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The next morning Zye go to her parents tent as the sun slowly rasies. She smiles and looks throw the tent as her Father sharpens his spear. She crawls in and sees her mother still asleep. She hugs her Father. "Morning Papa" Zye whispers in a giggle. They go outside and Tyze sees his daughter's height almost as tall as him. He felt proud of his beatiful daughter."Are you ready to hunt Zye?" Tyze asks. "Yes Papa" Zye smiles and follows her father as they head out.
Zion woke than heard footsteps. He hurried to the bush and saw two leggers. He saw a male and female talking. He smelled a familer scent from the female. He was excited and followed in the shadows as they are begin their hunt.
Zye followed her father as he leads her to a wild boar. He had her come down by a bush."Stay down and follow my lead."Tyze said as he goes to his hidding place. Zye stays still holding her spear.

As she waits she hears a rustle in the bushes behind her. She looks back. She sees two brown eyes looking from the bush. She rasies her spear unsure what to expect. She backs up as the creature growls getting closer. She goes in the view of the Boar without realizing it as the creature comes closer. The Boar charges and Zye looks back. Tyze hurries and trys to get the Boar but it was too fast. Zye dashed away trying to get the boar far away from her Father. Tyze hurries after but Zion jumpeed on him. Tyze hit his head on the ground too hard and was unconscious. Zion wasn't going to let the two legger get in the way. Zion hurried and followed after Zye and the boar.
Zye ran as fast as she could as the boar was speeded up on her. She had dropped her spear so she couldnt attack. As she looks back at the boar charging towards her her ankle gets caught in a log and snaps as she gave a scream of pain. She falls down a hill and falls on her side. Her ankle was broken and bloody not able to walk. She could hear the boar  coming. Zye searched for a  weapon as she only saw a large sharp rock. She grabbed it and the boar ran up. It came at her but she stabbed it with the rock. It hit right in it's right eye making the boar cryed with pain. Zye kicked it off with her good leg as it fell on it's back. Zye trys to get up but the boar gets up and charges and it's horn hits her rib. Zye screams as it go deeper. Than throws her down to the ground. She gasps in pain as the blood rushed from her wound. The boar starts to see her pain and circles her trying to find the perfect place for a final
As Leier starts to get up he looks to see that Zion is gone. He shakes his head in annoyance and walks searching outside the den. As he searches he hears a screams making him lift his ears. He reconized the screams and runs to get the zioness'

Before he got to the den he heard what sounded like a Boar. He heard the scream again knowing it was Zye. He reconized the sound of pain in her voice than called for the Zioness's in panic. They hear his call and rush outside and he hurries and leads them throwds the crys.
Zye watches as the boar circles her. She is in too much pain to run and knows the boar wouldn't let her get up. She hated that she had to go like this she wished she was home with her cousin and father. She held her wound and moaned in pain. She saw the Boar stop a few feet away from her head. It huffed and ran it's hooves throw the dirt. Zye closed her eyes as the boar charged at her.

Just as the boar was about to strike Zye a huge paw swings at him knocking him to the ground. Zye opened her eyes to see a huge creature over her. She saw it look down at her and gasped.


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