,just leave me alone"Dorza snapped. Tsuyoi frowns"Sorry I was just trying to cheer you up Rouge is a close friend of mine and told me about your cousin I only wished to cheer you up" He said making Dorza look up a smile breaking throw her sad frown."Well thank you" She replys."Your welcome" He replies with a smile.

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