Damn it!!!

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Ian P.O.V

"where is Rick? " Peter asked me sipping his coffee. we both are on dinning having coffee.

"he went for  a run with Jake " this morning Rick's wolf wants to run so badly.So,he asked Jake to tag along.

"Something was off with Eric.Don't you think ?" He looked around to check if Eric is near by.

"Maybe Hangover.he was so drunk last night" I just shrugged. He agreed with a nod but i can see he's still not convinced.

"So about yesterday, In restaurant..."he trailed off. I can't help but get little tense thinking about yesterday.

"I don't want anyone know about this" I ordered.

"Not even Rick" he looked slightly worried.

"No.It's not time yet.I will tell him when it's right time" i rubbed my templates to ease the pain.

"Alright.So,who do you think the traitor would be" peter asked changing the topic.

"I have no idea.But i think it could be someone in the Higher Rank." I suggested. 

"why do you think that ? " he looked confused.

"Because if it's some one in low rank or a normal member of the pack then Lewis would know immediately. Rick told me once 'If a pack member is turned into a traitor he would immediately know  because his Alpha's wolf would immediately cut the pack link for particular werewolf.' So,If alpha wolf can be this strong,then how strong can Alpha king's  would be" I know I'm just being paranoid.

"Yeah,he's right you know" Eli said sitting beside me.

"you know eaves dropping is really a bad manners" I glared playfully at her.she just shrugged.

"Anyway, i think Ian is right. It could be some one from high rank who  could block  Alpha king's wolf" I can see panic in her eyes .she knows something more. Afterall she's a werewolf too.She was staring at her coffee cup with such an intensity i thought it would break the cup

"What is it Eli?" i asked her.she looked at me and gave a sad smile.

"Only elders can do that?" she said with a sad smile.

"Elders ?" now who the hell are these Elders.

"They're like ministers. No one can be Elders unless moon goddess choose them .Each Elder has a special power like reading minds,Teleportation etc... But their powers are limited.They can only use their powers til they have their title as elder.If Alpha king orders an Elder that they're no longer Elder then all their powers of that Elder would dissolve into Moon goddess." she explained briefly.

"Damn it ! Now we're dealing with a person who has special powers.Can this day could get any worse" peter groaned dropping his head onto the table which made a loud bang.

"Peter,I think Mike would like to know about this "He immediately took out his mobile and walked out of dining room.my headache is getting worse.Eli stood up from her chair and came to beside me and placed her arms around me.I hugged her back.

"Don't worry.Everything's going to be fine" she said rubbing my back.I nodded.

"I don't want anything to happen to her " It came out more like a whimper.  I can hear heavy steps coming towards Dining room.

"What's wrong?" asked a worried tone. i let go Eli and looked at the person who was looking at me in concern,

"Nothing.He was just worried about Sal" Eli gave him a sad smile.

Rick walked to me sat beside me taking my hands into his.He gave me a smile encouraging me to do the same.

"I promise.I will not let anything happen to your family."He promised.

I know.It's just that..." I explained about the whole elder thing  to Rick.

"You think an elder would betray our kind.They're given by moon goddess to help us to survive."he asked Eli with confusion written all over his face.

"Then who would you think has power to betray His highness without him noticing." She asked him in bored tone.

"Eli "I warned.

"Elder or not, I don't care.If Anyone mess with my friends they have to face me" She glared at wall.

"she has a point.But this has never happened before.I can't even imagine the consequences if one of the elders is traitor." He looked more worried.

"May be he was forced to do that"I suggested.Peter and Jake came in discussing about something.

" May be or May be not. No normal werewolf can force an Elder against their will. If some one was doing that then it has to Alpha king.Because he's the only one has that power because he's the king.But i don't think Lewis would do that.Everybody knows how true king he's just like the first king." Eli said.I can tell she proud of her king.

"So? " I asked peter.

"Mike said that 'Elders have been pressuring Lewis to marry a girl named Clary'.He thinks this whole thing is interlinking. And i think so too.Because Claire was a daughter of an Elder who lost his life  few years back in rogue attack." He hesitated for a second and started again "But we got nothing against Clary right now.Everyone thinks she would be amazing queen if Lewis married her.So,Elders thinks it's a good idea since Lewis hasn't met his mate yet." he finished with a deep sigh.

"What if he found a mate  before marrying Clary?" i asked Rick.

"Then he has to choose " he told me giving a sad smile.Then it hit me.

"thanks for choosing me " i thanked him.

"Anytime" he said giving a peck on lips.

"Okay. where is Eric by the way " i asked turning towards Eli who's busy with her phone sitting on the chair beside me.

"In his room.He hasn't left his room since morning.I wonder what's wrong with him." she said looking up from her phone.We all turned to look at Jake.

"What?" He asked in defensive tone.

"Did something happened?" I asked him narrowing my eyes.He just smiled sheepishly and said 'nothing'

"It better be nothing.But don't you dare to give up on him.you have my blessings" I encouraged him.

"Thank you" he looked more relieved now.

"I think we should not tell Lewis about this Elder thing" Peter suggested. He was about to say something but stopped by his phone ringtone.He picked it up.

"Yes Steve "


"I will Inform them"


He hang up and turned to me

"Tomorrow royal family is  helding a ball in order to announce Alpha king's engagement with Clary" he's shaking his head.

"What?" Jake asked he looked as shocked as we are.

"This is really getting out of hand" Eli said in worried tone. I couldn't help but agree with her,

"May be this our chance to go see those elders" I suggested.

"he's right" Jake agreed and so did others.


That's it..

Love you and  thank you so much for your wonderful comments and votes.

Love you


I think we have only left few more chapters.


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