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Tyze arrived to the second tribe to see the cheif Limer and his first son Rouge who was about the same height as his father. "Hello Tyze where is your sweet daugther Zye?"Limer asked as he apporached with a smile happy to see his old friend."She is resting she was in a fight with a syena who hurt her arm but she will be alright."Limer nods and Rouge comes by his father's side. "Hello Rouge how are you?"Tyze asked giving a smile."Good sir I had hoped to see Zye today." Rouge tells with a shy smile."Yes well you can see her when you come back with me to visit her." Tyze smiled than looked towards Limer."Limer may I speak with you alone."Tyze said. Limer nods and leads him to his tent.

Once inside Tyze moves back his hair as he looked at his friend. "Limer this will sound strange but what would you do if your son was to..." Tyze couldn't finsh but Limer smiled knowing his friend's question."I think it would be good if we did come tougther and i'm sure Rouge would be happy to do so."He smiled making Tyze smile.

"Another thing what would you do if your son... Just a thought! was around Zions."Tyze asked making Limer rasie an eyebrow. "You mean hunting?"He asked. Tyze shook his head."No like friends with them."Tyze asked making Limer laugh."I would get rid of all of them so he couldn't be friends with them."He laughed as he began to leave the tent.

Tyze sighed and followed not sure what he do with Zye.
The pride slept peacefully as the sun was over their den,But Prinses woke to zion moaning in his sleep. She apporached and knew he was thinking of Zye.

She hated to see her big brother so sad. She looked out to see the bushes and started to walk to them going to give Zye a piece of her mind.
Zye rested dreaming of the syenas fighting Leier. She tried to fight but they wont budge as they ripped the flesh from him as he grew weak.

"No no no!"Zye screamed in her sleep but woke to a sqeaky roar. She looked to see Prinses growl at her."Prinses?"Zye asked as she wiped her tears. Prinses ran up pulling Zye's blankets making her smile."I can't go Prinses I have to rest."Zye said as she picked up the cub making Prinses wiggle in her grasps."Be good you silly cub" Zye smiled as she gave the cub a hug. Prinses feel out of the hug and ran behind pushed her only making Zye move and inche before Zye grabbed her again.

"Calm yourself."Zye laughed as she nuzzled her than let her go. Prinses turned and growled."Go on I have to rest"Zye smile. Prinse ran up wanting her to go but Zye easily turned her and pointed to the exit."Leave or I'll get your papa."Zye warned knowing the cub understand. Prinses huffed than left allowing Zye to lay down. But before she could go back to sleep she felt something ponce on her gut making her lung forward. She saw Prinses hide behind her. Before she could speak Dorza walked in making Zye turn and smile nervous. Dorza rasied an eyebrow and sat infront of Zye.

"Are you alright?"She asked."Fine"Zye smiled. Dorza smricked and moved her hair up as she looked behind. Zye moved to block her view."Do you have something?" She asked."No" Zye lied as Prinses looked around and looked to see the two legger.

She growled than pounced on Dorza making her gasps.

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