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The boar huffed seeing the Zion over the two legger. Zion growled over Zye and roared. The young zion was no match for the grown boar and Zye was too injured to help. When Zion was distracted the boar charged but before he could get him Zye pounced and jammed the other eye with the sharp rock. "Stay away!" Zye shouts as the Boar backs up.

Zion checks Zye looks up at him. She smiles and she slowly passes out.
Leier and the other walk up to find Tyze passed out and the Zioness' growl at the two legger. Leier knows it is Zye's father and come to him. He would usually leave a two legger on its own but knew Zye wouldnt want that.

He lifts Tyze by the back of his shirt and has the zioness' go search for Zye as he drags Tyze back.He pulled him to the entrance of the camp. As Leier lays him down Tyze slowly starts to come to and sees a blurry image above him.Leier growls than runs off leaving Tyze in confusion.
Zion saw the boar was now blind unable to see and Zye was still unconscious. Zion whimpher and nudged her hoping she wake up. She didnt respond making him whimpher. The boar heard the whimpher and charged in that direction. Zion rasied his head seeing the boar but before he could move Wit ran up and roared causing the boar to stop. The other zioness' came around roaring.

The boar heard the roars and cant tell how many zions were there. Was it two,five,or a whole pride? The boar ran away to the forset not wanting to fight already blind and wounded. Two zioness' follow to be sure it wont come back.

Zion checked Zye passed out and nudges her trying to wake her. Wit came and checked to see her bloody wounds. Zion looks at his mother in fear but seeing her calm made him less worried. Zion layed next to Zye and licked her cheek making her head turn throwds Wit.

Leier came to see Zion and Wit looking at Zye unconscious. He hurried to her pushing Wit out of the way but Wit understood he was just worried. Leier whimphered to see her. He thought of her as a infant crying making him whimpher more and look at Wit. She licked his cheek and nodded to Zye's chest to show she was still breathing. Leier saw the Zioness' return and he layed and pushed his snout under Zye's back lifting her on his back as she slide to the middle. Wit helped push her on so she was on his back and her head layed in his mane. Leier rose and Zion and Wit stayed byside him so she won't fall. He lead the pride back wanting to get back so before the two leggers start to search.
Tyze sat up and rubbed his head than gasped remembering Zye. "Zye!" He called getting up. He thought of her with the boar and hurried to get help trying to remember what he saw before he passed out again.
As Zye is carried she slowly opens one eye to see Zion by her as she feels the warm mane against her cheek. She smiled as she slowly closes her eyes passing out again only thinking it was a dream.

Leier got to the den and sets her down. She was still smiling warming his heart. The pride comes around her as Patch and Whisker try to keep the cubs back but have trouble too studdened to see Zye still looking like a child. Leier stands over her making the rest back away and he looks down. He nudges but she stayed the same.He knew her kind was the only ones who could help her. He looks at Wit who helped her back on and came with him as the others stayed back.

Zion watched as Zye left and wanted her to stay. He huffed and ran up but Patch and Whisker run up and block him growling. He saw past them to see her leave breaking his heart. He wanted to make sure she was ok and wake up. He didn't want to see her go again.

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