UnInvited guest-2

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"what ?" Ian asked Peter.

"Kyra is here " peter confirmed again.

"What the hell she is doing here?" Ian asked Eric this time.

"I have no idea. It's just Kyra. Why are you guys acting as if she is a ghost " Eric looked annoyed. He's clearly dumb isn't he? I looked at Ian who is rubbing his forehead.

"Where is she?" i asked peter.

"She's at research center and she demanded Ms.Gupta the address of guest house.But Ms.Gupta called us" peter answered. This kyra is really weird.I looked at Jake who's just as confused as me.

"We had pack members who are patrolling at airport right?" i mind linked Jake.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Then how the hell they missed a werewolf that came into town." i asked him.

"May be she's hiding her scent." he suggested but we both know that impossible because our pack warriors goes through a hard training. They can easily tell if someone is masking their scent.But if they did masking mastery then even an alpha would have to try hard to recognize the scent. Only Royal Family and Elders know about this.If that's what it is then we have a traitor in Royal pack.

"Damn..." i cursed out.

"What is it Rick?" Ian asked me.

"Nothing, Iam really tired " I lied but he narrowed his eyes. He can tell i lied.But he played along.

"Alright,Peter go with Eric and get her a room in a hotel.And Eric you can stay with her if you want."I ordered him.Eric opened his mouth to argue but he didn't say another word when he looked at me.Peter and Eric left.

"Tell Ben to arrange high security around Hotel.I don't care about Kyra but I don't want anything happen to Eric.I don't trust her" I ordered Eli and she immediately walked out with Phone in her hand.

"Do you think she would hurt Eric?" Jake asked Ian in panic tone.

"No,I don't think so.Whatever she's upto i think she's using Eric" I answered for Ian.

"But... don't you guys think this is all messed up. Don't you find it weird that if she's in disguise,then why she didn't changed her real name? She was born in this town, She knows very well that someone would recognize her. Iam sure by now she has learnt that Rick and I are dating.If she doesn't want to be found, she would have gone through a surgery.right? It's like... she want us to find her.If so, Why?" Ian asked us.He does have a point or points.

"I don't think she's trying to be in disguise.I think she's challenging us" Eli came into room with angry look on his face.

"And why do you think that?" I asked her.

"I think she wants to turn Eric against us. I think she wants to use him as some sort of lethal weapon against us" I think Eli watches too many drama series.

"Eric wouldn't do that.right?"Jake asked Ian.

"Trust me... He won't... He loves only one person most in the world that is Sal and he would give his life to keep her safe"Ian answered.

"If i don't know that Sal is your cousin then i would be so jealous of her" Jake mumbled but i know Eli and Iam heard him because they looked at each other and snorted.

"Oh please... If you ever met her,you will probably love her too. Because... She's just like that... caring,Independent,kindhearted and Ruthless Business Woman.Everyone trusts her and the decisions she made. She's really cool.She do have flaws though.She's really stubborn and very short tempered but she's so cute when she gets mad " Eli ranted about her bestfriend.

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